27º Cap - Rocco turns thirty

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Matteo understands absolutely nothing about what is happening.

- Could you explain to me what this woman meant by bastard?

Bibiana's eyes fill with tears, as she had never told Matteo that she was his father's lover

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Bibiana's eyes fill with tears, as she had never told Matteo that she was his father's lover.

- Listen, son, this is a complicated story, I don't have time to explain it to you now. Let's go.

- Go explain to him, you husband thief.

Mother and son were leaving but after Chiara's insult, it was more than obvious that Matteo would return to take satisfaction.

- I told you not to talk to my mother like that.

Angelo, even from afar, sees in the rearview mirror that Chiara is in trouble and decides to get out of the car.

- Stay here, I'll get Mrs. Chiara.

- I speak the way she deserves.

- What is happening here Mrs. Chiara? Is this man bothering you?

Matteo looks seriously at Angelo.

- The one who is bothering us and spitting insults is this woman.

- You adulterous home wrecker.

- Shut up, Chiara. You've already offended me too much. That's why Mirko couldn't bear to live next to her.

Chiara was going to attack Bibiana, but Angelo held her back.

- Calm down, Mrs. Chiara. Don't go down to that level.

-She's a woman and I don't hit women, but I'll break her face if you try to offend my mother again.

- No Matteo. Don't hit anyone. I beg you.

- Your mother was my husband's lover.

Matteo looks at Bibiana.

- Is that true, mom?

- When I met him, his father didn't know he was married. He hid this from me for some time.

- But then she found out everything and still continued with him.

- I was already in love and pregnant with Bibiana. What did you want me to do?

- If I had the dignity to make an approach.

Matteo lets a tear fall, turning around himself.

- You could have your son and I had to take mine away?

- One minute. I have a brother.

- Half brother unfortunately.

Chiara says dismissively.

- You couldn't have hidden that from me.

Matteo looks seriously at Bibiana.

- I wanted to protect you Matteo. I didn't want you to know about this past, so you wouldn't suffer.

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