The start of the end

By evchantress

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The marauders enter in their seventh year in Hogwarts. We can say that it's not going to be a peaceful one as... More

i n t r o
1. Bertie Bott's Beans and Secrets not so secret.
2. Friendship
3. The Sorting Hat and Head Boy's duties
4. Nighty Surprises.
5. Do you fancy one as well ?
6. C.I.S.A.Z.A.F.A.A.N.S.I.T.H.W.M.
7. Sirius' brother and Transfiguration class.
8. No shit, Sherlock.
9. Ravenclaw's tries-out
10. The first full-moon
11. Why is it always the same people in the beds of this hospital wing ?
12. Honeydukes & " revisions "
14. Still very lesbian and very in a relationship.
15. Night chats
16. I am sorry
17. First date
18. It's tiring to be the best !
19. Light in the darkness
20. Moonlight Sonata
21. Potion class
22. Not everything is about you
Please read !!

13. What a hard Sunday...

25 2 3
By evchantress

                     JULIA'S POV

It's Sunday morning, Zoe and I are in our dorm and Marlene is Merlin knows where. She has been acting strangely a few days ago at the library with Peter and he didn't talked to me about it. I never got the opportunity to talk to her about it.
She's laying in her bed, reading a muggle novel that seems interesting.

" Oi Zoe ! "
" Mmh," she hums not looking up from her book.
" You were acting strangly at the library a few days ago. "
" What happened ? "
" Nothing that matters," she answers still not looking up from her book.
" You seemed pretty excited and took Peter outside. "

She finally looks up from her book.

" What do you mean ? "
" Is something happening between Peter and you? "
" Oh God no !" she says her eyes widening.
" What is it, then ? "
" I told you ! Nothing that matters, really."

And just at this moment, when I am about to retort, Marlene comes in with a grin on her face, a letter in her hands. Zoe takes it as an occasion to change the subject of conversation.

" What are smiling stupidly at ? "
" A letter from Dorcas. She signed it Dork-ass," she says snorting.
" Sirius would so approuve the pun," I comment.
" The pun-king, yep," Marls says.
" Yeah... Don't tell him that," Zoe adds laughing.
" Does she talk about us ? " I ask.
" Yeah but not too much, if she would I'd have to eliminate the both of you anyways."
" Even me ?! Your favourite cousin ?!" Zoe says with a falsly offended tone.
" I never told you, but Leah is actually my favourite! "
" Argh this is killing me, like an arrow piercing my heart," she says falling back in her bed.

We all laugh at Zoe's dramatic side.

" You're spending way too much time with Sirius. You're becoming a drama queen, just like him ! "
" I'll never come close enough to match his dramatic side. "
" Oh I know ! But still, " Marls says with a smirk.

                      ZOE'S POV

Once the discussion is over, I get up to go the library. I am going to meet up with Regulus. We've been doing so since we accidently met on the full-moon. It's pretty nice because I like having quite moments and interesting conversations at the same, I can have both with him. I love hanging out with the lads, I really really do. But... I don't know, I am the kind of very social person who enjoys spending time alone. I spend time alone everyday. It's something I need, really. Taking a break from everything and just relax or talking about something that has nothing to do with what we're living.

When I come into the library, Regulus is already there, sitting at our usual spot, a bit hidden from the others so we can have our " space ". I take a book about magical creature and open it. Before I start to read it, I look up to see Regulus. He's drinking a dark coffee and is wearing a black turtleneck sweater with a grey blazer. He looks up as well, making his dark curls falling a bit in front of his eyes. He brushes it a bit backwards.

" Hey sorry, good morning," he greets me a bit awkwardly.
" Good morning, " I answer with a smile.

He drinks a bit of his coffee before continuing to read. I do it too ( well, without coffee because I don't like it). After a few minutes, I look up at him again and ask :

" I was wondering, do you have a dream ? "
" A dream ? "
" Yeah, like something you wish you could do. "
" I know what a dream is, thank you," he says jokingly with a smirk, " but I don't think so. What about you ? "
" Well, I'd like to travel the world. "
" Do you have any dream destinations ? "
" Actually, yes. I'd love to visit Australia but it's really expensive. Also, now that I am thinking about it, I'd like to visit anywhere with either historical cities with old buildings, such as Rome or Athens or anywhere really with a very developed and interesting past. Or... some place with a lot of green landscapes, with mountains and forests and woods all out of sight," I say dreamily.

He laughs quitly.

" What ?" I ask trying to hide my smile.
" Nothing, nothing really, " he says waving off.
" Yes there's something, tell me. "
" ... it's just," he starts thinking of the words he's going to pronounce, "it's just beautiful how passionate you are about things you love. It's nice to see it."
" Why, thank you I guess ! And you, is there a place you would like to go to ?"
" Actually, yes. Maybe Canada or Russia ? I heard there are a lot of beautiful landscapes during winter, with a lot of snow."
" You know, there's a lot of snow in the UK during winter as well, right ? "
" Yes, yes of course. But I just- it's different. It feels different when you are in another country. "
" Yeah, I know, I know. Ouh by the way ! I've actually been in Canada during winter with my parents and my sister the year I've attended Hogwarts ! I could ask them to send me some pictures, and I'll show you ! "
" Of course, yes ! I didn't know you had a sister, how old is she ? "
" Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. She's fourteen."
" Isn't she at Hogwarts ? "
" No... um... "

I am hesitating. Does he know I am a Half-Blood ? I mean- Marlene is a Pure-Blood and we're both Mckinnons, so maybe he assumed I was a Pure-Blood as well ? Oh God...

" What did I said wrong ?" he asks furowing his eyebrows.
" Nothing, you didn't say anything wrong."
" What's the matter, then ? "

I fiddle with my necklace. What is he going to say ?

" IamAHalfBloodAndThatSWhyMy
SisterDidn'tGotIntoHogwarts. SheIsNotAWitchBecauseSheHasHeritatedFromMyMom. "

His eyes widen. Oh my God, no.

" I didn't get anything of what you just said."

I let out a sigh of relief.

" I am a Half-Blood and that's why my sister didn't got into Hogwarts. She is not a witch because she has heritated from my mom."
" Oh. "
" Are you... mad ? "
" Why would I be ? "
" Um... because I am Half-Blood ?"
" No... no, it's fine," he says looking down.
" Are you sure ? "
" Yes, I am," he says looking up straight into my eyes.

I nod. There's a bit of an awkward silence before he breaks it.

", what's that you're reading ? "
" Oh.. um.. a book about Magical Creatures. It's interesting, really. "
" Oh yes, I know ! " he says smiling." I noticed you're reading books about them a lot, why ? "
" Well, my sister is not a witch and I miss her. So it reminds me of when we were kids, reading muggle stories about magical creatures. They all made my dad laugh and my mom very confused about why is my dad laughing about it," I answer with a snort," you don't know how much she'd wish to see a unicorn."

For the next two hours, we read and have these kind of discussions. It's midday and before heading back to my dorm, we say goodbye at the entrance of the Library.

We spent the afternoon writing a very long essay about the Trolls' War for History with the lads. I don't know if I found it boring or interesting, really. Now I am in my dorm reading Little Women. A muggle novel my mom read when she was at school. It's already one of my favourites ! Meg and Jo go to the theatre with Laurie when someone knocks on the door. I hear the door opening. Supposing it's Marlene, I say :

" I am telling you Marlene, you have to read this one, it's just amazing. "

But instead, Sirius' voice speaks up.

" I need to talk to you."

Not expecting this, I jump a little looking up. His jawline is firm. It's going to be, well, a serious conversation.

" About what?" I ask closing my book.

" What were you doing, hanging out with Regulus this morning ? "

" Well, we were at the library, talking about books and... about random stuffs really."

He starts to walk in circles in the room, thinking.

 " He certainly has a purpose on doing so."

"  Why would he ? Can't I get along with people who are outside our friends group ? "

" Of course you can ! But not with him ! Not with a possible Death Eater ! Maybe his purpose is to kill you ! "

" Oh My God ! Sirius !! Don't you think he would have already killed me if that was the reason ? "

" Not if the order is to not kill you yet," he comments with a dark tone, turning his back on me. " Look, I just want to protect you ! "

" I don't need your protection Sirius ! I am a big girl and I know what I am doing ! And WHY on EARTH would he want to kill me in the first place ? "

At this question, he turns brutally back at me.







" NO ! No... It's not what I meant ! "

" That's what I get from what you said ! You know what Sirius ? Just get out of here !"

" Yeah right, go replace me with my brother as people think we look so alike. "

" That's not- "

" Don't. "

He walks to the door but before leaving, he turns back to me. My eyes are starting to burn with tears as I sit down, shocked by what just happened.

" We never had a fight in seven years Zoe. See now what Regulus does ? "

And just like that, with this sentence and the door slammed, the discussion is over.

                MARLENE'S POV

I am in the common room. It's silent, we just hear yellings from my dorm. Until there's another silence and then a door slamming with Sirius running down the stairs. I look at Julia, she looks back at me. She walks up stairs and I run to catch up with Sirius.

" Sirius, wait ! "

But he's still running, so I make as much efforts as possible to reach him. Which I do after a few minutes. I grap his wrist and make him turn to me. He's sobbing, tears in his eyes. He's sad, disappointed and angry at the same time. Not a good combination.

" Leave me alone, Marlene," he says releasing his wrist from my grip.

" No, I am not. Tell me what happened."

" We had an argument about Regulus. "

" About Regulus ? "

" Do not pretend you didn't know they were hanging out at the library, don't do that to me."

" I... actually didn't know Sirius. "

" You didn't ? "

" No... "

There's a short silence. Sirius stopped sobbing but I can still feel his disappointement and anger.

" I'll talk to her," I say.

" Don't bother. I am not talking to her ever again."

" You don't mean that Sirius... "

" I actually do. "

And with that, he leaves. I am not trying to follow him anymore. Remus will reason him... I hope he will.

When I come back to my dorm, it's to see Zoe laying in her bed, her eyes all watery and red of the cryings. I come to her and sit down on the floor by her bed. I squeez her shoulder.

" We'll talk about everything tomorrow, alright ? "

She nods. I stand up and bend down to give her a good night kiss on her forehead before closing the curtains around her bed. I walk to Julia and sit down crossed-legged on her bed.

" She told you ?" I ask whispering.

" About the argument? Yes, it's about Regulus. "

" Did she told you they hang out together at the library ? "

" No, she never did. If she never told you, me or Sirius, it means she didn't tell anyone. "

"  Maybe she was afraid of our reaction if we'd find out."

" Yeah and that's fair... I think she was the most scared of Sirius' reaction because, you know, he doesn't have the best relationship with his brother... "

" Yeah but I don't think Sirius hates him. "

" What do you think, then ? "

" He never said he hated him, did he ? I think it's more about trusting him."

" I guess you're right. "

We stay silence a few seconds, the time to assimilate the conversation and the new informations. Then, I sit up, wish Julia a good night and cross the room to go to the bathroom. When I come back after 15 minutes, Julia is already asleep. I hope Zoe is as well... What a hard Sunday it was for her.

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