8. Manal

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My heartbeat increased tremendously. As they slowly approached me, I was having mixed feelings. I was excited, yet embarrassed about our last encounter. I wondered what he must be thinking of me. I quickly averted my gaze from them and pulled out my cellphone from my bag, pretending to be receiving a call.

"Mannie!" Farida hugged me immediately they approached. "What happened to you?" She asked, disentangling her arms from around me. "I was so worried about you. I tried calling you, but you're number wasn't going through."

"Hmm." I hummed, fidgeting with my fingers. "I lost it."

"Huh? At the party? I'm so sorry, Manal." She apologized.

"It wasn't at the party." I responded. "On my way going home." I averted my gaze from her to her brother, who was standing there and scrolling through his phone. I took the opportunity to gawk at him. The first thing that attracted me to him, was his doe eyes, which looked like a female's. He wasn't light skinned, yet not dark skinned either. His skin glowed in the sunlight. His lips we-

"Hello?" He waved a hand in my face, jolting me out of her trance.

At that very moment, I hope the ground would open and engulf me. Why did I always have to embarrass myself in front of him! - I mentally cringed and looked away, abashed.

"Guys!" Farida intervened. "Forgive my manners. I didn't even introduce you both." She discreetly winked at me.

I cringed more.

"Jawaad, meet my very beautiful best friend, Manal. The prettiest of them all." She tittered.

I felt even more embarrassed by her words. I rolled my eyes.

"And...Mannie." She winked again. "Meet my brother, the most handsome man in the universe. Though you've already met him several times in your dreams." She muttered the last part in my ear.

Ya Allah!

I gently pushed her away and smiled at him. "It's a pleasure to finally meet my best friend's older brother. She has told me a lot about you." I stated, trying my best to seem as composed as possible.

"Nice to meet you too." He responded, curtly.

Why is he pretending not to know me?

Maybe he might have forgotten. My brows furrowed, but I decided to bring up the topic nonetheless. "Thank you for the other day." I was almost whispering. It was a miracle he heard.

"It's nothing." He responded curtly again and averted his gaze to his sister. "I will wait for you in the car. Please make it snappy."

"Okay, boss." She saluted, playfully.

I felt a pang in my heart as I watched him walk away. He didn't even seem a tad interested in me. I couldn't blame him though. He must have been thinking I was a weirdo.

"What was that?" Farida asked, placing both of her hands on her hips.

"What was what?" I asked, irritated. My day had only begun, but it was ruined already.

"Pretending you have sense in front of your crush, when in reality you don't." She chortled.

I rolled my eyes at her statement and muttered; "Idiot."

"Why are you grumpy this morning?" She voice. "You're behaving out of character. I noticed you thanked Jawaad 'for the other day'" she quoted. "So you've met him before?"

"Yes." I admitted. "He saved me from being raped by some thugs when I was returning from your birthday party."

"Rape!" She exclaimed, horrifically. "Oh no! I told you to wait for Farouq to take you home, but didn't. Hope you didn't sustain serious injuries?" She inquired, her voice laced with extreme worry. "I'm so sorry, Mannie. I shouldn't have insisted you attend the party. I feel guilty now. I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if something had happened to you."

"It's not your fault, Farida." I reassured, grabbing her hand. "No one wanted this. And Alhamdulillah nothing bad happened. I'm forever indebted to your brother for saving me on that fateful day. He was even the one that took me home....what I don't understand is why he was so curt with me. Seems he thinks I'm a weirdo." I voiced.

"Jawaad is always like that. He can be arrogant when he wants to." She rolled her eyes. "I won't be surprised if he actually likes you already. He is pretty good in hiding his feelings. I'm his sister, but I fail to read his mood at times."

"You think so?" My heart jumped in excitement.

"Yes and don't you worry, I'm here to play the matchmaker."

"Do whatever you want." I feigned nonchalance and walked away, suppressing the urge to smile.

"Wait for me, will you?" She yelled after me.

"I have a surprise for you." I smiled.

"What?" She asked, enthusiastically.

"I have finally gotten the phone!"

"Really?" She squealed. "Show me!"

After we were done with the registrations, we walked out of the centre hand in hand. I really admired the relationship I shared with Farida. She understood me a lot. Likewise me. We didn't keep secrets from each other. In spite of getting into misunderstandings - which was inevitable, we always made sure to talk things out and reconcile. Amongst all of my friends, she was the only one I trusted to tell the secret of my childhood to...

"Where is your driver? Is he here yet?" Farida asked, looking around.

"Abii said he would wait for me, but it seems he isn't here yet." She replied.

"Why don't you give him a call?" She suggested.

I heaved a sigh and brought out the phone from my bag and dialed abii's number. He picked up almost immediately it began ringing.

"Assalamu'alaykum, abii."

"Wa'alaykum salam. I'm sorry, princess, I won't be able to come pick you up, but I will call your mother to do that." He stated.

"No, abii. Farida's brother is here to pick her up. He will give me a lift." I replied, inwardly happy for the change of plans.

"Alright then. Take care. Bye." He said and ended the call.

"He isn't coming, right?" Farida asked, happily.

"Yup." I smiled. "Can you guys give me a lift?"

"Of course. This is your chance to make my him notice you more."

"You're not serious." I chuckled, but deep within, I knew she had a point. I promised to make him see I wasn't as weird as he thought I was.

"Where has he gone to?" Farida asked. "His car was previously parked here."

I looked around and finally spotted him leaning against the body of the car, under a tree. "There he is." I pointed towards him.

"Oh! He might have changed the parking position due to the sun." She reasoned. "Let's go."

I only hummed in response and we began to walk towards him. I didn't know what pushed me, but I suddenly felt a strong urge to impress him, so I swaggered towards him. Just before we could get to where he stood, my left leg twisted and I fell flat on my face.

Kill me now!


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I can't imagine myself in Manal's shoes 🙈💔

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