thirty two.

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A/n- mentions of abuse/ harassment? I don't know what to call it but just in case!! Thank you for the views! I have snapchat, lay.smith12 if you ever want to recommend anything or talk to me <33

Daniel played with my hair as I drew random shapes on his chest. I felt my body slowly relax at the touch of his fingertips. "Go to sleep, alright? I know how exhausted you must be. I'll be right here when you wake up," Daniel said gliding his fingers along my bare back. It sent shivers down my spine. "Mhm," I said drifting off. 

It  was the next morning. I could hear Daniel's soft snoring. I carefully sat up pecking  Daniel on the lips. "No, no, no. Where are you going?" Daniel said reaching his arms toward me trying to pull me back in. He had manage to grab my waist. "Just a few more minutes, please" he begged. "Fine." He wrapped his arms around my body. He kissed my temple, making me relax even more. "If you keep me in bed any longer, I may go back to sleep" I said. He chuckled. "That's fine with me." I rolled my eyes. 

I had finally managed to get Daniel out of bed. "I  was thinking that we can spend the day together. I have it all planned out," he started "first we go get lunch, next we go to the mall, then we watch the sunset on the beach, finally, we come back here and do whatever." He was adorable. "Yes, that sounds great! I have to get ready so I'll meet you outside in the front in 15," I said kissing his lips. Daniel quickly shut the door behind him and I ran to my room trying to figure out what to wear. Once I found my outfit, I ran downstairs. I saw Daniel pressed up against the side of the truck. "Hello gorgeous," he chuckled. "Hi," I said giggling. He opened the door for me. "Such a gentlemen," I said placing my hand over my heart. 

Daniel started the car and turned towards me. "Alright slugger, you pick. Should we eat at the Orient Express restaurant or All-American Burger?" he asked. "Is your mom working today?" I asked. "I think so. Why? You wanna see her?" "Yes, I miss her. Let's go to  Orient Express." He nodded and turned the radio up. I laughed as he bobbed his head back and forth to the music. His fingers were interlaced with mine. They were warm and soft. Occasionally, he would rub my hand which filled my stomach up with butterflies. 

Soon, we arrived at Orient Express. We walked in and I spotted Lucille right away. "Oh y/n" she said embracing me in a tight hug. "I've missed you so much, sweetheart!" I smiled. "I've missed you too." She hugged Daniel and led us to our table. "So what are you two lovebirds doing out?" she asked. "Well," I began "Daniel told me he had our whole day planned and he asked me where I wanted to eat first. I obviously chose here because I had to see you." She gave me another hug. "Ma," Daniel said. "Oh hush, Daniel. I missed her." He playfully rolled his eyes. 

We ordered our food and Lucille sat down. We were able to catch up. "I heard you joined the cheerleading team, y/n. How do you like that? Daniel told me about your first game." "It's new," I nervously laughed "but I like it. The first game went well, surprisingly. I'm glad Daniel was there for support because my nerves were all over the place." Daniel smiled at me. He placed his hand on my thigh for comfort which caused me to jump. 

As we walked to the front entrance of the mall, I noticed Daniel was tensing up. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing," he said. I ignored how tensed up he was and just kept walking. I didn't want to annoy him by asking. Once we entered the mall, Daniel started to run towards a store. It happened to be a candy store. "This store looks fun doesn't it?" he asked practically skipping. I laughed. I started to look around the store. Daniel left me to go look at some new candy that just came out. Suddenly, I felt a hand touch my butt. I knew it wasn't Daniel because he would never do something like that. I turned around to see three boys standing in front of me. It was Johnny, Tommy, and Bobby. "Move," I said trying to push my way through the boys. "You know y/n, you have a nice ass. Daniel's a lucky guy," Johnny said smirking. "You asshole. Leave me alone." I tried pushing through them one last time before I was pinned against the wall. Johnny grabbed my butt. "Stop Johnny!" I begged. I felt tears being poured out. "Aw, don't cry princess" he said wiping my tears. I jerked my hand away from his face. I was hysterical and crying uncontrollably. Then, Johnny was kicked down. I saw Daniel out of the corner of my eye. All I could hear were groans. I was then picked up by Daniel. He hugged me tight. I buried my face into his arms, still crying. "I'm so sorry y/n. I shouldn't have left you alone. Are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah," I said wiping my tears. "I saw them following us at the entrance, but I though they'd leave us alone. Let's just go. We can go to the beach," he said placing his arm around me. I nodded leaning my head against his arm. 

Daniel parked his car and we walked hand in hand to the beach. He sat down on the sand and motioned for me to sit down beside him. The sun was just setting. I leaned my head against his shoulder. The sun slowly began to set. The sky turned an orangish pink. It was beautiful. "Daniel?" I asked. "Yeah?" "Do you remember when you first told me that you loved me here?" "Like it was yesterday," he responded. "I still remember our first kiss too. I got extremely lucky. When I first saw you, it was a connection. You were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and I really liked you. I just wasn't sure if you liked me back. When I laid eyes on you, I felt my stomach fill up with butterflies. You really took my breath away, y/n. Not just with you rlooks, but with your personality too.  I just knew you were special. I knew you were the one."

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