42: Manal

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After I had offered fajr, I returned to my bed, feeling extremely refreshed. I was finally going back to school. I couldn't pinpoint what the reason was, but I felt happy. Perhaps because I missed the friends I had made in school—Hala and Na'eem.

It definitely wasn't studies.

Since the previous night, I had already finished packing my bags. I had a serene feeling that my Saturday was going to go well.

I lay on my bed and picked up my cellphone to check my notifications.

Amigaaaaaaa! I'm so excited you're returning today. I can't wait to see you. It's been bored without you. I miss you. Xoxo


I smiled at Hala's message and began to type my reply.

I miss you so much too. Can't wait to see you. Makes sure you prepare my favorite food :)

Less than a minute later, my phone beeped.

Of course! You didn't even have to say it. I'll be here waiting for my Abuja gift. Extend my regards to Imran. Tell him o c bean't wait to meet him and most importantly, don't forget to get me my crush's number *winks*

To be honest, I really didn't know what got into me when I agreed to get her the number. How was I even supposed to do it? I could already imagine myself looking like a fool, asking Farida for the number. Indisputably, she would think I'm the one desperate for his contact.

Irked, I flung the phone to the other side of the room and drew in a breath. I had already given Hala my words and it wouldn't be right for me to go back on it. One way or the other, I knew I had to get the contact.

I was still engrossed in my thoughts, when I heard a knock on the door, followed by Imran's voice.


"Waalaykum salaam." I responded and waited for him to come in.

Like a stranded puppy, he walked into the room.

I averted my gaze elsewhere.

"Are you still mad at me?" He began; his voice soft and remorseful.

"When did I say I was mad at you?" I feigned oblivion.

"I'm sorry for those mean things I said to you the other day." He apologized.

Funnily, the incident happened five days ago and he didn't deem it fit to apologize, until now. We had had few curt conversations, but he made sure to avoid bringing up the topic.

"I really didn't mean to make you feel bad. I didn't know you'd take my words seriously."

Honestly, l also didn't know I'd take his words seriously, because when had I ever? Something must had definitely came over when I made that decision to destroy what I worked so hard to make, simply because of a taunt—a groundless taunt from my younger sibling.

"Unfortunately, I did." I sneered.

"That's why I'm apologizing." He sighed. "Can you just forgive me already?"

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