Jack Brewer

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Today had sucked ass, I woke up late and missed my bus, so then I had to walk the eleven miles to school, ended up being late to first period and got detention, I failed my math test, and last but not least my friends and boyfriend all ditched me because something came up at their karate dojo. This is what I get for being the only person in my friend group not to do karate, and now here I was sitting in the quart yard at the mall doing my chemistry homework. 

"Hey there pretty thing," a guy with curly blonde hair says sitting next to me, "Whatcha doin?"

"Um chemistry homework," I say softly, "I'm sorry but do I know you?"

"Not yet, but you will," he says inching his seat closer to mine throwing his arm over my shoulders, "So pretty thing what do you say I get us something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry thanks," I say shifting in my seat attempting to get as far away from this guy as possible

"Come on girly lets have some fun," he says shifting closer

"Go away please," I mumble softly getting more and more uncomfortable, "I really just want to do my homework, plus I have a boyfriend." 

"Sure you do," he says rolling his eyes, "I'm sure your 'boyfriend'" he says doing quotation marks in the air with his fingers, "Wouldn't mind if I borrowed his girlfriend for a bit."

"I'm serious please leave me alone," I say

"You nee-"

"Hey!" the voice of my boyfriend says causing me to turn around, there he was coming out of Falafel Phil's with a tray of food followed by Kim and Eddie, "She said leave her alone."

"Who the hell are you?" the creepy guy asked 

"I'm the boyfriend," Jack says getting closer to the two of us, "Now scram, before you regret it."

"Listen to him," Kim says getting closer to the boy, I watched as he glanced around at Jack and Kim before finally deciding to get up and walk away. Jack instantly took his seat, placing his food down and wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"You okay baby?" he asks protectively 

"Yeah I'm fine, he was just kind of creepy," I say softly, "Plus I was already not having a great day so that helped."

"Aww baby I'm so sorry, you wanna come hang out with us at the dojo while we practice?" he asks, not sure I simply shrugged, "Come on princess it'll be fun and then after we can go to my house, snuggle and watch a movie."

"Okay that sounds better," I say grabbing my notebook and standing to my feet, "Thank Jack."

"Of course gorgeous," he says throwing his arm over my shoulder, "Now come on."

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