Jack Brewer

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"Oh my god!" Kim gasped as she watched the mini Karate tournament that Rudy had put on to promote the dojo. Her and Jack's faces fell as I went up against Jerry, and even I have to admit as amazing as it felt to beat him, I might have gone a little harder than necessary. 

"Oh my god Jerry, I'm so sorry," I say covering my mouth in shock as I stared at him in horror

"It's fine," Jerry says in a high pitched voice as he doubled over, covering a certain body part 

"Pay up Jack," Kim says turning to Jack holding her hand out

"Seriously Y/N," Jack says throwing his hands up in the air

"Did you seriously bet against me?" I ask my boyfriend in disbelief faking offense 

"Of course not love, no offense Jerry," he says turning to the boy who simply shrugged, "I simply bet Kim that you would go easy on poor Jerry, whereas she assumed that you would go full badass mode and injure Jerry."

"Oh," I say laughing, "You thought I would go easy on him? I thought you knew me better babe."

"Yeah I should have known better, plus I like it when you go full badass mode," he says grabbing me and pulling me in tight, whispering the next part in my ear, "It's really sexy." I felt my cheeks begin to heat up at his words and I was absolutely certain that I had now turned an unattractive shade of red. 

"Umm," I mumble unable to form words

"Getting all flustered are you L/N," he says teasingly 

"Oh shut it, Brewer," I say punching him jokingly 

"Hey guys when your done being all flirty and gross the gang is heading over to Falafel Phil's," Kim says accompanied by the rest of the group all of which who were laughing. 

"Shall we, my badass girlfriend?" Jack asks standing to his feet holding out his arm 

"We shall, my dashing boyfriend," I say smiling as we link arms and head off with everyone else, Jerry still walking rather funny. 

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