11: Manal

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Have you written JAMB? Be honest; what was your score 😇

"Manal! Have you seen your results? My friend told me his sister saw hers, an hour after the exams." Again, out of nowhere, the most annoying brother on the surface of the earth appeared.

"Hey!" I yelled, glaring at him. "This should be the last time you come into this room, without my permission. The next time you do, I'll be sure to deal with you."

Dramatically, he rolled his eyes. "Just answer my question, will you? Have you seen your results yet? Did you pass?" He derided.

"It's none of your business if I have. Leave my room, right now. I mean it, Imran. I'm not in the mood to argue with you, right now." I remarked, pointing to the exit of the room. It baffled me to think he was just eleven, yet he was that annoying.

"I know you didn't pass." He chuckled and walked out of the room. "Ummi must hear this."

"Imr-" before I could even say his name, he had already ran out of the room.

I heaved a sigh and sat on my reading chair.

As expected, Farida's call came in.

I hesitated for a while, before picking up. "Mannieeeeeeee!" She squealed from the other side of the phone.

I had to literary put the phone away from my hear, to prevent her from deafening me. "My result has just been sent to me!"

"Hmm...really?" I feigned ignorance.

"Yes!" She enthused. "Haven't you seen yours?"

"What's your score?" I asked, ignoring her previous question.

"Two seventy five!"

"Two hundred and seventy five? Wow! That's great! Congratulations!" I smiled. I was genuinely happy for her. She studied well. She deserved what she got.

"Thanks, Mannie! How about you; haven't you seen yours?"

Compared to her score, I didn't feel confident to tell her mine. But I knew I couldn't hide the truth from her forever, so, nonetheless, I decided to tell her. "I got -"

"Manal!" Ummi yelled for me. Due to the amplitude of her voice, I flinched and my phone slipped out of my hold.

Momentarily, I forgot all about it and sprung up, just in time, before Ummi walked in, accompanied by Imran.

"Is it true?" She asked, her voice laced with...anger?

Wordlessly, I gazed at her.

"Have you seen your JAMB result?" She continued with the questions.

"Yes." I nodded, slowly.

"I told you she has." Imran chimed in.

"And why didn't you tell me? When did you even return?"

"A while ago. I was feeling a tad sick, so I decided to come to my room and rest a bit." I responded. "The result was sent in not long ago, that's the reason I haven't been able to tell you yet."

"Imran said-"

"He is a liar." I seethed. "He just took a guess. He doesn't know anything."

"What is your score?"

I hummed and fidgeted with my fingers. Truth be told, I was scared what Ummi would do if I told her. Indisputably, she will be disappointed in me.

She sighed - she obviously had gotten impatient, due to my hesitation, so she spoke up; "let me have your phone."


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