Beck Oliver

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"BECK OLIVER LET ME IN!!" I yell banging on the door of my best friend's RV.

"Oh hey Y/N/N," he says opening the door, wasting no time I barged in and stood glaring at him, "I wasn't expecting you."

"Don't you Y/N/N me, I'm pissed at you," I say glaring at him

"Why?" he asks laughing softly taking a bite of the apple that was in his hand

"Don't you dare laugh at me, I just found out from Gavin Walker that you told him that you forbid him from asking me out on a date!" I yell at him

"What?" he asks faking shock, but I knew better I had known Beck for years, and as great of an actor he was, he is an awful liar. 

"STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" I yell my voice getting squeaky as tears began to form in the back of my eyes, "He also told me that this has apparently been going on for a while. Since middle school."

"Y/N I didn't mean t-"

"NO, I DON'T WANT TO HERE IT BECK. YOU ARE THE REASON THAT I HAVE NEVER BEEN ASKED OUT OR ASKED TO A DANCE. EVERY TIME A GUY WOULD START TALKING TO ME HE WOULD SUDDENLY STOP!" I yell the tears bursting like water from a dam, "Every time I came to you crying about a boy you just listened to me, making me think it was my fault. That there was something wrong with me, but it was really you."

"Y/N I-"

"No, I'm still talking," I yell, "I want to know what could possibly possess you to do this Beck, what could possibly make you think that what you did was okay?"

"Look Y/N, I'm so sorry, okay I know it was crazy. But I just couldn't stand the idea of going on a date or having a boyfriend," he says softly 

"Beck you aren't my father, you have no right! I get that you are my best friend but you still have no right!" I yell

"MAYBE I DON'T WANT TO BE JUST YOUR BEST FRIEND!" he yells catching me off guard, "That's why I did it Y/N/N because I love you, and thinking about someone getting to kiss you and take you out on dates drives me crazy because I want to do those things with you."

"What?" I ask softly trying to process what he said 

"Look I know what I did was wrong but I did it because I love you and I'm sorry if this ruins our friendship bu-"

"I love you too you idiot," I say cutting him off with a smile on my face

"Wait really?" he asks shocked

"Yesh really," I say smiling, "But I'm still mad at you."

"Understandable. Let me make it up to you?" he offers, "We can have a movie night and we can get Chick-fa-la," 

"I like that idea," I say nodding happily, "On one condition."

"Anything," he says

"This has to count as our first date," I say 

"I'd be honored," he says placing a quick kiss on my cheek, "The first of many."

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