Jade West

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A/N: Alrighty beautiful people, this is the first of many Jade imagines because let's face it she's gorgeous (my bisexual ass is in love lol). The reader will be from the perspective of a female, if you don't like that or feel uncomfortable reading that it's fine just skip to the next chapter, however, any hate or homophobic comments will not be tolerated. 

I had a good life, I had good friends and a good family situation. I was doing well in school and legitimately enjoyed my classes. But there was one major problem, that no one knew. I was in love with my best friend, which would be complicated enough as is, but there was one extra detail that made it even more confusing and complicated. I was in love with my Jade West, my best friend, my female best friend. None of my friends even knew that I was bisexual, and I was 95% sure that Jade was straight. 

"Earth to Y/N," Beck says snapping his fingers in my face, the entire gang was over at Tori's house working on an assignment for our history class, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just daydreaming I guess," I say softly looking back at my history textbook

"Yeah but you're blushing," Beck says softly, "You daydreaming about a special someone?"

"Ooh does little Y/N have a crush?" Andre asks teasingly, "Whos the lucky guy?"

"Who said it was a guy," I mumble softly to myself, happy that no one seemed to notice, or at least I thought.

"What did you say?" Cat asks looking over at me with a confused look. Shit.

"Nothing!" I say quickly

"No, you definitely said something," Tori says 

"Come on Y/N/N tell us," Beck says softly 

"Umm, well I need you guys to promise me that you guys won't freak out," I say softly. Was I really going to do this?

"Of course," Robbie says 

"Fine well I was daydreaming about someone, but...it isn't a boy," I say softly 

"I'm confused," Cat says softly looking around at everyone else who was processing silently. It was actually a funny sight, Robbie and Beck had their mouths wide open, Tori's eyes widened astronomically, Andre was smiling wider than I had ever seen him, and Jade smirked ever so slightly.

"Its means our little Y/N has a crush on a girl," Jade says grinning 

"That's so cool," Cat says with her signature giggle

"Hey," Robbie says noticing that I was staring at my feet uncomfortably, "This changes nothing we all still love you."

"Yeah," Beck says getting out of his seat and coming over to give me a hug, "So do we get to find out who the lucky lady is."

"No I shared enough secrets for one day," I say laughing softly

"Hey Y/N if you don't mind me asking how long have you known?" Andre asks

"Yeah of course no problem, I realized I was bisexual about three years ago," I say softly 

"You're bisexual?" Jade asks speaking for the first time

"Um yeah," I say softly 

"Cool, me too," she says smiling softly, her arms crossed over her chest smuggly 

"Wait what?" I ask shocked 

"Yeah no biggy though," she says shrugging 

"Yeah no biggy," I say softly, happy that there was a possibility of her possibly liking me back, for the first time in a while it felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. My friends knew and there was a possibility of her liking me back. Things could only go up from here.

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