Nick Jonas

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A/N: Decided to do another Nick Jonas one cause why not lol. Love y'all!

I'm an awkward person.

It's just how I was, I couldn't help it. I was an awkward individual, plus my social anxiety only added to my awkwardness. No matter what the situation was I found a way to be weird, awkward, and stressed out. Meeting someone new, awkward. Doing a presentation, stressed. Group projects, awkward. So I kept to myself, I didn't have any real friends. I ate lunch by myself either in the library or the music room. Pathetic but whatever it was my existence and it was easier than being social. 

Today was just like any other day, I had just finished my math class and was heading to the music room for lunch. I was trying to perfect a new song on the piano, and like I said it is easier than being social and having to interact with actual humans. Books and lunch clutched to my chest I began to make my way through the hallways to the music room, and that's when it happened. Nick Jonas, famed rock star and one of the school's resident golden boys, waved at me. Confused I glanced behind me, surely there was someone behind me that he was actually waving to, but to my shock, there was no one. 

"Me," I mouth the shock clear on my face as I waved back hesitantly, I watched as he gave me a soft smile, his brothers also glancing in my direction. Not knowing what else to do, I walked to the music room mumbling under my breath, "That was weird." When I finally made it to the music room I sat back down at the piano, pulling out my notebook. Hesitantly I began to play a song on the piano that I had been writing for the last couple of days 

A/N: Let's pretend that this is you and that it's an original song. P.S. I love Sara she's so talented! 

The words flowed out of me as I sang, feeling the emotion under each word I was singing. It was like that with every song I wrote, I would always get in the zone as some say. Tuning out the rest of the world, at that moment it was just me and the piano. 

"Wow that was great," a voice says snapping me out of my thoughts, I felt myself jump slightly shocked to find out that I wasn't alone like I thought. Spinning around in my chair I came face to face with Nick Jonas, "I've never heard that song before. Did you write it? It's really good?"

"I um," I mumble unable to form words, I began to fidget nervously with my hands. Stupid social anxiety. 

"You have a really great voice," Nick says softly making his way from the door to the bench next to me, my heart began to race at the increased closeness of him. I nervously moved as far away as the small bench would allow, I watched as Nick chuckled softly at my action, "You don't talk a lot do you?"

"Not really," I say softly

"She speaks," he says laughing causing my face to fall, "Oh god I'm sorry that was rude. I just was happy you finally talked. It's just me, you don't have to be scared."

"It's fine you didn't do anything wrong," I say trying to ignore my foot that was tapping anxiously

"I really liked the song did you write it?" he asks, causing me to nod softly, "Well it was really good, you have a great voice."

"Thanks," I say blushing softly, "Not to be rude but, why are you here?"

"I wanted to say hi," he says shrugging

"Why?" I ask looking at him oddly

"Well I have a bunch of classes with you and you intrigue me," he says shrugging 

"Why?" I ask

"You ask a lot of questions," he says grinning, "Look Y/N I just wanted to get to know you cause, you intrigue me. Also, you're really smart and pretty."

"Thanks," I say my blush returning stronger than ever

"What do you say we get to know each other better? Can I take you out for coffee sometime?" he asks 

"Are you serious?" I ask softly 

"Yeah go on a date with me," he says, "What do you have to lose, you get free coffee, and if you don't have fun it never has to happen again."

"um okay," I say nodding, smiling softly

"Brilliant," he says, "So got any other song you're working on?"

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