Chapter 29: d-1

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Third Person POV

D-1, the day before Foundation Day. All students, teachers and clubs are a-bustle in cleaning and decorating their area since the school decided not to have any class for today.

Banderitas are hanging everywhere the campus. There are also balloons tied on every street lights in each sides of the school's road. Everything is almost done, except for a group of people who are struggling to decorate the stage... the stage where Music Club will be performing.

Kai, who's having a hard time painting the stage wall, got himself a cold yogurt then he walked to the backstage to take a rest of his tired body for a while. He's been working there for hours nonstop.

The amount of people working there isn't enough to finish the stage's decoration within the day, all of them knew it and they are literally under stress, especially Soobin.

Kai made a hole on his yogurt using a straw and took a sip of it. He is starting to feel refreshed because of his drink.

Taehyun: You hungry?

Kai: Tired but not hungry.

Taehyun: I'm hungry.

Taehyun filled the empty space where Kai is sitting. Both of them have their backs leaning on the backrest of the seat.

Kai: I have some food with me. You can eat them. Here.

Sparkles appeared on Taehyun's eyes when he saw a bunch of chocolates in front of him.

Taehyun: Why do you this many chocolates?

Kai: My aunt came back from Hawaii. Our house is full of sweets and souvenirs earlier because of her.

Taehyun: You can give it to me if those chocolates are bothering you in your house.

Kai: Yeah. Actually I brought a bag full of those. It's inside our classroom.

Taehyun: Really?!

Kai: Of course. I brought it for Yeonjun, Beomgyu and you.

Taehyun: Awww. Thank you.

Kai: I also have mint chocolate with me. You want some?

Taehyun: Yes, I— wait what? Mint choco?

Kai: Yeah, Mint choco.

Taehyun: Hell, no!

Kai: Come on. Just taste a little. It's really good.

Butterflies flew around Taehyun's stomach when Kai took a scoop of mint choco ice cream and placed it in front of Taehyun's mouth. Taehyun is making himself stop from thinking such things but he couldn't help it, his heart is still shouting Kai's name. He still love him.

Kai: Aaaaaaa... (opening his mouth)

Taehyun ate the mint choco without realizing it. Later on, he gagged on the taste of the food he had inside his mouth.

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