2. Manal

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Walking all alone in the dark alley, I couldn't help, but feel uneasy. The night was cold, quiet and dark. The feeling of someone following me couldn't be shaken off. "I should have waited for Farouq. Ya Allah, please protect me." I muttered to myself. I should have listened to my heart and stayed back. I shouldn't have attended the party.

With heart thudding vigorously in my chest, I increased my pace. I just needed to get to the main road and everything would be fine.

Few minutes into the walk, I heard the sound of footsteps shuffling behind me, like predators aiming at their prey. I tensed up and halted in my tracks. My heart began to pound violently in my chest. I felt too afraid to even do anything. I stayed glued to my spot, but that didn't stop the footsteps from approaching.

Mustering all of the courage left in me, I spun around and to my utmost horror, two men - more like thugs were standing just few inches away from me.

Ya Allah, please protect me! I don't want to die like this.

I spun back around and started walking, my pace increasing rapidly.

"Hey! Where the f*** do you think you're going, bit**" One of the men slurred.

By the tone of his voice, I could tell he was drunk or high. The rate of my fear intensified.

Ya Allah!

Contrary to what they wanted, I increased my pace and started running as far as my tired legs could carry me.

"You can't outrun us." One of the men laughed viciously.

I shuddered in extreme fear, but that didn't stop me from running. I ran as fast as I have ever had and just when I thought I they had lost me, they appeared in front of me. The first man was short and had full, bushy beards, while the second man was slightly taller than the first man. Unlike him, he didn't have beards and he was light skinned. "What do you want from me?" I cried. "Is it money? How much do you want? I have some cash here, take it." I shoved my bag at the first man's chest.

"So generous of you." He derided, clutching the bag to his chest. "We will definitely take this and have our fun with you as well."

"Seems we're lucky today." The second man added with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Please no." Tears blurred my vision, my hands began to tremble violently and my voice quivered as I spoke. "I'm just seventeen. Please let me go." I cried.

"Seventeen?" The second man chuckled. "You look twenty something and besides, seventeen isn't small. In fact, I prefer younger girls with no experience - this way, I can do whatev-

"You already have the money, what else do you want from me?" I screamed, cutting him off. I just needed them to let me go. I couldn't even imagine what they were planning to do to me. The streets were dark and lonely. No passersby could be seen. My fear intensified.

"Enough of the chitchat, pretty." He sneered. "Just admit it; this is what you wanted, right? Why else would you be roaming about in the middle of the night?"

"I... I wasn't roaming-" due to how fast I was pushing the words, I nearly choked on my breath. "I was just coming from a friend's party. I didn't know it was this dark already. I'm sorry, please have mercy on me and let me go. I will give you whatever you wa-"

"Shut up!" The first man bellowed. "Adam, check her bag and tell me how much is in there." He handed the bag to his partner.

I watched as the zip of my bag was roughly opened and how the content of the bag was scattered all over the place. But that was the least of my concern. In fact, I wanted them to take everything I had in the bag, the bag included, if that would make them leave me alone.

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