Chapter 23: like heaven

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"a/n: sorry guys for the late update.. i was too busy yesterday huhuhuhu.. AND ALSO THANKS A LOT BECAUSE KEEP ME IN UR ARMS JUST REACHED 2K READS.. THIS REALLY MEANS A LOT TO ME... I 💙 U ALL"

Third Person POV

"Should you not start to make your ease?"

Beomgyu: That I might see I have no case to make? Go, you speak... Uhmmm...

Mrs. Kwon: Again!

"Should you not start to make your ease?"

Beomgyu: That I might see I have no... I have no...

Mrs. Kwon: Beomgyu, be serious with what you're doing, okay?

Beomgyu: Sorry, Mrs. Kwon.

Mrs. Kwon: Again! Position!

Beomgyu went and stood on his spot while pulling his hair with both of his hands. Beomgyu feels frustrated and ashamed right now for the reason that he keeps forgetting his lines. He whispered in the air as he practice his lines right before Mrs. Kwon give her a cue to start.

While on the other hand, Yeonjun is seating on a chair at the front of the stage together with Mrs. Kwon and some casts. He witnessed all the mistakes that Beomgyu did up on the stage and he knows Beomgyu isn't at fault. As a matter of fact, he's blaming Mrs. Kwon since it is just the first day of practice yet the teacher is being perfectionist right away.

"Should you not start to make your ease?"

Beomgyu: That I might see I have no case to make? Go... go?

Mrs. Kwon: Beomgyu, we've been practicing for hours. How can't you execute your lines well? I told everyone of you yesterday to memorize the script, why didn't you?

Beomgyu: I did memorize the script, Mrs. Kwon.

Mrs. Kwon: If you did, then why are you acting like this?

The room became silent because of the atmosphere. Beomgyu lowered his head out of embarrassment. His eyes are about to drop some tears so he pinched his forearm to distract him from crying.

Yeonjun: Mrs. Kwon, it's lunch time. Can we eat now?

Mrs. Kwon: Okay, listen everyone. We'll be having again a practice after lunch and before you all head here, make sure you have memorized each of your lines well. I want our next practice to be perfect. Understood?

"Yes, Mrs. Kwon."

Mrs. Kwon: You may go now.

Hyunah went to Beomgyu straightaway while almost everyone is leaving the room.

Hyunah: Oppa, you look sad. Here, use my handkerchief. It's okay to cry.

Beomgyu isn't conscious so he didn't took the handkerchief from Hyunah though she is still handing it to him.

Yeonjun: He doesn't need your handkerchief so go away from him.

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