Chapter 1: a new life

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present day

It's a sunny Monday morning. Choi Beomgyu is sitting near beside the classroom's window wherein he can see the beautiful view of the school. There is a big fountain in the middle of the building that Beomgyu wants to visit every time.

Taehyun: Beomgyu?! Hi?!

Beomgyu was shocked after seeing Taehyun.

Beomgyu: Oh! Didn't notice you there hehehhe.

Beomgyu smiled at Taehyun and Taehyun smiled back.

Taehyun: Are you ok? It seems like you don't feel so well?

Beomgyu: Well, I guess writing a 30 page essay in the night isn't a good idea.

Taehyun: Wow, you already did your essay? But that's deadlined for next week?!

Beomgyu: Yup! I already did it because I have something to do for the next days.

Taehyun: Really?! Are you joining a club? Are you auditioning for dance club?!

Beomgyu: What!? No! It's just that I feel like I will be busy these coming days.

Taehyun: Don't worry, I'll make you a banner!

Taehyun walked immediately to his seat while...

Beomgyu: I said I'm not auditioning~

Beomgyu was shocked to see who's in front of him. It was Yeonjun.

Beomgyu didn't know what to do.

Beomgyu: Hi~

Yeonjun just passed Beomgyu. Beomgyu didn't look back. In fact, he was paralyzed for a few seconds.

Beomgyu's POV

As always, it is awkward whenever I see Yeonjun. I know he's mad at me. Sometimes, when we have class discussions, I accidentally looked at him and I saw him glancing at me then he will look somewhere else acting like nothing happened. It feels like he's planning for a revenge or else. I hope it's not like that.

lunch time

Taehyun: Beomgy~

After finishing Science class, I immediately ran away from the classroom. I walked quickly not knowing where I'm headed to.

Gosh, this time was even worse, he is staring at me! I really don't know what to do. If I can just tell somebody about this except for Taehyun because I know what he'll act if he knew that I did something crazy back then. Yes, so crazy! Well, at least everything changed.

Last year, Taehyun was really quiet. He doesn't even participate in any class recitations or anything that includes talking. He was the most quiet student last year. Yeonjun was also quiet but he participates well to class recitations. Well, thank goodness, everything changed when that girl transferred to another school. I don't know the reason behind it since I agreed to what she said last year but at least everything is fine, for now.

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