Chapter 9: The Heirloom

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Chapter 9: The Heirloom

Amara POV

Limping through the hall, I was as quiet as I could manage without being caught. The sun was starting to rise. I could feel my firebending grow as the day returned. At night, I usually felt my connection to water grow with the appearance of the moon. My connection to two elements definitely was a benefit when it came to telling time, especially on a dark ship.

My right ankle pulsed, and I faltered as pain shot through my leg. The firm gauze wrapped around it was definitely giving it support, but the damage was not going to heal in one night. Trying to move forward again, I told myself that my pain would be worth it in the end. I was finally going to see Tu Lan. After a whole day of being kept from him, I was determined to make it to him.

When I woke up a few hours after my panic attack, Zuko was in my room sitting against the wall by my low table. He was flipping through one of the books he had gotten me a few days ago. He had washed up from our adventure in the woods earlier that day and wore a plain red shirt and some black pants. When he heard me stir, he looked over at me and I saw he was uncertain about something. He let out a heavy sigh, and stood to approach me. He picked up a tray with some rice and fish from the low table, and came over to me slowly. I sat up, thinking his caution was probably because of my emotional breakdown earlier. He urged me to eat some dinner, avoiding my eyes.

I stared at the plate that he was extending towards me. I took it slowly, asking softly, "Where's Iroh?"

Zuko answered, "He went to go check on Tu Lan. He asked me to be here when you woke up... He'll be down here soon. Eat." He turned to head back to where he had been sitting.

I stared at my food with dismay. "Is... Tu Lan really okay?"

I looked up to see if Zuko was still walking away. He had stopped though, and looked back at me. He seemed to hesitate in answering my question. Instead, he asked, "Are you feeling better?"

His diversion from my question made me worry more, but I knew I had to answer him. His concern made my heart do that weird flutter. I dropped my gaze in embarrassment. "Yes... I'm sorry for earlier... I think I was still in shock from this morning and lost it."

Zuko didn't respond. I looked up at him wondering what was wrong. His eyes burned into my own with amazement. "You're... a..." He stopped. He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, shutting his eyes. "Nevermind..." He let out a heavy breath and met my gaze again. "I'm glad you're feeling better. Eat. I'll go let Uncle know you're awake."

After Zuko left me, I stared at my food with confusion. Something was on Zuko's mind... He looked like he wanted to ask me something, but he seemed to be holding back. I decided if it was important then he would ask me when he was ready. My thoughts became distracted again with images of my injured friend.

When Iroh arrived a few minutes after Zuko left, I apologized to him as well for my insanity. He scolded me for apologizing.

"Amara... You were attacked this morning and almost forced back to Zhao; I'm surprised you didn't panic sooner. Physician Ju said it was a delayed reaction to the shock. You had time to think about everything... But it's all in the past. Zhao did not succeed in his attempt at retrieving you, and you are safe again."

I nodded. I stared at my untouched meal which was resting in my lap.

"You should eat. You haven't had anything since this morning. Food will help you feel better," he insisted.

I picked up my chopsticks but just moved a few pieces of rice. "Zuko said you went to see Tu Lan... can I go see him? I'm so worried..."

Iroh sighed. "It's late. Physician Ju wants you to stay in bed and rest. I'll speak to Tu Lan in the morning and see if he wants us to bring you to him."

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