9: Manal

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Throughout the ride to my house, I remained silent. I couldn't bring myself to actually speak and even though Farida occasionally spoke to me, I only hummed or gave curt replies. The embarrassment from earlier, was really eating me up. I wondered what he must be thinking of me.

He must probably think I'm crazy.

I cringed at the thought and face palmed - my image was completely ruined now. What a way to impress your crush!

"Hey, Mannie, are you alright?" Farida inquired. "You're awfully quiet back there."

"Hmm." I simply hummed in response.

Farida must have comprehended why I was that quiet, for she didn't push further.

For that simple act of hers, I was grateful. I didn't want to embarrass myself, more than I already did.


The longest and most uncomfortable ride, finally came to an end, as he pulled over in front of our mansion.

I heaved a sigh of relief. And without even thanking him, I alighted the car and rang the bell. I was about to go in, but was stopped by Farida. I didn't even realize she had alighted as well.

"I know you still feel bad about what happened earlier." She started.

"I'm over it." I feigned nonchalance.

"I don't think so." She rolled her eyes. "I know you, Mannie, so quit lying to me, I won't buy it. And besides, it wasn't your fault. Accidents happen."

"I made a total fool of myself. I don't think I'd be able to face him ever again." She sulked.

"Are you giving up so soon?" She narrowed her eyes at her, in disbelief.

"It's not my job to chase after a man, after all." She scoffed. "Anyways, don't forget to thank your brother for the ride. I appreciate."


"I'm tired, Farida and your brother must be impatient already, so please just go." I didn't wait for her response, before passing through the open door and banging the door on her face.

Momentarily, I couldn't move from where I stood, my back against the gate. I felt really bad for the way I handled things. Farida wasn't to be blamed.

I guess it's what they call, transfer of aggression.

I waved the thought away and began to walk into the house.

The living room was vacant, as always. For the umpteenth time that day, I sighed and sauntered to my room.

The first thing I did when I got in, was collapse on my bed, like a log of wood. The day's event wouldn't stop replaying in my head, like some sort of screenplay. Plus, I was still feeling bad for the way I spoke to my best friend. She didn't deserve what she got. Exasperatedly, I kept tossing and turning in bed.

"Ugh! I should at least text her." I unzipped my bag and brought out my new Samsung galaxy and searched for Farida's contact.

Me: Hey, frog!

Ririe 🐸: Hi

"Oh! She's angry." I sneered.

Me: Hope you guys arrived home safely.

Ririe 🐸: yes

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