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By winterrain__

8.8K 133 36

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Eleven

218 4 5
By winterrain__

Chapter Eleven: Triwizard Tournament.

" Ready? "

Y/n and Draco nodded. Narcissa extended her arm and Y/n and Draco took it, apparating right in front of the station.

" Be safe, you two. You'll have fun this
year. "

" Why? " Y/n chuckled, pulling away from the hug. " Oh, you'll know. " She smirked and Y/n huffed. " Okay. Bye, Narcissa. "

" Bye, mother. "

After bidding goodbyes, Draco cimbed the train, dragging Y/n along with himself. Finding the same compartment they sit every year in Slytherin section, they found all of their friends there.

" You two were in the championship,
right? " Blaise asks, while Y/n nodded, confused.

" Well, somebody missed me? " Y/n whipped around at the voice, her face stretching into a wide grin. " Elle! "

The girl was enveloped into a tight hug, which made Draco smile to himself as he settled down. " How did you come back? "

Y/n slid beside Draco, dragging Elle on her other side. " That wasn't the school I wanted to be in. It's so sick. They say girls can't play quidditch. "

Y/n laughed. " Well, I'm glad you're back. I was tired of sleeping alone in our dorm. " She beamed, Elle giggling.

Everyone busied in a conversation about the Death Eater attack while Draco could only stare at Y/n. He just couldn't avert his gaze even if he wanted to.

Y/n had a beautiful smile stretched on her face, her hair bouncing slightly and covering the side of her face as she nods or laughs.

After what felt like hours, the train came to a halt, causing Draco to snap out of his thoughts. He got up and grabbed his bag. He hadn't changed yet.

" Go on! I'll catch up." Y/n nodded but stayed out of the train, waiting patiently. When Draco stepped out in his uniform, she grinned. " Let's go? There's a last carriage. "

The two quickly made their way and sat in, wondering why it wasn't moving yet. " I thought we are the last ones. " She muttered as the door opened and sat in the Golden Trio. " Just great. "

Draco muttered under his breath and slipped beside Y/n. Ronald rolled his eyes and sat across Y/n while Hermione beside him. Harry just gaped. There was no way he'd sit beside Draco.

" Get in or we're leaving. " Y/n stated and Harry shook his head. " I am not sitting beside him. "

Draco scoffed. " As if I'm dying. " Y/n sighed. " Move over, " She muttered to Draco, " He's not sitting beside you! " He complained and Y/n rolled her eyes.

" Granger, if you could switch seats! "
Y/n muttered and Hermione sighed. She got up and shifted beside Y/n while Harry sat across them. " Thanks. "

" Oh, you're welcome. " Y/n cut off Hermione, a smug look on her face. Harry rolled his eyes. Hermione squirmed uncomfortably, causing Y/n to give her a look.

" I'm not gonna bite you. " She muttered, amused. " Yeah, well. Not really sure of it. " She fired back and
Y/n snickered.

" I'm not into girls, Granger. I might bite boys. " She smirked, Draco coughing while Ron and Harry turned red.

Draco couldn't help but feel uneasy as the two boys across of him stared at

The complete ride was in painful silence, as they reached, Draco was quick to jump out. Y/n followed, and they quickly made their way towards the entrance of the Castle.

A yelp from behind made Y/n turn back. She saw her cat, Moon chasing and hissing at Ron. Y/n burst out laughing with Draco. Even Hermione and Harry were snickering.

" Get your cat off of me. " Y/n scoffed and bent down, " Come here, Moon. " The cat instantly stopped, making it's way towards Y/n." Crookshanks never listens to me like that. " Hermione said, disappointed.

" There you go. I think she's asking where your rat is. Probably dead in your garden. " Y/n asked, a smirk on her face. Ron rolled his eyes, ignoring her question.

" Let's go. " Draco whispered, grabbing her arm protectively as Harry just stared at Y/n.

" Yeah. Come on! What are these carriages for? " She asked as they passed a big one.

" Where were you two? " Elle asked as Y/n dat beside her, Draco on her other side. " Draco took an hour to get into his uniform. "

" It wasn't an hour. " He says, rolling his eyes. Y/n shrugged. " What's this all
about? " There was an excited chatter in the staff table and other students.

" Didn't you hear? There's going to be a Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts. " Theo slipped in the seat across her, trying to loosen his tie.

Y/n looked amazed. " Oh, well! " She sighed. She was tired and wasn't looking forward to a speech tonight before the feast.

But that had to happen.

Dumbledore started to explain about the Triwizard Tournament and it's rules. " I'm hungry. " She whined to Draco, who chuckled. " Can't help it. "

There was sudden chaos in the enchanted ceiling, everyone ducking on instincts. Y/n watched as one and only Mad eye Moody shot his wand up, calming the weather.

" What's he doing here? " Draco asked, confusion etched on his face. Y/n shook her head. " Meet your new Defense Against the Dark Arts, teacher. "

" Oh, boy! He's a nutter! " Y/n exclaimed, a frown on her face. She didn't like him a bit. And now she had to go through classes of his.

" Now, please welcome lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy, with their high mistress, Madam Maxime. " Dumbledore says and the large oak doors opened.

The girls in pale blue dresses, looking as beautiful and Graceful as ever came dancing inside, one of them a gymnast.
Y/n subconsciously looked over at Draco, who like every other boy was gawking at them.

Something inside her clicked, causing her to scrunch her face and look at the girls with annoyance. Behind them, entered a very very tall women, causing Y/n to raise an eyebrow.

While the Beauxbatons settled with Ravenclaws, Dumbledore got to the words again, " Now, the proud sons of Durmstrang with their high master, Igor Karkaroff. "

Once again, built and good looking boys marched in, sticks in their hands. While they did their little show, it was every girl's time to stare while boys were a little annoyed.

Draco did glance at Y/n, seeing her look at one perticular boy, who was looking back at her with a glint in his eyes. Draco glared at him, while Y/n didn't even bother looking away.

A nudge caused her to look at Draco, who had his face scrunched in annoyance." What? " She whispered, taking another glance as the boy made his way towards her with other classmates of his.

" Nothing. " He whispered, trying to greet Victor Krum who just sat beside

" Hi. I'm Victor Krum. " He had a gruff voice.

" Hi. I'm Y/n Clair. "

" Draco Malfoy. " Draco greeted with a nod, while Krum nodded. " Heard about you two. " He smiled kindly, which surprised Y/n but she didn't let it show. " All nice things, I hope. " She joked, chuckling.

" Of course. All good things, " The boy that was staring at Y/n sat across her, extending his hand. " Igaro Karkaroff. " He introduced, kissing the back of Y/n's hand.

It took everything in Draco to not stand up and rip Y/n's hand out of his. He just clenched his jaw slightly, glaring at his cup of goblet. " Y/n Clair. It's nice to meet you. "

She smiled, a small tint of pink on her cheeks. She wasn't expecting that. Draco noticed, he wasn't the only one glaring at him. There were many around.

Why am I angry? He shook his head snd took a sip of his pumpkin juice.
" Are you alright? " He heard Y/n ask. He nodded.

" Don't lie. You'd have served me food by now of you were. " She whispered, smiling softly.

Draco melted at the sight and shook his head. " I'm good. Here. " He started piling her plate with food, to which Y/n laughed.

" Alright, I'm not even that hungry. "

She stopped him, rolling her eyes playfully. Draco chuckled and got food for himself. As the dinner went by, Y/n was glad with making small conversations.

When the dinner as over, Draco stood up offering her his hand. Y/n found it wierd that he was acting a little different, but decided she'll ask him later and grabbed his hand.

When they reached dungeons, they found Durmstrangs already there. Draco sighed. " Serpentine. " He muttered and the portrait swung open.

" Guess I'll have to share a dorm. " He whispered uncomfortably, causing Y/n to grin. " Well, we always have Common Room if you can't sleep in there. " She giggled, Draco smiling.

" I'll take up on that offer, thanks you. Midnight. " He whispered, kissing her forehead. Y/n smiled and nodded.

" Y/n, come on! " Elle said and bit her tongue. " Did I disturb you two? " She giggled and Y/n rolled her eyes. She shared a knowing look with Draco before chuckling and following Elle up the stairs.

" So, " Elle wriggled her eyebrows, making wierd kissing noise. Y/n scrunched her face, blush rising to her cheeks as she shook her head. " We are not dating. Why does everyone keep saying that? "

" You're not? " Elle asks, her smile fading. " No, Elle. " Y/n laughed, opening the door. " There we are. " She smiled.

" But there are four trunks. "

Y/n huffed. " Oh boy! I hope it's not Pansy. " She muttered, plopping on her bed by the window. Elle took the one beside her while the other two on the other end of the room.

The door opened, and entered Daphne Greengrass, a smile on her face.
" Daph!! " Y/n beamed, hugging the girl.

" Elle? What are you doing here? " Daphne asks, chuckling. Elle hugged her other best friend before she settled back on her bed.

" I returned, of course. "

Than came Astoria Greengrass, causing Daphne to snort. Y/n figured the two didn't like each other much. " Hi. Y/n Clair. "

" Astoria. " She said, uninterested. Daphne glared her younger sister before grabbing Y/n's hand. " Don't mind her. She's always rude and
bitchy. "

She whispered and Y/n nodded, not knowing what to say. She quickly changed into her night gown and climbed her bed.

" Do you think they'll have to share
rooms? " Daphne asks and Y/n nodded.

" Draco was saying they were. I don't
know. " At the mention of Draco, Daphne glanced at her sister, who seemed annoyed.

" So, what's going on between you two, anyway? " Daphne smirked, causing
Y/n to groan while Elle laughed.
" Nothing. We're best friends! " She whined, pulling the sheets over her head.

Her best friends laughed while Astoria rolled her eyes and got in bed.

When it was nearing midnight, Y/n sneaked out of the dorm and reached the common room. Draco was already there, smiling as she entered.

" Hi. " She grinned, sitting beside him.
" I'm not sharing a dorm. " He chuckled and Y/n nodded. " So? "

" So what? I'm sleeping here. " Y/n laughed and climbed the couch, Draco smiling. He climbed the couch and pulled her over himself. Y/n didn't want to know why she blushed at the action but it felt nice.

She nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck and almost instantly, felt tired and relaxed. " Night, Dray. " She pressed a kiss on his cheek and Draco smiled.

" Night, love. "


That was so cute!!! Draco and Y/n are starting to get jealous!!! Ooh~~

Words Count: 1947

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