forty three.

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I sat on the bleachers on the football field as I watched Jane laugh and talk with her friends. I was furious with her. She had almost cost me and Daniel's relationship, I trusted her. She was one of my best friends and I had no idea what a snobby, jealous brat she was. She shouldn't even have any friends after what she did. I had so much I wanted to say to her. I was waiting for the right time and moment when she would be alone. 

"Hey Jane!" I said. "Hey y/n, how are you?" she asked. "I was doing great, until I found out that you tried to ruin me and Daniel's relationship with your sneaky plan. Did you become jealous that he gives more attention to me more than you? Or did you just feel like ruining my relationship because you got bored?" Her jaw dropped. "How'd you find out?" she asked. "Answer my question first. Were you bored, or did you get jealous?" She nervously looked around. "I don't know. I really liked him so I-" "So you thought ruining my relationship was the answer?" I interrupted.  "You were wrong. You're a real bitch Jane, you know that?"  Before I knew it, my fist was in her face. She punched my eyes, leaving a black eye. She was on the ground while I was on top of her, repeatedly punching her face. I was pulled off of her by Daniel, she was helped up by Zach. "Jesus Y/n, what in the hell happened?" Daniel asked, examining my eye. "I confronted Jane and I guess I got too angry, so I punched her" I said shrugging my shoulders. I was suddenly greeted by the principle. "Y/n, follow me please." Daniel flashed me a thumbs up.

I was taken into the main office, where the principle's office was. There, I saw Jane sitting in a chair with an icepack on her face. I snickered. "Take a seat" he said. I sat down on the uncomfortable chair, adjusting my posture. "Tell me y/n, why'd you start a fight with Jane?" he asked. I focused my attention on the name stand on his desk that read 'Mr Harris, Principal.' "Well Mr Harris, she happened to kiss my boyfriend. She was my best friend who also happens to be a big bitch, if you ask me." He cleared his throat. "We don't use language like that in school, y/n." I rolled my eyes. "Do you have to say my name after every sentence? It's kind of annoying to be honest." He folded his hands. "It's your name, am I correct?" he asked. "Yes it is, Mr Harris. My mother proudly gave me that name" I cocked my head sideways. "Now, if you'll excuse me I don't have time for this bullshit. I have classes to get to and an education to get. Bye Mr Harris." I grabbed my bookbag and walked out of the door. No one tried to stop me, which I was thankful for. I usually wasn't so angry, but Jane had really pissed me off. She betrayed me, kissed my boyfriend, and proceeded to break us up. She deserved to get punched. 

"How'd it go?" Daniel asked swinging his arm around me. "I sort of just got up and left" I laughed. "Jane deserved that. Next time maybe she'll think twice before acting a fool of herself" I said. He laughed. "You're still coming over for Thanksgiving, right?" I smiled. "Yeah, of course." He kissed me. "I'll swing by later tonight, alright?" he said removing his arm. "Alright." I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey y/n!" Ali said hugging me. "Hey Ali" I said. " heard about the fight that happened. You beat the absolute shit out of her" she chuckled. "Yeah, she deserved it. I can't believe she did what she did. I trusted her, a lot. I mean, she was one of my best friends and I actually felt bad for her. Her and Johnny used to date, but they broke up because of another girl. I used to feel horrible because she was always upset about it, but I guess she used me to get closer to Daniel." "Yeah, what she did was horrible. I'm glad you two found your way back to each other" she said. "Me too."

Cheer practice had been cancelled due to the weather. I was exhausted, so I was happy it was cancelled. This also meant that I got to spend more time with Daniel. I sluggishly walked over to my bed. I kicked off my shoes and propped my feet up. Once my head hit the pillow, I was out. 

I woke up to Daniel moving my hair out of my face. It had been almost three hours since my nap. "Hey Slugger, you're finally awake." I yawned. "Yeah, I was exhausted. School has been overwhelming lately. I feel so pressured to be perfect." He kissed my forehead. "I know, that's how I feel too. I get so overwhelmed sometimes, I feel like It'll never stop. You've helped me so much and I'll forever be grateful for you, but if you need help ask me." I nodded. "I'll go make you dinner. Stay here and relax, you deserve it" he said. "I love you so much. Thank you, Daniel." He smiled. "I love you too, always."

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