Chapter 10. the Phantom troupe

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(y/n pov)
I couldn't believe it, i'd put all my nen in that punch and it didn't affect him. I knew he was stronger than me but this much? I ran to Jason and started crying, 'i'm so sorry Jason i really tried, i put all my aura in that punch and he didn't even move' 'It's okay y/n i know you tried, at least they'll keep you alive'. 'No Jason i don't want to live without you, you're the only one i have left'. 'Y/n don't be selfish we've got so far, you can't expect me to be with you forever'. 'You need to keep living for me y/n promise me that'. 'Jason i-' there it was again, i felt someone's presence, but Paku and Feitan were still talking outside. It was still a guess but you said 'You can show yourself now'

'I told you she has sharp senses' Feitan said, a tall black haired man jumped down. It was Chrollo Lucilfer the leader of the Phantom troupe. Was he there the whole time? Feitan continued 'I think you should consider it', confused i asked what was going on. 'Oh yeah i should probably introduce myself, i'm Chro-' Yeah i already know who you are, but what's going on?
'How do you know who i am, our identities were never made public?' I know a lot of things i said. 'Like what?' he asked 'I know all of your names and i know the rest of the troupe is watching us right now' although i wasn't completely sure if the rest of the troupe was here too, i still felt a presence. 'Impressive' Chrollo said 'you heard the lady the rest of you can come down now'. 'Now care to explain what's going on? i asked.

(Feitan's pov)
I started explaining what was going on. You see when the four of you arrived Phinks and i immediately sensed a strong aura, yours. We contacted Chrollo that you were one of the spy's and he said to test you to see if you were suited for the troupe. That's why i made you a deal. Chrollo continued 'but you failed, so Feitan was wrong about you'. 'Actually she did injure me'.

(y/n pov)
I almost choked on the air, i did injure him?? Feitan started pulling up his sleeves and his arms were completely bruised. 'That's not serious damage' Phinks said. 'Remember the first time you hit me Phinks?, you didn't leave any bruises' This was a pretty serious point because Phink's ability was called 'Ripper cyclotron' This ability allowed him to charge his punches with his nen, everytime he swung his arm the punch would get more and more powerful. Chrollo was impressed 'good job y/n, if you would like you may join us'. Hold up, a minute ago Chrollo said i was a failure and now he asked me if i wanted to join the Phantom troupe. It seemed like Feitan saw my astonishment cuz he grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. 'If u join you'll find your answers' he said, your answers what was he talking about??

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