Beck Oliver

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Having a secret relationship wasn't as fun and exciting as the movies and TV dramas made it seem. It was stressful and tiring and not at all as glamourous as it seemed. 

"You okay princess?" Beck whispers softly, the two of us sitting on the floor of the janitors which had become our secret hiding place for whenever we wanted to hang out while at school. 

"Yeah I am just getting tired of all the lies and secrets," I say softly, "And don't get me wrong I totally get why we are doing this, you and Jade dated for a while, and we are all friends. But I really wish we could just tell everyone."

"I know Y/N/N and believe me I wish everyone knew as well. I want nothing more than to scream from the rooftops that you are my girl," Beck says wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer, "We'll tell them, I promise. I just want to give Jade some more time, you know how jealous she can get."

"Yeah, you're right. Anyways we should get going before someone realizes that we are gone," I say standing to my feet softly checking out of the door before opening it slowly and running out of the closet and down the hallway towards class where the rest of our friends were waiting. 

"There you guys are we were wondering when you were going to show up," Andre says 

"Beck are you excited about your movie showing tonight?" Tori asks 

"That's right your movie is being shown tonight in the Black Box," Jade says 

"Yeah I'm excited, you are all coming right?" Beck asks 



"Wouldn't miss it!"

"I have nothing better to do so." 

We all said at once, before walking back into Sikowitz's class taking our seats. 

Time skip to Beck's movie premier brought to you by Cat's purple giraffe 

"Alright everyone thanks for being here," Beck says speaking into the mic as he stood in front of the Black Box theater while the rest of us were taking our seats waiting eagerly. This was a big deal for him and I was beaming with pride, even if no one knew we were dating I could still be proud of my man. 

"Everything looks great," Andre says taking a seat next to me

"I know right, I'm so proud of him," I say smiling, "The script was really good."

"Plus I'm sure your acting was great," Andre says referring to the fact that Beck had asked me to play the lead in the movie

"Aww thanks, Andre," I say smiling 

"Hello my name is Beck Oliver and this is my semester film," Beck says fidgeting with his scarf, "Before we begin I need to make an announcement, this film was a combination of many many hours, and there is one person that I couldn't have done it without. Y/N L/N, my gorgeous girlfriend who spent countless hours with me reading my script, helping me edit, and even staring in it. Y/N I love you so much, and I can't keep things a secret anymore I want everyone to know that you are mine and mine only."

"Wait what?"

"You guys were dating?"

"I called it!!"

"What's going on?"

"I'm so happy for you guys!"

Everyone says at once, reacting at once to the news. 

"Oh my god!" I say standing to my feet in shock, "I love you too Beck."

"Yeah yeah, can we get to the movie now," Jade says but the slight smile across her mouth made it clear that she wasn't mad at all, maybe even happy. Everything was happy, and everything was going well. 

"Right of course," Beck says beginning the movie winking at me softly before heading back to his seat in the front. 

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