thirty eight.

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After a few days of visiting, we had arrived back in California. Luckily, we traveled to New Jersey while we were on winter break so I wouldn't be missing school or cheerleading practice. "Y/n," Daniel whispered in my ear "we're here." I slowly opened by eyes to reveal Reseda. I'd never thought I'd miss it, but I did. I opened the trunk, grabbing my suitcase out. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I felt the need to throw up, so I grabbed my suitcase and ran upstairs to my apartment. I sat on the floor of my bathroom. I immediately threw up.  I felt like my head was the size of a bowling ball and my head was spinning. I rested my head on the toilet seat. "Y/n?" Daniel said "You ran off and I noticed you left your door open are you-" Daniel saw me laying against the toilet. "Jesus y/n! What happened?" He grabbed a rag out from underneath the counter and started to wet it. "I feel sick. My stomach hurts and my head feels like its spinning." Daniel carefully placed the rag on my forehead. "That feels nice." Daniel moved the few pieces of hair from our of my face. "What would feel even better is a bath. I'll get the water started. While you take your bath, I'll get ma to make some of her homemade chicken noodle soup. How does that sound?" I nodded. As Daniel started the water, I undressed. Daniel respectfully didn't look, and made sure to give me privacy. I stepped in the warm bath, propping my feet up on the faucet. 

"Y/n, can I come in?" Daniel asked. I had just got done getting dressed. "Yeah." He walked in holding a bowl of soup. "This is ma's secret chicken noodle soup. She won't tell anyone what she puts in it and she rarely makes it." I smiled. "I must be pretty special then." He chuckled. "Oh trust me y/n, you are." He leaned in to kiss me. I placed my finger over his mouth. "Are you sure you want to kiss me? I'm not sure if this is contagious." He moved my finger away from his mouth. "I'd rather kiss you and be sick than not kiss you." 

I laid on Daniel's chest as he stroked my cheek. I got a sharp pain in my stomach causing me to jolt up. I ran to the bathroom, throwing up again. Daniel soon came in after me. He held my hair back and rubbed my back as comfort. "I'm so sorry, Daniel" I said. I felt so guilty for some reason. I felt like it was my fault I got sick and I felt like I was somehow ruining Daniel's day. "For what? You have nothing to be sorry for. It isn't your fault you got sick." I moved my hair over to my side. "I feel like I ruined your day. You could be in your bed relaxing or watching a movie and yet here you are taking care of me. I don't deserve you, Daniel." He bit his lip, trying to hold in his laugh. "It doesn't matter where I am in the world, but as long as I'm with you. You'll never ruin my day, okay slugger?" "Okay." 

Ding Dong

I looked up at Daniel. "Can you go see who it is?" I asked. "Yeah, of course." I heard a voice in the living room. I stood up and walked to the front door. I looked to see Zach standing in front of me. "Zach!" We embraced each other in a hug. "Oh my god, y/n. I missed you." I rested my head on his shoulder. "I know and I'm so sorry. I've been so busy with school and cheerleading. I've missed you so much." "I came to hang out with you, but Daniel was just telling me that you're sick." I sighed. "Yeah, I am. Let's hang out once I get better, okay? I'll see you at school." He waved to me goodbye. Daniel led me to the room. "Lay down and rest. You'll feel a lot better." I slipped under the covers, adjusting my body. "I'm going to go back home to let you rest. I'll check in on you later. Sleep tight, slugger." he said. I closed my eyes. "I love you," I said. he kissed my forehead. "I love you more." 

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