73: Manal

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"Manal?" I heard Farida's thin voice from what seemed like a distance.

I had a lecture-free day and was planning to make the most out of it. I had been deprived of sleep for the longest time and Farida was a contributory factor.

I groaned and turned to the other side of the bed.

"Manal, it's 11 am." She tapped on my hip. "Wake up."

My eyes fluttered open.

11 am?

I haven't even prayed yet.

Like a volcano, I sprung into a sitting position and widened my eyes. "11 am? Why didn't you wake me or—" I bit my tongue, remembering I wasn't on speaking terms with her.

"You were sleeping and snoring so loudly. I didn't want to disturb you, but it's almost noon, so I did. Don't you have lectures today?"

Out of everything she said, the only thing that had me concerned was what she said about me snoring.

Blatant lie!

"Who was snoring loudly?" I rolled my eyes.

Farida tittered. "You of course. Who else?" She looked around. "There's no one else in the room."

"Hmm..." I trailed off. "Where did they go?"

"They left for school. Didn't you see them leave when you finished praying?"

Oh! I have prayed.

After Farida mentioned it, I could vividly remember that I had indeed prayed before going back to sleep.

Farida excused herself and walked out of the room.

I released a deep breath. I wanted to talk to Farida like I promised Na'eem, but I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't know where to start from.

Even though she was the one that wronged me, I wanted to iron things out with her. I was fed up with keeping malice with two people who were previously my friends.

Na'eem was right. I didn't have to be best friends with them again, but at the same time, we didn't have to be enemies.

I rose to my feet and walked to the door.

Just as I was about to walk out of the room, I bumped into Farida, making her spill the hot porridge that she was holding all over her body.

She let out a scream and dropped the plate.

My heart thumped vigorously in my chest.

Oh no!

"I'm so so so sorry, Farida." I panicked. "Are you alright?"

"My hand is burnt. Of course, I'm not alright!" She snapped and ran past me.

By the time I finished clearing the mess on the floor, Farida was still not out of the bathroom.

I was beginning to get very worried about her.

"Farida?" I gently knocked on the bathroom door.

She opened the door and again, she walked past me and sat on Aisha's bed; her hand was hidden by her other hand.

Remorsefully, I followed her.

I was standing right in front of her. "I didn't know you were coming. I'm so sorry. Believe me, I didn't mean to—"

"I see." By the tone of Farida's voice, I could tell she didn't believe me.

She thought I bumped into her on purpose.

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