33: Manal

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I woke up feeling extremely happy. The semester was over and I was about to return home. I had woken up at dawn to pack my belongings. It had been four long months. Initially, I was so happy leaving home. I thought I wouldn't miss them as much as I did and that it would be the other way around, but a month without them proved me wrong. I missed Ummi for always been there for me. Surprisingly, I missed the moments she would yell at me for every little mistake I made.

As annoying as Imran was, I missed my kid bro a whole lot. Even though he made it known to me that he wouldn't miss me at all, I knew he was only bluffing. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me at the door later today.

Growing up, I had always had whatever I wanted. Abii had always made sure of that. There were times when I would request for something, but Ummi would object due to some reasons, but Abii always came to my aid. One way or the other, he would convince Ummi to allow me get it. Without a doubt, I missed Abii the most.

"Good morning, Manal." Sister Hauwa's voice pulled me out of my trance.

I smiled and returned the greeting; "Good morning, sister Hauwa. How was your night?"

"Longgggg." She slurred. "I had a migraine. I couldn't sleep. I kept on tossing and turning on the bed."

For the past few days, insomnia had been a normal routine for her. Perhaps, it was due to her pregnancy. She wasn't the type to complain, but for a fact, I knew she was having a hard time. The lectures, practicals and stress of university was really taking its toll on her. I felt really bad for her. The whole thing made me understand why Hala vowed not to get married while in school. "Sorry. I hope you feel better now."

"Yeah. I have taken a couple of tablets. I feel much better now." She yawned.

"Alhamdulillah." I responded with a smile. "What do you want to eat? I can make breakfast for you." I proposed.

"Thanks, but don't worry, I will do it myself. I thought you said you'd be leaving for home very early today. It's almost eight a.m. Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"I have already gotten everything ready. My bags are already packed. It's no problem at all. I want to do it."

She hummed, then shrugged a little. "Alright then. Cook anything."

"No...there must be something you crave." I probed.

She chuckled. "If I tell you the things I crave right now, you will spend the whole day looking for it in the market, but still won't find it. Noodles will go for now."


"Yeah. With lots of paper, please."


"Thanks, Manal."

I simply shook my head and made my way to the kitchen.

Ever since I walked into the room, sister Hauwa had been the one person I respected the most. Not because she was older than all of us, but because she respected herself enough for anyone to disrespect her. In spite of not always being in school, she had always rendered me the emotional and moral support I needed. She was like an older sister to me. The fact that she treated me like a little sister made me appreciate her. I was glad. Really glad to have met her.

When I returned to the room with the plate of steaming noodles, Hala and Ajoke were already awake. Hala was in her bed. Likewise Ajoke. As usual, the cat and the rat were wrangling. Since it wasn't a new thing, I ignored and proceeded to sister Hauwa's bed.

"Thanks, Manal." For the umpteenth time, she appreciated my effort and it kind of made me feel uncomfortable. For me, it wasn't a big deal.

"Please stop thanking me, sister Hauwa. You're making it seem like I did one huge favor for you."

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