Chapter 9. fight II

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(Feitan's pov)
There she was, i gave her some time to say goodbye to her friend Jason. I had nothing to worry about, as long as she wouldn't figure out my ability 'rising sun' before i would use it nothing could go wrong. little did he know y/n already knew his nen

(y/n pov)
When i stepped outside Feitan and Paku were already waiting for me. This was gonna be hard because i didn't have a strategy, i would just attack and hope he would leave some space for me to hit him with my nen. Killua and i were both transmuters, he could change his aura into electricity and i could change mine into metal. If i was able to hit him with a metal ball it had to do some damage. The tricky part is that Feitan is a transmuter too, that meant that he probably already knew i was a transmuter. If i wanted to hit him i had to succeed the first attempt, otherwise he knew my ability and protect himself from it. As i said this was gonna be hard, but not impossible, after all i already knew his nen ability so i didn't have to worry about that. Paku said she would keep track of time, 'with that settled we can start' Feitan said.

(Feitan pov)
I wasn't planning on attacking her because we both knew i would win in no time. I would just hold back and defend myself to see what her plan was. I still hadn't figured out why her aura was so special so i couldn't risk hurting or killing her.

(y/n pov)
I started running towards him and aimed a punch with a little aura for his neck, i knew that if it would land he would have to regain his balance while doing that i would try to hit him with my nen. He blocked it with his arms, the aura didn't seem to affect him so i would have to think of something else. I didn't have any time to think so i started kicking him, i couldn't do nothing i had to protect Jason. Jason that's it. Jason had taught me a trick to mislead your opponent. Pretend to put a lot of aura in your hand while it's actually the bare minimum, pretend you're gonna throw an auraball while secretly putting the rest of your aura in your other hand. Throw the auraball, your opponent will think you have to wait a little for your aura to come back and let their guard down. Then attack with the aura in your other hand. I threw the auraball and it seemed to work, he wasn't paying attention to my other hand. Even if he blocked my punch again his arms would take damage cuz of all the aura. I ran towards him and punched, he blocked it again but i was sure he had taken some kind of damage. But he didn't even move an inch. What how was this possible, was i this weak? I knew he was strong but this should've atleast pushed him back. 'Time's up, i must admit i underestimated you' but if i were you i would say goodbye to your friend...' Paku said.

:) A vote/comment would mean the world to me, but don't feel obligated!

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