Sotus Black

By Sakura_D

83K 5K 1.6K

Sotus - Sotus Black Time never stops, moving and changing everything in its wake. Time they say, heals all pa... More

CH 1 - Hope
CH 2 - Searching
CH 3 - Slowly
CH 4 - Coffee
CH 5 - Backwards
CH 6 - Steps
CH 7 - Dark
CH 8 - Simple
CH 9 - Almost
CH 10 - Smoke
CH 11 - Chance
CH 12 - Witch
CH 13 - Demon
CH 14 - Waiting
CH 15 -Enemy
CH 16 - Debts
CH 17 - Creeping
CH 18 - Progress
CH 19 - Secrets
CH 20 - Dhampir
CH 21 - Dots (Part1)
CH 22 - Dots (2)
CH 23 - Unexpected
CH 24 - Perpetual
CH 25 - Motion
CH 26 - Thunder
CH 27 - Storm
CH 28 - Silver
CH 29 - Mine
CH 30 - Earth
CH 31 - Bite
CH 32 - Revelations
CH 33 - Fires
CH 34 - Spy
CH 35 - Bonding
CH 36 - Chime
CH 37 - Daylight
CH 38 - Nightmare
CH 39 - Fleeting
CH 40 - Interrupted
CH 41 - Silence
CH 42 - Memories (1)
CH 43 - Memories (2)
CH 44 - Darkest
CH 46 - Eyes
CH 47 - Families
CH 48 - Trust
CH 49 - Lord
CH 50 - Council
CH 51 - Mothers
CH 52 - Crime

CH 45 - Hour

1K 76 42
By Sakura_D

Contract-maker - Near the Lighthouse

"Why are you falling back?" The contract-maker yelled. "Keep going."

"There are too many."

"Use the demon horde." The contract-maker snaped. "Send them all."

"We have, but their defence is strong." The man answered. "Not only the vampires, but they have mages helping them."

They needed the memory Kongpob took, it was the final piece. They could finish what they started so many years ago. But they had to do it now, if that mage woke up, their chance to get it would be very slim.

The Blood Prince wasn't allowing the Dream witch to form a connection, the Demon Lord went to find a way in. They always won, always, why were they being pushed back? Twice, he watched the demon kill Kongpob, twice, why was it so hard this time? He waited too long, it might be time to do something himself.


Caverns Below the Lighthouse.

"Arthit's father?"

Boom and Som shared a look. They couldn't doubt his words, the resemblance was uncanny.

"How can you be here?"

"I have unfinished business." Rojnapat moved his hand, but it went right through Som's shoulder. "I only have a little time left, before I have to move on."

He was a ghost. Once the man moved his hand, he looked as real as them. They hear noises from above, something groans. Rojnapat raises his hand with something in his palm, the chimes ring and everything is silent again.

"We must hurry, we don't have much time." The man told the other two. "The Blood Prince can't stop them for much longer. We need to wake them up before the Demon gets here or the witch can get in. Kongpob needs to wake up."

"Why does he want my son so badly?"

"Kongpob is the grandson of the Archmage." Rojnapat replied as he walked through the paths carved in the rock. "A child of two magic, it's never been done before. He thinks Kongpob's soul will give him the key to traverse the barriers between the magic realms."

"Why hasn't he already taken it?"

"Because Kongpob tricked him. He used the last of his magic to take the knowledge from the demon on how to do it..."

"You're lying." Som stopped. "That kind of knowledge cannot be kept that way, it's too powerful. That's why they made the Tomes."

"I didn't finish." The figure smiled. "That's what the demon thinks was taken, but the knowledge Kongpob took, was much more dangerous."

"How do you know so much about my son?" Boom looked serious.

Boom watched the being in front of him, he had many questions, and this man had the answers all along. He was there, what more did he know?

"I met him, back then." A look of guilt passed through the man's eyes. "We don't have time...hurry..."

The ghost stopped in a large cave, leaves swirling around even though there was no wind. Som watched the ghost closely, the traits so familiar to his eldest son. Why was he here now? Why not when Arthit screamed to see him?

"This array, we need to activate it." Rojnapat pointed to the floor, the marking almost gone. "Your blood will make the spell work."

"Spells are dangerous, especially ones needing blood." Som looked at the floor. "What is this for?"

"To light the wick at the top of this tower." He answered. "The lighthouse is built with magic wards; we need to activate them. Once the wick is lit, the magic will flow. Nothing that wants to harm the boys can come in."

"Why us?"

"It's how the spell was constructed, to protect Kongpob and Arthit." Rojnapat answers. "It needs the blood of the fathers. It was made using mine, you will help reactivate it, a few drops each. It will stop the shadows and wake the boys..."

"Do you know how long Arthit looked for you?" Som couldn't stop himself. "Why didn't you come?"

Som remembered the days Arthit looked for this man, how he almost lost to the dark. This man was his last hold on something good; how could he not show up then if he could now? Seeing Arthit in pain wrenched at his heart, it was then he knew he couldn't only be his Master. The boy would be his son.

"I couldn't then."

"You should have found a way." Som insisted. "You're his father."

"So are you."

Rojnapat looked Som in the eye. He knew what this man was to his son, this man was the reason Arthit survived. This man protected his son when he couldn't. Blood isn't the only thing that makes a bond. Love and kindness do too.

"I saw you, when you took him." Rojnapat carried on. "I knew you could protect him better than me. I went, knowing he wasn't alone."

"You still should have come." Som's voice is hard.

"I have been tied to this place by magic, I have been sleeping." Rojnapat answered. "My kind can't roam this land freely, I had to wait. Arthit and Kongpob here together, reawakened me."

"Who would be so cruel?"

"He wasn't cruel." Tears swam in Rojnapat eyes. "I wanted to see my son one more time. He let me sleep until I could."

Before they can ask more the voices return, the chimes once again silence them. Som closed his eyes and let his powers flow, nothing felt wrong, he only felt reassurance and mage magic. He would trust this ghost, for their son's sake.

Som bit his finger, breaking the skin and letting his blood drop on the symbols. Boom looked at the ghost once more, before doing the same. The blood seeped into the carvings, light flickered, then burst upwards.

"It's working." Rojnapat turned to Boom, pointing towards a wall with a magic circle carved into it. "Tell Kongpob the contract is here. He will understand."

"If this hurts the boys in anyway." Boom told the ghost. "Be warned, my wife hits very hard."

"I should be more afraid of you." He looked to Boom. "You are the demon, after all. Fallen Third Demon Lord. Lord of Wrath."


Kongtanin House - Nami POV

The air stilled, the night becoming darker as something swirled high above. The house was at the end, secluded, overshadowed by the greenery that grew around the front and the trees in the back. Grandfather, P'May, and I watched the sky as it rumbled.

Aunt Mini and Millie stopped hearing the noise, trying to sneak out with the weapons when grandfather forbids them. They could feel the change in the air. P'Poppy hurried them both back towards the barrier, ignoring their protests. She could feel what was coming.

P'Korn and P'Fai came around the side, falling to the ground as something crackled above and a pulse made everything shake. P'Fai moved P'May out of the way as something fell, P'Korn wasn't fast enough in moving Aunt Mini, the roof tiles hitting his back as he covered her.

"Everyone, inside." Grandfathers voice boomed.

"But Uncle..."

"Did I stutter?" Grandfather looked towards Aunt Mini who was holding one of his swords. "Inside. Now!"

P'Poppy grabbed both aunts, an arm each and marched them inside. The others followed, P'Fai helping P'Korn but all eyes were on what was happening as something came through the back wooden gate.

"You are not welcome here." Grandfathers voice rang, the barriers sparked to life. "Demon Lord."

"That's a Demon Lord?"

"I thought it a member of a boy band."

People inside should be quiet.

"So I see." The Demon Lord smiles, tapping the barrier as he moves around the garden freely. "Very intricate."

"What do you want?"

The demon smiled, to any other, it would be charming, but I could see what was beneath. Watching as the demon took a step towards me.

"You have a certain necklace." The demon smiled.

"Is that what you came for?" I raised an eyebrow. "I thought it was this."

The smile slipped when I showed him the tome, his eyes widening when he sees the cover.

"Give that to me." His voice filled with power.

"You know how these old books are." I set the tome on the small table behind me. "Touched by the wrong demon, it will turn to dust."

"Where is its owner?"

"Where, I wonder."

"You don't know the amount of pain I can put you through." The demon's eyes burned. "Don't play with me, little girl. All the ones capable of protecting you, are saving others."

The Demon Lord stepped towards the barrier, he touches it, his fingers begun to freeze, spreading the longer his hand stayed still. He pulled away, shaking the effects off. His eyes burned with fire, his hand engulfed in flames as he tried again. A finger getting through.

"I will kill them all, and make you watch."

"Wrong family to threaten." My grandfather came out of the house carrying a crystal.

The demon screamed, pulling his hand away when the colour of the barrier changed. Grandfather and I watched the crystal when it vibrated. That wasn't normal, someone just gave it a power boost. The crystal vibrated, small shards splintering away, disappearing into the barrier. One shard hovering into my open palm.

"You want to fight me?"

"Not me." I wasn't that insane, I turned to the visitor by the gate. "Him."

I threw the shinning piece in my hand, the squirrel jumping to take it. A roar sundered the night air, a dragon taking the place of the small creature. The Kongtanin weren't legendry for no reason. We had powerful friends, who left guardians. Good thing P'Beam wasn't here to see this.

The fight was brutal, the dragon didn't hold back. The Demon Lord was powerful, but the guardian was nothing less. The dragon fire burning through the spells, as fast as the demon lord threw them out. The black scales shimmering in the night, making the creature almost invisible.

"That bitch." The demon looked at his missing fingers, singed by dragon fire.

The crystal hummed; three more squirrels appeared making the demon curse. Thunder clapped, lightning hitting the dragon and sending it flying. Trees uprooted as it skidded to a halt. The demon used the distraction to vanish. The dragon roared, turning into its original form before hurrying back towards me.

"Was that a good idea? Angering a demon lord?" P'Korn asked coming through the open door. "You do know those bastards have a long life, right?"

"It's fine."

The distraction was long enough, P'Arthit and P'Kong were awake. I picked up the squirrel, taking nuts out of my pocket to feed him. He looked tired but wasn't hurt.

"Nami, let me borrow him, I need to go save Kong and Arthit." Aunty Mini ran towards me. "Korn, help your mother with the axe, let's go."

"I made a video; I can't wait to show this to Beam." P'Fei laughed happily following. "I'm coming too."

"Let me be there when you do." P'Korn limped after her. "But, let him patch me up for free first. Can we make a stop at the hospital, I think I might need to go to A&E."


The hooded figure watched; his right hand filled with magic turned. He raised it when something appeared in his palm. The leather soft, holding the small metal piece that hung on it, 206 engraved on the silver. The velvet cloak flutters as it moves, vanishing into the night, unseen, like its owner.


Arthit POV

Everything is still, the hum of magic seeping through every brick of the house, silencing everything around it. I stand on top of the third story, searching. Chimes woke me, Kongpob was still sleeping but I hurried down to see where the sound came from. Were these the chimes he always heard?

I was only gone for a second, when I returned, he was gone. I let my magic go, the panic taking over when I feel nothing. I knew when Kongpob was near, why couldn't I feel him now? I had to find him, tell him, explain. Where are you, Beloved?

I feel a spark, ignoring every voice calling my name, running to find him. My inside turning cold when I do, my heart racing when I realise where we are. In the clearing where it all began. The camp, the fire, the memories so vivid in my mind.


He turned slowly, his head tilting as he watched me take a step closer. Then he raises his eyes, the unfamiliar emotion in crimson making me pause. The words refusing to leave my mouth, as his gaze changes and his eyes take on an emerald hue. An old fear making me move back.

He walks the few steps to me, no matter what he said, I would understand. I was the liar, I was the one who hurt him. If we must start at the beginning, I would. I would fight, I couldn't lose him. Never again.

Just give me a chance Kongpob, just once chance. I will beg if I have to, just one chance. But the words that leave his mouth bring tears to my eyes.

"I missed you, P'Arthit." His hand touches my cheek but I feel it to the depth of my heart. "Did you miss me too?"

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