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It was about 6:30 and I knew Freddy was going to be here soon. I sat on the sofa waiting for Freddy to knock. Before I know it, Freddy knocks on the door. I opened up the door to reveal Freddy standing up against the door way. "You ready?" he asked "Yeah, let's go get Daniel." We walked down the hallway towards Daniels apartment. I made Freddy knock since I hated it. Daniel answered with a wide grin on his face. "Bye ma! i'll see you later!" Daniel shouted to his mother. We all talked and learned a bit about each other before reaching the party.
Once we reached the beach I had immediately noticed that Ali Mills had caught Daniel's eye. Ali wasn't bad it's just that I knew something was going to happen between Daniel and Johnny Lawrence, her ex boyfriend. I sat my towel down beside Ali, hoping she wouldn't mind. I removed my top revealing my bathing suit. The water had felt amazing against my skin, I felt like I hadn't been here in ages. I had about ten peaceful minutes to myself before Daniel and Ali ran over. "Hey y/n!" Ali giggled "I was hoping you'd be here. I've been wanting to catch up." I gave Ali a smile. "Ali was just telling me about how you guys are best friends" Daniel said. "Uh yeah. I guess I forgot to mention it" I laughed awkwardly. Me and Ali were never really close but it felt nice to know that she thought of me as a best friend. We hung out a few times during the summer and talked to each other at school but we hav new we been as close as she makes it out to be.

Daniel and Ali started to splash each other and make smart remarks. I could see in their eyes that they truly liked each other. I was happy for them but at the same time I felt something towards him too, I just wasn't sure what it was.

It was starting to get late and I just wanted to be alone. "Hey guys, I think i'm gonna start heading home. It's getting late." "That sucks." I heard a voice behind me. It was Johnny. "The party is just getting started." Johnny began to walk towards Daniel and Ali. "Ali, can we talk?" Johnny pleaded. "No. I'm busy hanging out with Daniel." Johnny picked up Ali's radio and smashed it onto the ground. "Hey man! What's your problem?" Daniel shouted. "You" Johnny smirked to himself. I knew this wasn't going to end well. The best thing I know is that there trying to fight each other. Daniel was tripped into the ground and kicked into the stomach. I ran over towards him. "Leave him y/n" Johnny said blocking me from Daniel. "Move it Lawrence! He's hurt!" I shouted at him pushing my way through. I put my hand on Daniel's back trying to help in anyway I could. Go away" I could hear the pain in his voice. "No Daniel I-"  I was cut off by Daniel. "I said go away y/n!" I left Daniel alone and started walking home, but I knew that he needed me.

Always. | Daniel Larusso X readerWhere stories live. Discover now