Zack Martin

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"Zack babe? You in here?" I ask knocking on the door of his cabin

"Yeah," the voice of my boyfriend says sounding rather deflated 

"Hey Zack are you okay?" I ask pushing open the door and walking into the room to see my boyfriend laying on his bed frown across his face, "Babe you okay? You look awfully sad."

"Just a rough day, no big deal," he says with a sigh

"Anything I can do to help?" I ask 

"You could give me cuddles," he says reaching for my hand and pulling me onto his bed next to me.

"Sounds like a plan," I say laying down on the bed next to him, "Don't look so sad." I poke hiss nose and hold him close, brushing a strand of soft blonde hair away from his face. He eagerly wraps his arms around my waist, once again burying his head in my chest. "Isn't this better?"

"Yeah it is thanks baby," he says happily 

"Anytime what's a girlfriend for if not for cuddles," I say happily. Smiling he leaned forward slightly, a small lock of hair tumbled in front of my face, resting just in front of my cheek, but with one swift slide of his thumb, it was brushed out of the way. His lips touched my cheek softly. As the soft skin of his mouth left the side of my face, the exact spot where they had come into contact burned and tingled. A hot blazing fire pulsed through me. A small grin crept onto my face and my cheeks painted themselves rose red. He pulled away silently, but our eyes locked, having a private conversation of their own.

"Your so adorable," he mumbles softly, "I love you."

"I love you too Zacky," I say happily 

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