twenty eight.

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I sat my book bag down in the living room. Jane would be over any moment.

Knock knock!

I opened the door to see Jane. "Hey Jane! Come in." She smiled. She set her book bag down by the door. "Thanks for inviting me over. I rarely get to hang out with anyone," she laughed. "It's no problem, really. You seem fun to hang out with." "Thanks. You do too." "You wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "Yeah sure."

As we watched the movie, Jane started to talk to me. "Y/n, can I tell you something?" I paused the movie. "Yeah of course." "I don't want you to worry about me and Daniel. Just know when you're not around, he talks about you like crazy." I giggled. "What does he say?" "Well, he talks about you like you're not just any girl. He talks about the way you're skin glistens in the sun, the way you're laugh brings him joy, and how you're the most beautiful girl he's ever laid on eyes on." I felt my heart melt. "He really loves you, y/n. He'd do anything for you. You're very lucky to have him in your life. You two are meant to be, really." "I'm speechless," I said. I felt a year slip out from my eye. "I'm convinced you're soulmates. Don't ever let him go, okay?" I nodded and hugged Jane. I was convinced he was my soulmate too. I never thought I could ever love someone so much, but Daniel changed that.

"So, are you excited for our first cheer practice tomorrow?" Jane asked. "Yeah. Me and Ali still have drama, but she can get over it." "It should be fine. She's just jealous she'll never be able to find someone who loves her as much as Daniel loves you." I bit my lip trying to contain my smile. "I wonder what our routine will be. Let's hope it's nothing too complicated." "Yeah. Knowing Ali she'll probably want something complicated." We both laughed. Jane looked down at her watch. "Ive got to go, but i'll see you at school tomorrow." "Yeah. See you," I said letting her out the door. "Wait, before I go here's my number in case you ever want to talk." She handed me a slip of paper. "I'll definitely call you, thanks."

Jane made me feel better about me and Daniel's relationship. I've always had trusting people, not just Daniel. I've never had a guy love or talk about me as much as Daniel did. 'He really wants to marry me?' I thought. Having a future with Daniel would be amazing. I could picture it. We would have two kids and live in a nice, big house. We would have a dog and a pool in the backyard for the kids. We would have barbecues every weekend and go to the beach on hot summer days. Wow. Knowing Daniel, he would do everything possible to make this happen. Something I like about him is that he isn't like every other guy. He actually is looking for a girl who will love him for him. He thinks every girl is beautiful, no matter their differences. That's why I love Daniel Larusso. I'll never stop loving him, even if he were to stop loving me.

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