Nick Jonas

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A/N: This is a request from@zone_Pevensie hope it was everything you hoped! The rest of you guys thank you for reading, and don't forget to read, comment, vote, and submit any requests you might have. Also, this is the first time I've done a Jonas imagine, let me know if I should do more of them! Love you all, have a fabulous day!!! <3

Being best friends with the Jonas brothers definitely had its pros and cons. I mean sure it was great being able to say that I was best friends with famous rock stars, right I mean that was definitely something that was cool to be able to brag about. And let's not forget that they had all sorts of cool things, I mean seriously who wouldn't enjoy messing around with the firepoles that they had. On the opposite side, there were also a bunch of negatives, I had to deal with all of the crazy fans which dictated when and where we were able to go to places. They also went on a tour which left me without my best friends for extended periods of time, and then if you are me it meant that you had a massive crush on one of your best friends. 

When examining my life, I can't even say I'm surprised that I had developed a crush on the one and only Nick Jonas. I mean seriously what was I expecting, that I would just be best friends with three good looking talented musicians without developing a crush on at least one of them. And out of the three, I had developed a crush on the youngest Jonas, Nick, who I also happened to be the closest to out of the three boys. For years I had tried to shove my feeling down, ignoring them and acting like they weren't there but alas here I was. Having a crush on your best friend also had its pros and cons, I mean sure you were able to spend lots of time around the person you were crushing on, but then again you also were crushing on the person you are constantly around. 

That's how I viewed my life, looking at it in pros and cons. The boys often joked that I never made a decision, big or small, without consulting my pro and con list. Which is what I was doing at this very moment, the boys and I were all hanging out at their house working on our homework separately. However, I had decided that rather than doing actual work a better use of my time would be to make another pro and con list, the subject telling Nick about my feelings. Here's what I had so far.

Now yes it might be a little on the dramatic side, but it's good to cover all the bases

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Now yes it might be a little on the dramatic side, but it's good to cover all the bases. Make sure you have the worst-case scenario. Groaning softly, I let out a sign staring blankly at the list that I had just typed out on my phone. 

"Whatcha workin on Y/N/N?" Kev asks glancing up from his math worksheet

"Its nothing," I say softly 

"Doesn't look like nothing," Joe says joining the conversation, "You look frustrated."

"Oh you know homework," I say shrugging hoping the lie was convincing 

"Nice try we all know that you don't do homework on your phone," Joe says glaring at me intensely trying to figure out what was really going on. 

"You guys just leave her alone," Nick says not even bothering to look up from his book

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