Chapter 17: More Than a Gang

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Seokjin was so done. "JUNGKOOK!"

"YES?" he yelled from downstairs.


Jungkook came running up the stairs with every step; my anticipation rose. "What do you need he-" he gasped. "What the hell happened to him?"

"Don't ask, and just help me take him to his room."

Jungkook threw his head back in defeat. "Fine, you get his legs, and I will get his arms."

"Y/N, don't forget what I said."

"Aye aye, captain."

He stared at me. "Yoongi, make sure the Queen doesn't overdo it."

"Was already planning on it."

"Seokjin, he is slipping."

He shook his head. "Useless."


I laughed as they hauled Hoseok to his room.

"I really like your laugh." Yoongi was looking at me adoringly. He really knows how to get me flustered.

"Yoongi, can I ask you something?"

He looked at me skeptically. "You're always asking something, Y/N, but go ahead."

"How did you and the others meet?"

He thought for a moment before responding. "Well, besides Hoseok, who was also born in the Mafia world, he was my childhood best friend. We have been with each other since our adolescence years. All of us had faced some hardship that made our bond unbreakable."

"Jung Hoseok, codename Casper. He is a collector of firearms; it was a no-brainer to make him our Weaponry Captain. He oversees the development of our weapons and often is the one negotiating deals alongside Namjoon and Jimin. Hoseok was born into the third strongest Mafia family known as the Jung Clan. Despite his family being one of the strongest Mafias, they were loved and respected by both the Mafia and civilians. Everything was perfect until they were betrayed one day, about fourteen years ago. He fought a battle no child should have been in and won. Well, so he thought. No Father. No mother. No sister. His family was torn away from him. Until this day, we don't know whether they are dead or alive."

"My father, Min Bon-Hwa, was still the Mafia King. After hearing about the Moon Clan being under attack, he came to help, but it was too late. The damage had already been done, so my father took Hoseok in as one of his own. He promised that he would do everything to find out who was behind the attack, and he did. We later found out that the Wu Clan was behind the attack, but when my father and a few other clans went to confront them, they were already gone. Once again, we were at a dead end.

We spent years trying to find leads. But Cassin always says, "I know they are alive. I can feel it." His family mantra is why hope is still alive in his heart even after all these years. "Bonded by blood, Connected by love. If one of us is breathing, our family lives on."

I was dazed about what she had just heard. "I've heard that before, but where?" I gripped my head in pain.

"Are you alright," he asked, concerned.

"Yeah, you can continue."

He stared at me, not entirely convinced. "Okay, then we have the Kim Brothers, who come from a line of Mafia as well. The oldest of the three is Kim Seokjin, codename Blade. He serves the purpose of our personal Medical Doctor. Unlike his brothers, he joined after completing his medical practice. Even though doctors are here to mend and heal, don't be fooled by his calming demeanor. He is sharp with a knife and can cut down his enemies before they have time to react."

"Next is Kim Namjoon, codename Chess, the Consigliere. He is third in command and plays a key role in this family. Namjoon is our chief advisor, my right hand, and my trusted confidant. He is unbiased, frank, and honest. Enemies fear him, and his intellect and knowledge are unmatched."

He hasn't met Hongjoong, I thought to myself.

"The baby of the three is Kim Taehyung. Codename Tech, our Hacker. He trains and oversees the hacking unit. He is the best when it comes to finding information; there are no limits to him. If you're his target, nothing about you is a secret. That's what makes him so valuable."

He and Yunho will get along well.

"Jeon Jungkook is the youngest of our group, codename Ace. He is my Underboss. He was abandoned at birth by his parents and raised in an orphanage until he was adopted at ten. Everything was perfect until his parents birthed a child of their own and put Jungkook on the back burner. He felt hopeless and unwanted, so he ran away. He made way for himself and became the youngest, well-known, and respected underworld fighter. We got to know about Jungkook through a mysterious man who invited Namjoon to watch Jungkook fight. We took him under our wing and adopted him into the Crimson family."

"Park Jimin, codename Reaper. My brother and Apprentice. If I were to die without an heir, he would be appointed the position of Mafia King. Much like Namjoon, he is my personal advisor. He makes sure the politicians, law enforcement, and government officials stay out of our way. He was homeless, living on the streets, until my father spotted him scavenging for food. My father saw something in him that Jimin didn't even see in himself. So, my father took him in and treated him as if he were his own flesh and blood. Jimin may come across as coldhearted, but he is a sensitive soul, especially when it comes to his family. He was there when my father succumbed to his illness. Jimin vowed to protect me with his life to show gratitude for what my father did for him, giving him the family he always wanted."

"Then there's me, Min Yoongi, the Mafia King. No one aside from you and my close confidants knows my true identity. I saw my mother get murdered right before my eyes by one of his father's enemies. My father was devastated, but he never once forgot to shower me with his love. He made me go through training at a young age because he wanted me to be prepared for the worst. I just didn't know the worst would happen so soon. My father suffered from leukemia, and in his last days, he became super sick beyond recovery. I loved my father. I was there with him until his last breath with my brother, Jimin, right beside me. I am cold-hearted and ruthless to everyone except my family. Despite being a Mafia, I never felt the use to sleep around or abuse my power. Most women threw themselves at me for what I am, never looking to get to know who I am. All I ever wanted was that special someone to share my throne with. I was in a desperate search for my Queen, but my Queen found me. You found me."

"When someone goes through trials alone, they break, but when you have others, they will stead strong. It's like having a hand full of twigs. One would break under pressure but gather a hundred; the strength is almost like solid cement. This something I am very familiar with."

"We chose the name Crimson because it's the color of danger and power. It's the color of that fresh bloodshed when protecting one another. Yet it's also a color of celebration. Every chance we get, we celebrate being a gang, a family. This is why our bond is unbreakable. But the reason why our gang is so powerful is that we are more than just a gang."

"We are a family."

His Other Half: King Meets His Queen {M.Y./Suga FF}Where stories live. Discover now