Zack Martin

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Attending school on the S.S. Tipton was an interesting experience to say the least, I mean I had never been on a cruise ship before let along lived on one. Luckily I had managed to find some new friends Cody and Bailey who were in my classes, we're nice enough and the three of us had slowly become close friends. 

"Our paper on the Roman Empire isn't due till tomorrow right?" Bailey asks as we walk into Miss. Tutweiller's class

"Yeah that's right, five pages on any Roman emperor," I say gripping onto the straps of my backpack

"I already finished mine," Cody says as the three of us take our seats in the front row

"Of course you did," I say laughing

"Good morning Miss. Tutweiller," the three of us say as she walks into the room

"Cody, Bailey, Y/N, my early birds," Miss. Tutweiller says walking into the room followed by various other students, "Okay class take your seat, remember we are continuing our unit on the Roman Empire." 

As the class went on Miss. Tutweiller began her PowerPoint presentation on the late Roman Empire, pulling out my class notebook I began to take detailed notes making sure to highlight important dates and details.

"ZACHARY MATRIN!" Miss. Tutweiller yelled mid presentation, "I can assure you that the notes are not on the back of Miss. L/N's head." Turning around in my seat I looked back to see the other Martin twin staring at me, instantly my cheeks began to blush.

"What I'm bored and she's hot," Zack says shrugging causing me to blush even brighter, turning around in the seat I laid my head on my arms to escape the humiliation. 

"Zack that is not appropriate," Miss. Tutweiller scolds, "Focus on your note taking."

"Plus your embarrassing Y/N so shut up," Cody says 

"This is the worse," I mumble hiding my face farther into my desk, "Kill me now."

"Look at the effects you have on girls Zack," Cody says laughing

"Shut up Cody," I groan, "Can we just get back to the lesson Miss. Tutweiller?"

"Of course brilliant idea Y/N," she says going back to the PowerPoint, and I went back to my notes that is until something hit the back of my head. Confused I turned around to see a crumpled up piece of paper on the floor, I unwrapped it to find messy handwriting.

Hey sorry about that, I didn't mean to embarrass you. Let me make it up to you, free smoothie? - Zack ;)

I turned back around in my seat to face Zack, the two of us making eye contact. Before I changed my mind I quickly nodded my head before once again facing the front. That was an interesting class. 

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