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About two weeks into ignoring Daniel, I finally gave up. I planned to talk to him tonight. To pass time I decided to go to Golf N' Stuff. It was nice being alone. Being alone had always comforted me, I don't know why. Time has passed pretty quickly and it was about 8:30 when I had finally decided to leave. As I was leaving I noticed a familiar red jacket. It was Daniel's. As I walked closer I watched as he and Ali's lips pressed. I just stood in shock. I felt my heart rip out of my chest. Daniel noticed me staring. "Y/n-" I felt tears streaming down my face. I walked away and soon Daniel had caught up. He grabbed me by my wrist. "Y/n talk to me-" Before he could finish his sentence words slipped out of my mouth. "Talk to you about what Daniel? The fact that i've liked you ever since you moved here and how you fell for Ali instead? Did you ever think once to consider how I felt?" Anger was building out inside of me. I had been holding this in for so long. "Ever since I laid eyes on you I liked you. I guess you don't know me as well as you think you do." "Y/n you ignored me for two weeks! You stopped talking to me and I didn't know what else to do!" I sat in silence. I regretted ever ignoring Daniel. "I ignored you because of what Ali told me in the bathroom during lunch. She told me that you never liked me. You only liked her. Look Daniel, i'm sorry for ignoring you. I regret every bit of it but I was hurt." "Yeah y/n I was too!" We both went our separate ways. The argument left me in tears. I had never felt like that and I had never heard Daniel raise his voice at me like that.

As I walked to Reseda, I knew I couldn't just go straight home so I stopped at Mr Miyagi's office. "Y/n! What's wrong? You okay?" he sounded so concerned. "No. No, i'm not." Mr Miyagi pulled me in a tight hug and I broke down in tears. He sat me down and we talked it out. "Y/n, you know that he cares about you but he'll always choose Ali." His words hurt me, but I needed to hear the truth. "You'll find someone, but for right now Daniel isn't the one." "Is this what a breakup feels like?" I said while tearing up "because if it is this hurts and i've never been broken up with." Mr Miyagi laughed and brought me some tea. I was so happy I met him. For the rest of the day I hung out at Mr Miyagi's. He has been the only friend to check up on me. I stayed with him all day not wanting to think about school tomorrow or Daniel. Thinking about him only made things worse so eventually I didn't think about anything at all. I only thought about what was happening in the moment.

Always. | Daniel Larusso X readerWhere stories live. Discover now