Chapter 24: romoe's character

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flashback before the 1st practice

Yeonjun's POV

The other students are busy memorizing their script somewhere in this room. Meanwhile, I was curious and confused with my character since it's a new one so I asked Mrs. Kwon about it.

Yeonjun: Mrs. Kwon, may I know what Romoe's character is? You know, the added character.

Mrs. Kwon: Oh yeah! Romoe.

I stood straight so I can listen very well to the teacher in front of me. I'm curious on how they will insert Romoe in the story, and I'm also curious on how the flow will be like because of him.

Mrs. Kwon: Well, Romoe will play a big role in this story since it is entitled as "Romeo and Juliet and Romoe". He'll be Romeo's big brother since Romeo doesn't have any sibling in the original story. Your role in this story, is to secure Romeo's safety from the threats of the Capulets. Like, you will help Romeo escape the ball when Tybalt knew that something was off that time. You got it?

So, my role is to protect Romeo the whole play. It looks like I'll be protecting my Gyu the whole play. His character is not that bad. It's kinda cool though. I love it.

Yeonjun: Yes! Thank you, Mrs. Kwon.

Beomgyu's POV

Beomgyu: Yeonjun! I told you so many times, it's alright. Besides the injury is not that serious, okay?

He wouldn't stop apologizing. It wasn't his fault though, but he's acting like it is. This is too embarrassing to Mrs. Kwon who is also witnessing this thing in here (the clinic).

Yeonjun: I should have been faster enough to catch you, Gy—

Beomgyu: Stop, geez.

He was on my right side, resting his head on my hand. I was laying on a bed in this clinic although it's just a not-so-serious injury on my left arm. I'm literally pinching Yeonjun's skin right now with my fingers so that he would know that he's being too obvious, in front of Mrs. Kwon.

Beomgyu: Mrs. Kwon. Hehehhe. It's really okay, you may leave me here. I know you have a schedule right now—

Mrs. Kwon: No. I won't leave you, Beomgyu. You are my student. I should keep an eye on you for a while. And besides,

I suddenly turned my head into her.

She's also here because...

Mrs. Kwon: ... my daughter did this to you.

Mrs. Kwon is Kwon Hyunah's Mother. Actually, Mrs. Kwon wasn't suppose to be our homeroom teacher. In fact, she was supposedly the 2nd Section's adviser. It just happened that her daughter was in there so she had no choice but to transfer and be our Adviser.

Beomgyu: No. She didn't literally pushed me, it was an accident, Mrs. Kwon.

Mrs. Kwon: But still, if my daughter had been more careful, you wouldn't be like this.

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