83: Manal

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Immediately I read Jawaad's message, my breath hitched in my throat and the phone slipped out of my hand. I couldn't believe it. I wasn't very close to Farida's father, but judging by how hospitable he always was, tears prickled my eyes.

"Hey! What are you thinking about?" Farida's voice jarred me to awareness.

I quickly averted my gaze elsewhere and wiped my eyes before she could get a glimpse of them. I didn't know how to break the news to her. I wouldn't be able to do it.

"What?" She raised a brow.

"I...nothing." I forced a smile. "It's nothing."

"Are you sure?" She asked, skepticism dripping off her tone. "It doesn't look like nothing."

My breath quickened. "You're just overthinking...like always."

She shrugged.

Looking at Farida, I felt extreme pity for her. Poor Farida! She didn't even know what had happened to her father. Indisputably, she would be demoralized. Just a few days ago, they had to go through the trouble of finding Jawaad, and now this?

Farida's gaze met mine and this time, I swiftly looked away.

"I will be back," I said to her before practically dashing out of the room.

Just outside the room, I crouched and began to sob. I was crying because I felt sad for Farida. She loved her father a lot. I wondered how she was going to react to the news. On the other hand was Jawaad. I also felt sad for him. During the times we used to chat, he never failed to remind me of just how amazing his father was and how he wanted to make him proud of him someday. And their mother, I didn't even want to think about her. I wondered what state she was in.

I viewed Jawaad's message again. I could feel his pain in those three words because I had put myself in his shoes. I couldn't help by wonder if he was alright.

I shook my head in an attempt to spurn the thought from my mind.

"Farida is the concern." I reminded myself before I could divert.

"Manal!" Farida hollered from inside the room.

Quickly, I draped my tears with the hem of my shirt and sauntered back in.

"Were you just around the corner? I thought you went out or something..."

"Nope." I shook my head. "I just went to get some air."

Again, Farida gazed at me, askance.

I could swear she felt something eerie had happened.

"Since we both don't have any more lectures today, why don't we do something?"


"Let's go out!" I proposed. "My treat."

Farida stood and walked up to me. "Are you sure you're not down with a fever?" She asked, touching my neck to feel the temperature of my body.

"We always did this before." I reminded. "I just want to relive the memories."

Farida smiled and out of the blue, she moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you."

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