Cody Martin

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Cody Martin was my best friend, but that didn't mean that he didn't seriously worry me sometimes. Ever since Bailey had broken up with him two months ago he had been insanely grouchy. I was kind of hoping that things would get better, I thought that I might actually have a chance with him. How cliche right? I fell in love with my best friend, and some small part of me thought that after he and Bailey broke up he would maybe actually return my feelings. But so far nothing.

"Hi Cody whatcha workin on?" I ask sitting down next to him 

"A report for Physics," he says not even bothering to look up from his computer 

"Oh cool I need to work on mine too," I say pulling out my laptop and taking a seat next to him, "Wanna work together?"

"Not really," he says harshly 

"Wait are you serious?" I ask feeling slightly hurt

"I really need to get this done Y/N I don't have time for distractions," he says 

"Why are you being such a jerk?" I ask, "You know ever since you and Bailey broke up you've been a real asshole. We used to be best friend Cody and now you never want to hang out with me or anyone."

"Why can't you understand that I'm just happy being alone?" he yells, "I don't want to hang out with you or anyone else, least of all a new girlfriend." 

"You know what Cody I am done with you and your attitude," I say standing up and grabbing my laptop in my arms, "You are such a jerk Cody Martin and to think that at one point I actually had feeling for you, but you are just an entitled arrogant jack ass." 

"Wait what?" he asks softly, "You have feelings for me?"

"Yes! This isn't how I planned on announcing my feelings to you and I'm mad at you and embarrassed so I'm gonna leave before I say something else I regret," I say running away before he had time to respond. 

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