Chapter 4: music club president, choi soobin

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at the campus; Thursday (9:27 AM)

Beomgyu's POV

Every club officers here in our campus is busy promoting their  clubs that's why it's a bit crowded here in our place.

Beomgyu: No! I want to stay more in the fountain!

Taehyun is pulling me away from the fountain because he doesn't really want crowded places.

Taehyun: Stop whining! It's too embarrassing.

Anonymous: Hi there! Would you like to join Music Club?

Taehyun: Not really.

Beomgyu: Why? You're good at singing though?

Taehyun: I'm not really confident. (whispers)

Beomgyu: But you have to join! Come on!

I pulled Taehyun to the guy who was giving away papers.

Beomgyu: Can I have one paper, please?

Anonymous: Sure! Here you go!

Beomgyu: Thanks!

Taehyun and I walked away from the crowd and sat at a bench nearby.

Beomgyu: Here you go! Make sure you'll audition at Monday!

I gave Taehyun the club paper. He smiled but it's not really that obvious.

Taehyun: Why don't you try it too? You are also good at singing and you can play an instrument.

Beomgyu: Nahhh. I still have a bunch of things to do.

Taehyun: You sure? How about Dance club?

Beomgyu: Nope. I'm busy.

Taehyun: With what?

Beomgyu: You know, school works. I can't handle joining a club while studying. I think I'll be distracted in my studies. Well, good luck with your audition. I have a surprise for you if you passed the audition!

Taehyun: Really? Promise?

Beomgyu: Yup! Promise me to be a member of the Music club!

Taehyun: Okay. I promise!

We smiled at each other.

at the mall

It's 6:00 PM and I'm here at the mall to buy some groceries. My mom texted me a while ago that I should go buy some because we are already running out of stocks of food.

Normally, Taehyun will come and join me whenever I will go buy groceries but I insisted to him that he can't because he has to do his essay so that he can practice in the weekends in joining the music club at Monday.

Im busy looking at my phone because the list is on my phone (Mom texted me the list of foods to buy). I got all the foods on the list but there is still something missing, strawberries. Strawberry isn't in the list but I often buy them whenever I'll buy groceries because Strawberry is my favorite fruit. I love strawberries!

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