17. Manal

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I pulled back and gazed warily at her. It was actually the first time a stranger had done that to me. I felt very uncomfortable.

"Sorry!" She chortled. "Sorry, sorry. I was just overexcited to finally meet you. I couldn't keep calm anymore. Actually, I have been waiting all day for your return." She rambled on. "Hey! Will you just stand there? Aren't you coming in?"

Her words made me realize I was still standing outside the room, like a lost puppy. I forced a small smile and walked in. Before anything else, my gaze lingered on my bedsheets, which was now rumbled and used plates lying on it.

Keep calm, Manal.

"Who are you?" I asked; not caring if I sounded polite or not. I had just met her, but she was getting on my nerves already.

"Okay." She bounced on my bed and patted the space beside her. "Sit down, let me properly introduce myself to you."

Discreetly, I rolled my eyes, but sat down, nonetheless.

"Let me have your bag."

Before I could object, she had already collected it from me and kept it aside.

"Okay...let me start by giving you a mini biography of myself."

Incredulously, I chuckled. "There's absolutely no need for all that. I just want to know who you are and why you're in my bed."

She shrugged. "My name is Hala Haruna. This is my bed." She pointed heavenwards. "Since we're sharing the same bunk, that makes you my bunkie automatically!"

"Oh!" A loquacious person in the room. Sister Hauwa was quite reserved. I could not say the same thing for Ajoke. But with time, indubitably, of all their hidden characters would come out in the open.

"Yes." She grinned. "And you know what's even more exciting?"

How would I know? "No."

"I'm also a new student and in the same department as you. We're course mates!"

"Really?" I asked; surprised. "How do you know my department?"

"The girl occupying that bed." She pointed to sister Hauwa's bed. "What's her name again?"

"Sister Hauwa."

"Hauwa. Yes. Her. She told me everything I needed to know. I even asked for your description. That's the reason I was able to recognize you when I saw you. I'm really very excited about this. It's going to be fun having you in the same room as me. Can we be friends?" She extended her hand for a handshake.

"Of course." I smiled and accepted her outstretched hand.

"As in best friends?" Her smile widened.

I wanted to tell her I had a best friend already and she could never replace her, but it sounded juvenile even to myself, so I decided against it and returned her smile instead. "I'm Manal."


My brows arched. "Huh?"

"It's a word for a female friend. And since we are friends now, that's what I'm going to call you from now henceforth. Do you mind?"

"No." Since there's no harm in it.


"When did you arrive and where did sister Hauwa go?"

"I arrived since in the morning. I was very bored, so I slept and slept and slept, then when I woke up, I ate and ate and ate. That roommate of ours is quite nice. As if she knew I was hungry, she was the one that gave me food. I'm sorry I messed up your bed. I was too lazy to climb mine."

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