twenty two.

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As the days went on, everything slowly went back to normal. No more fan girls but Jane still managed to come around. "Hey Jane!" I heard Daniel shout to her as I walked alone down the hall. He didn't even notice me, his own girlfriend but he somehow noticed her. I blew it off just thinking maybe he didn't see me. 'They're just friends' I reminded myself 'nothing more'. "You down to hang out at Golf N' Stuff tonight?" I overheard there conversation. "Yeah!" Jane said. "Great! I'll pick you up at eight." Me and Daniel didn't go on dates as often anymore. We stopped hanging out as often too. Jane had gotten in the way of our relationship but I figured things would go back to normal soon, right?

The night that they planned to go to Golf N' Stuff, Zach had also invited me. I thought it would be nice to get out and see Zach since I haven't seen him since me and Daniel got back together which was about three months ago. "Hi Zach! I missed you!" I said giving him a hug. "Y/n! I missed you too!" As we drove, we caught up and told each other about our lives. Once we arrived, Zach offered to pay. "No Zach, really. It's fine, I can pay." "No y/n, I insist." I grinned. "Okay fine. Only this time though." As we went and played arcade games, I noticed Jane and Daniel. He seemed to be having a blast without me. Zach must've caught on. "It's happening again, huh?" he asked. "What?" "Daniel and another girl. What's her name this time?" "Jane. Snobby ole' Jane." Zach laughed. "Look y/n, I don't want you getting hurt again. You should talk to him, tell him how you feel about her." I sighed. "Yeah, but we've been sort of avoiding other lately. We haven't hung out and we haven't been on any dates in like a month ever since the tournament." Zach rolled his eyes. "You should go talk to him now. Maybe it'll teach Jane a lesson to stay away from him." I nodded and made my way to them. I looked up to see Jane and Daniel kissing. I gasped. Hot tears ran down my face. I was reliving the same moment Daniel and Ali had. I knew Daniel wasn't a cheater, he was a good person. He always fell for a new girl though. "Y/n I-" I interrupted Daniel before he could say anything. "You promised! You promised that I wouldn't get hurt again, Daniel!" I hit and punched his chest. Suddenly I woke up in tears. "Hey, what's wrong?" Daniel said shushing me holding me to his chest. "I had a bad dream about Jane and you. Y-you kissed her." He held me closer and kissed my lips. "You know I wouldn't do that to you. Never in a thousand years. Kissing Ali was a mistake and I'm going to make sure the same mistake doesn't happen again." I felt relieved hearing him say that. "Go back to sleep. I'm right here, it'll be okay." I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the warmth of Daniel's chest. That always soothed me. I was so glad it was just a dream. I couldn't lose him again. I counts for through what he put me through with Ali, not for a second time.

Always. | Daniel Larusso X readerWhere stories live. Discover now