Chapter 3: what happened back then

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at the cafeteria

Beomgyu's POV

Taehyun: What's wrong with you? Beomgyu? Beomgyu!

I still can't believe what happened a while ago. Yeonjun helped me with our presentation. What is he really planning to do?

Taehyun: Beomgyu! (tapping my arms)

Beomgyu: (startled) Oh, I'm sorry.

Taehyun: Are you okay? What are you thinking so deeply?

Beomgyu: No-nothing.

I continued eating my food while Taehyun is looking at me.

Taehyun: Are you sure?

Beomgyu: Uhmmm. I think I messed up our presentation.

Taehyun: What?! You did great though!

Beomgyu: Nahh. I almost didn't answer Mrs. Lee's last question if it wasn't for Yeonjun.

Taehyun: Yeonjun helped you?!

Beomgyu: Yeah. He kinda told me the answer when I was presenting.

Taehyun: Woah. Yeonjun is really awesome.

Did he forgive me already? Is it a sign of peace that everything is clear already? I have lots of questions. I think I should ask him.

Kai: Annyeong, Beombeom! You did great a while ago! Hi, Taehyun!

Taehyun gave Kai a smiling face then Kai smiled back. I notice someone is with Kai and it's... YEONJUN?!

I was wrong earlier, I have to ask him about it but i don't think I can talk to him.

Kai: Can we sit here? Please? Please!

Taehyun: Sure!

Kai: Great! Come on, Bro, let's sit!

Kai sat beside Taehyun and Yeonjun sat beside me. Yes, he sat beside me.

Kai: Are you guys done with the English essay? I bet you haven't starte-

I nodded my head.

Kai: Really?! Wow, you're amazing! Why though? I mean you still have weekends to finish it?

Beomgyu: I just feel like I'll be busy with the following days. I think this is what fate is trying to tell me, to do my essay early because maybe something good will happen.

Taehyun: Beomgyu has been like that since elementary. He started to believe in his feelings since then because it always bring good luck to him.

Kai: Wow, is that like a power or something?

Beomgyu: Nope, HAHHAHAHAH! It's just that I can feel it, I can feel anything that will happen to me.

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