31: Manal

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Farida's words rendered me speechless. I stared at her in utmost disbelief.  "You came here to tell me that?"

"Yes." She admitted and walked closer to me—standing almost daringly. "I came here to tell you that. I'm supposed to ignore, but it's getting out of hand." Farida heaved a sigh and looked directly into my eyes. "I have known you before we came here. I know you're not the type of a person who's fond of partying, keeping late nights and all that. You changed. That friend of yours changed you. I know she's the one that has been negatively influencing you."

I huffed. "So?" I was actually surprised by the fact that Farida chose to confront me, in spite of how badly our relationship had deteriorated over the months. Many times, we had passed by each other, without uttering a single word. There had been times I contemplated on making peace with her, but remembering the hurtful things she had said to me, I restrained myself. My fragile heart would not be able to bear more insults. "I don't get how this concerns you. People change. I. Have. Changed." I enunciated the words to make it clearer for her to understand,if she was finding it difficult to.

Farida shook her head. "Oh really? Then you should be ashamed of yourself. Do you think your parents will be happy with this change of yours? If you think so, then I'd gladly give them the good news."

I gritted my teeth in absolute distaste. I was furious—not only because she had threatened me, but because I knew I stood no chance against her, if I were to engage in an argument with her. I'd be lying to say I wasn't shaken by her threats, but because I didn't want her to know she had the upper hand, I knew I had to do something—perhaps, feign nonchalance. "Did you come all the way here, just to seek for my permission before reporting me to my parents? Wow! You really didn't have to. Go ahead and do whatever you like. I don't care. And by the way, I didn't know you were hired to be my spy. You're doing a great job. Keep it up!"

"I didn't want to react at first, but it keeps getting worse. I could have chosen to ignore, but despite everything that has happened between the two of us, I still don't want you to go astray. Believe it or not, I have your best interest at heart. We may not be on speaking terms, but we were once my friend. I cannot disregard the fact."

"Were. Thank God you said it yourself.  We were once friends, but not anymore. You have no right to stick your nose in my business. You wanted me out of your life and I respected that, so please respect yourself and stay out away from me as well. I don't—I really don't want the situation to get to a point where it would degenerate to something else. I'm asking you nicely: just leave and please don't return."

"Manal, I'm sorry." Out of the blue, Farida apologized.

I furrowed my brows in incomprehension and huffed. "What? What exactly are you sorry for?"

Farida lowered her head in what seemed like shame and spoke in a hushed tone. "For everything. I'm sorry for everything that happened between us."

My brows furrowed even tighter. "What happened between us?"

"Manal." She pursed up her lips, then heaved a short sigh. "Farouq is a jerk."

"I think you should tell that to him." I scoffed. "Or alternatively, I can do it for you. You know we've been seeing each other behind your back."

"I already know the truth, Manal. Farouq told me. He said he only acted the way he did, because he wanted to make me jealous."

Technically, she just told me Farouq used me. I didn't know what the reason was, but I felt really bad. I felt like a pawn in their game and to think I was oblivious to whom he truly was.

"I...I should have listened—believed you when you told me you were innocent." She continued. "I'm sorry for accusing you. I'm sorry for letting you down. I honestly don't know what came over me. I...I feel so ashamed of myself. I feel I betrayed our friendship."

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