26. Manal

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"Amiga." Hala's voice made me open my eyes. I released a deep breath and placed a hand on my racing heart.

She got in front of me and burst into a hysterical laughter. "Why did you scream so loudly? Did you think it was a thief?"

"A ghost actually." I heaved another deep sigh.

Hala burst into another fits of laughter. "If you're so afraid of ghosts, why did you leave the house?"

"Because I couldn't say. Weren't you there? Didn't you see how they were misbehaving with me?"

"I'm sorry about that. I have spoken to them and they promise not to repeat that. I was worried when you left." Halal gave a closed lipped smile. "I'm glad I met you safe."

Hala's words rendered me speechless. She followed me, because she was worried about me, but a while ago, I thought she didn't care. The last act of hers proved I was wrong to judge her so quickly. At least she was a lot better than Farida. Hala made a single mistake and was quick to rectify it, but Farida, she made a despicable accusation against her and still hadn't apologized for it. What Farida did to her, was more painful—always will be. "Thank you, Hala." I embraced her. "Thank you for not leaving me all alone. I was terrified."

Hala pulled back and sneered. "Not that I can do that even if I want to. I consider you my best friend. I care a lot for you. More than you can imagine." She shook her head. "As long as I'm with you, I won't let any harm come to you. You're like a little kid I have to protect."

I rolled my eyes. "For your information, you're just a year older than me, so don't get ahead of yourself."

"I'm older than you. The fact still stands."

"Congratulations then." I sarcastically responded.

Hala grabbed my hand. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking behind me. "Aren't we supposed to take this route?"

"We are not going back to the hostel."

I scrunched my face. "Where are we going?"

"Back to the house we just left."

"Are you serious right now?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course." Hala breathed. "You don't expect us to go back to the hostel by this time, do you? I'm sure the gates have already been locked and besides, it's a long way there and we have no one to take us there. It's impossible to walk."

"I can't go back there." I shook my head. I could already imagine how the guys would taunt me. I didn't want any of that.

"Don't be stubborn, Amiga. This is the only choice we have. I have spoken to the guys and they promise to keep their hands to themselves."

"I know, but how can we sleep in a room filled with men. I'm sorry, Hala, but I can't. I'd rather sleep here in the streets." I remarked. The thought alone was retrogressive to me. Sleeping in the same room with those irresponsible boys were the same as going into the lion's den on my own accord.

"We are not sleeping in the same room as them, okay?"

I furrowed my brows, waiting for a comprehensible explanation from her.

"Ehis is the owner of the room. I begged him to sleep in another room with the guys."

Bemused, I asked; "And he agreed so easily?"

Hala shrugged. "He did."

I could sense Hala was hiding something from me, but I didn't know what it was. I didn't want to pry either. It was up to her to tell me if she wanted. "But—"

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