Beck Oliver

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Sikowitz was hosting a sleepover at his house, which normally would creep you out but the man had done much weirder. Apparently, he thought we were all amateurs at method acting, so we were all assigned an oddly specific character that we would have to be for the entire night. Unfortunately for me, Sikowitz had been the one to assign my character and he decided that it would be a brilliant idea for me to be a strict Russian ballet instructor.  

I honestly wasn't even that upset about my character assignment, others in the group had been given weirder assignments, plus I like to think I do a rather convincing Russian accent. As I made my way to the door I began to fidget with the bottom of my ballet skirt, I went all out I had my hair in a tight ballerina bun and was wearing a leotard, tights, and a ballet skirt. 

"Hello, welcome," Sikowtiz says opening the door allowing for me to walk in

"Hello my name is Olga Varvara," I say in my best Russian accent, "This is a lovely home you have here, fix your posture your slouching is despicable." Glancing around the room I noticed that I was the last person to arrive and that everyone else was already here, everyone's costumes looked rather impressive. 

"I am a police officer! Would you like some raisin bran?" Tori asks in an awful New Jersey accent shoving a handful of cereal in my face

"I would never eat something that comes out of a box," I say in my accent, "What is wrong with your lipstick you look like a clown did your makeup, this is unacceptable."

"I like this girl," Jade says in her southern accent, I knew not being able to say anything snarky or sarcastic must be killing her

"Hello love, how are you doing on this fine afternoon?" Beck asks in a thick Cockney accent wrapping his arm over my shoulder pulling me in close, for a brief moment I forgot that was his character and not how he actually felt. Come on Y/N get in character, stop thinking about how cute his hair looks and how nice he smells

"Get your hands off of me," I say moving away ignoring the desire to stay wrapped in his arms forever, "The only time person who is allowed to touch me is my dance partner and you are not." Beck simply shrugged his shoulders and made his way over to Sikowitz and proceeded to play with his ear. The hours began to drag on and eventually it was just Jade, Beck, Tori, and I. I was next to Jade trying to teach her some basic ballet while Beck and Tori were talking, rather closely I might add.

 "Why don't you stop invading my personal space, and have a little of this raisin bran?" Tori says attempting to shove Beck off who had his arm over her shoulder and was holding her face close to his

 "I'm game, so pop a dabble in me mouth," he says, Tori simply shrugged to herself before proceeding to feed Beck out of the box. I felt my heart drop, I knew this was just the assignment, but it hurt seeing the guy you've had a crush on for years this close to another girl. Especially one as pretty and talented as Tori, who was I kidding I had no chance with him. Jade seemed to notice my face drop and followed my gaze to Beck and Tori. 

 "Well. Aren't you havin' a fun time eatin' raisin brain together?" she says to the two of them, "Just be careful now, Mr. British Man. 'Cause who knows what terrible things could happen if that continues." The two look at her oddly before continuing on with what they were doing. I couldn't do this anymore, I couldn't watch the two of them. I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes, I blinked rapidly attempting to stop them before it was too late. However, my attempts were futile and a single tear began to race down my cheek. 

"Sugar are you okay?" Jade asks clearly concerned but still staying in character

"No," I say breaking my Russian accent for the first time tonight

"Ah! Y/N you broke character, you are banished!" Sikowitz says faltering slightly when he sees the tears that were now streaming down my face.

"I know," I say attempting to wipe the tears away before I embarassed myself even further. I looked around at the room Sikowitz looked confused, Jade was concered, Beck was a combination of the two and Tori well she couldn't care less. Before I knew it I was running out of the room, as fast as my legs could carry me. Not knowning where else to go I slumpted against the wall, pulling my knees agaisnt my chest and burrying my head in them, the tears continuing to poor. I heard the soft patter of footsteps approching me, until they stoppped right next to me. 

"I don't want to hear it Jade," I say figuring she was the only one who would care enough to follow me out here, "I know its pathetic, I don't need to you tell me. I just couldn't stay there watching him and Tori. It hurt too much watching the boy I love so close to Tori flirting with her."

"I'm not Jade," a soft familar voice says causing me to panic, hesitantly I raised my head from my knees, breathing becoming shallow as I notice Beck staring down at me. 

"I umm.." I say unable to form words, "I....I." Not knowing what else to do I pushed myself to my feet and began to run as far away as I could.

"Wait not so fast," Beck says grabbing my arm, forcing me to face him, "You didn't let me talk."

"Its okay you don't need to let me down, I already know that you don't like me. You like Tori and I don't blame you she's goregous and can sing really well, you would never pick me. We can just pretend that this never ha-" A soft pair of lips cut my rambling off, shocked my body stood frozen before I finally proccessed what was happening. Beck was kissing me! Once I snapped out of it I began to softly kiss him back, when we pulled away he rested his forehead against mine softly.

"Sorry," he says blushing, "You just wouldn't let me talk, and I've wanted to do that forever."

"Wait what?" I ask shocked

"Yeah I've liked you forever Y/N/N," he says smiling widley 

"I've liked you forever too," I say 

"Will you go on a date with me?" he asks lacing his fingers with mine

"I'd love to," I say my smile fading when I realized something, "Wait you left Sikowitz's you broke character."

"Of course I left, you are more important than some assignment," he says brushing a stray hair behind my ear, "Plus if I didn't follow you out we wouldn't be going on a date, I'd say it was worth it."

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