Chapter 30: in ur arms (1)

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Third Person POV


Kai: Taehyun! Here!

Taehyun was busy finding a seat until Kai waved to him. Taehyun made his way into the seat which Kai just reserved earlier.

Taehyun: Thanks.

The school theatre was filled with such noises coming from the audience. These noises made the actors in the backstage nervous about their play.

Mrs. Kwon: Guys, we can do this. Remember our goal? What is it?

"To win the gold trophy!"

Mrs. Kwon: That's right! We have to win that trophy. Okay?!

"Yes, Mrs. Kwon!"

The host stood at the center and introduced himself. It was followed by a prayer and an opening remark then finally, the introduction of the play.

"Give it up for the students from various sections of Grade 11 with their play, Romeo and Juliet and Romoe! Let's welcome them a round of applause!"

A loud sound of claps can be heard everywhere in the room. Some are cheering, some are just sitting waiting for the play. Then silence dominated the audience when the stage started to dim, meaning the play is about to start.

Romeo, together with Romoe, Benvolio and Mercutio, successfully entered the Capulet's house with their masks as their disguise.

Romeo: Oh, my beautiful Rosaline, my heart's dying to once witness an exquisite face of yours.

Romoe: Romeo! Can't you make yourself at ease? The Capulet might haunt us once they find out that a bunch of Montagues is in their house.

Romeo: I am at ease, my dear brother. It's just that my love for Rosali—

Romoe: Okay, just shush those rowdy mouth of yours. I'll be just right here. Go make yourself jumping for joy, tonight.

Romeo: As it is, my dear brother. I'll be leaving you, for now.

Romoe decided to stay near the entrance to have his eyes on the Capulets incase something goes wrong tonight. Romeo dashed his way to a large crowd, excited to once see and talk to his love, Rosaline.

Romeo hid in the crowd while watching Rosaline from a distance. A weird dance was happening at the center of the ball where Rosaline is. But as Romeo have his eyes laid on Rosaline, a more stunning lass blocked his sight. Her graceful dance stole the attention of the lad who was watching in the crowd. Indeed, it was a love at first sight.

Romeo: This lady, she's... beautiful.

His love for Rosaline faded as he gain infatuation towards the gorgeous lass. His eyes were somehow allured by a girl, who's called by everyone as Juliet.

The two ran away from the loud crowd and talked to a more hidden place. Both of them have their lips intertwined as they get to know each other.

Meanwhile, a guy named Tybalt, who's known as a Capulet and a cousin of Juliet, noticed the presence of the Montagues wandering in the house. The Montague boys were now being haunted so they all make their getaway from the Capulet's by escaping off the house, except for Romeo who's busy doing romance stuffs with Juliet.

Romoe: Am I the only one who can't find Romeo's presence?

Benvolio: Where is Romeo?

Mercutio: My assumption is that he might still be inside.

Romoe: I'll get him.

Romoe sneaks his way into the house. His eyes seemed to roamed the house for the nth time yet there's still no trace of his brother. He then proceeded somewhere to continue finding Romeo.

Romeo is on his way to leave the house when Romoe saw him. Romoe scolded his brother for they might be in trouble once the Capulets managed to catch them.

Both of them left the house, but Romeo's heart seems to be missing the flowery scent of his love. At first, Romoe disagreed to Romeo's idea of sneaking once again into the Capulet's, but he somehow agreed when Romeo said he can join him.

Romeo jumped to a wall just to land his feet onto the Capulet's garden. Romeo saw his love, Juliet, gazing in the lovely night sky from the window. When the two finally met, both of them exchanged vows of love.

The two agreed to have their marriage. So they planned everything about it. They talked to every person who's responsible for that stuff. Until, the day came and they got to exchange "I Love You"s with each other, they finally got married.

Days passed by, Romeo's friend, Mercutio got killed by Tybalt. It was because Tybalt knew that Romeo was really in the feast. He knew that the Montague are there in their house. Romeo was enraged upon seeing his friend die so he challenged Tybalt to a duel. After a long time of fighting with their valorous swords, Tybalt laid on the ground as he was stabbed by the enraged boy. Right then, Romeo was declared by the Prince that he'll be having a death sentence for his crimes.

Meanwhile, Juliet's parents are forcing her to marry Paris, little did they know that their daughter was already married. Juliet, of course, didn't approve on what her parents are saying so he talked to Friar Lawrence, they have planned to drink a potion that will make the lass half-dead. Juliet agreed to it and drank the potion before she slept.

While Romeo was hiding from the officials, he then heard that Juliet was found dead in her sleep. He hurried his way into his love's tomb, just to see Paris in there. Both of them fight, and at the end, Paris lost to the guy whose heart is fully devoted to his love, Juliet. Romeo have his heart break into pieces upon seeing his love laying on her tomb, dead. But right on time, Friar Lawrence made his way to Romeo just to remind him that Juliet isn't actually dead. Romeo was relieved upon hearing what the guy said, yet, a group of soldiers are waiting outside the graveyard.

Romoe came to the scene and warned Romeo about it but it's too late. Romoe sacrificed himself just to make his brother alive, but Romeo was hurt when he saw Romoe like that so he fought them. But at the end, he also got killed. Romeo and Romoe are both dead. Also, Friar Lawrence becomes uneasy as Juliet still isn't waking up from her deep sleep.

Months passed by, a statue of Romeo, Juliet and Romoe was built on the center of Verona. They were considered as heroes. Due to their heroic acts, they have united the two families, the Capulet and the Montague. Romeo got himself killed for fighting for his brother. Romoe sacrificing himself for his brother. Juliet got killed for drinking a potion that she thought it could be a solution of her and Romeo having a good relationship by the very end. All their precious lives have been lost, all because of love.

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