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*Olivas POV*

I woke up with a bad headache and Jaden beside me. 
"Jayyyyy" I whined and he stretched at he opened his eyes. 
"Need something" he asked. 
"Ibuprofen" I said and he nodded and got up but I put my arms up. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my head on his shoulder.
"What time is it" I asked. He gave me his phone and I opened it to tiktok. 
"Didn't you want the time" he asked and laughed as he walked downstairs. 
"It's 7am" I said and continued watching tiktok. I was watching those put your head on my shoooooooooooouuuulderrrrr tiktoks and I could tell Jaden didn't really like that I was watching them. 
"Your up early" Josh said and I looked up to see the boys. 
"We went to bed at 5pm and I know you didn't sleep until at least like another five hours after us" Jaden said. 
"True" Blake said. 
"So Liv how did it feel to be drunk yesterday" Bryce asked and I ignored him. 
"Liv I know you here me talking" he said but I continued watching tiktok until Jaden took his phone out of my hands. 
"Heyyy" I whined and he handed me an ibuprofen. I got water and swallowed the ibuprofen. 
"Ok now that you can't do anything how did it feel being drunk yesterday" Bryce asked. 
"I don't know good I guess" I said. 

"How did you get the white claws" Bryce asked. 
"I don't know I went back to my room and started thinking about stressful shit and next thing I know I am just waking up next to Jaden with a bad headache" I said even though I knew how I got them. 
"Do have some in your room because there were none missing from the box" Josh asked. 
"No" I said. 
"Ok just don't drink anymore Liv" Bryce said. 
"Fine" I said. 

*Jadens POV*

Liv and I had just went upstairs and laid down. 
"Wanna go do something" Liv asked. 
"Like what" I asked. 
"Isn't there another content house called Hype house or something" she said. 
"Wanna meet them" I asked. 
"Ya let's go" she said and quickly ran to her room to change. I changed into gray sweatpants and a black hoodie and went downstairs to wait for Liv. 
"Going somewhere" Kio asked. 
"Liv wants to meet the Hype House" I said. 
"Does she know about out drama with them" he said. 
"She isn't a sway boy though and she is more likable then us sometimes" I said. 
"True" he said. Liv ran down and jumped onto the couch. 
"Ok im ready" she said. We got up and walked towards the door. 
"Bye Kio" she said and kio waved. (At Hype). I had just parked and Liv ran out the door. And she was ringing the doorbell. I walked over and the door opened to reveal Kouvr. 
"Hey Jaden and..." she said waiting for Liv to introduce herself.

"Im Olivia but everyone calls me Liv" she said. 
"Im Kouvr" she said and they hugged. 
"Come in I guess" she said and we both walked in.  
"Jaden go do whatever because I am taking Liv to my room with Mia" she said and grabbed Livs arm and Liv followed Kouvr. I walked upstairs to the kitchen and saw Chase, Ryland, and Nick. 
"Hey Jaden" Chase said confused. 
"Hey" I said and sat with them.
"What you doing here without the rest of the boys" Ryland asked.
"Im here with Liv" I said and they looked at me confused. 
"Olivia Hall...Bryces sister" I said. 
"Oh I remember seeing her on tiktok" Nick said. 
"She's hot" Nick said and they all agreed. 
"Maybe we can hook up with her or something" Chase said. 
"Dude" I said. They all looked at me confused again. 
"She's my girlfriend" I said. 
"Im so sorry if I knew I wouldn't have said that" Chase said. 

"Is she better then Mads" Ryland asked. 
"What do you mean better then Mads" I asked. 
"Like just a better girlfriend" Ryland said. 
"She's nice, and funny, and hot and-" I said but got cut off by Liv walking in with Kouvr and Mia. 
"Please don't call me hot" she said. Tony walked in while Liv looked for something in the fridge.
"Jay" she said. 
"Yea" I asked.
"Can you make me grilled cheese sandwich" she asked. 
"Sure" I said and grabbed bread and cheese from her and the girls went to a room. 
"You even cook for her" Chase asked. 
"Ya" I said. 
"I didn't even know you knew how to cook" Chase said. 
"Well now you do" I said. 

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