Kingston Academy

By Ophelia_Rosen12

1.1M 59.2K 38.8K

Wrapped around his little finger, an intense desire to pursue, along with dashing good looks and a wealthy lo... More



9.3K 496 815
By Ophelia_Rosen12

   "I'm glad you came."

Mirren sat down across from Remiah Westworth inside the headmaster's office. The brunet frowned as he watched the man offer a large tray of his favorite sweets.

The vice-principal grinned at him. "What's that look for? You loved it when I gave you these."

"What am I doing here?" Mirren went straight to the point. "If you needed me for something then you could've texted me. I probably might not respond since I blocked your number a month ago for pissing me off, but you still could've texted me."

"Haha, you're such a jokester!" Remiah's smile grew a little wider. "Isn't this what we always do every year for the annual family event? Your grades have been improving rapidly and you don't sneak around in the dorms rooms as much anymore to hang out with those boy toys of yours. Tell me what you want and I'll happily buy it for you."

"This is stupid," Mirren grumbled. "You really just wasted my time here. I thought I told you not to bother me unless there was an emergency. I'm heading back to my dorm room, don't talk to me-"


Mirren paused himself, having to look back with an offended expression. "What?"

"I know you may think we're just family on paper, but I really do care for you and want the best for you. I'm not a jaguar beastman, so I don't understand what you're going through, but I still want to be there with you in case you need to fall back on someone," Remiah spoke in a softer tone, watching Mirren slowly slag with a bit of apprehensiveness. "I want you to succeed in life, but your happiness is what I want the most."

In the years Mirren has been with the man, Remiah's never talked to him like this before. He was always too busy and wanting to stay with the headmaster that Mirren's never really heard of anything like this from the vice-principal. It was odd, too uncomfortable for Mirren and he couldn't say anything back.

He crossed his arms, contemplating whether or not to laugh in the man's face or to just leave. Remiah was someone he could never figure out, someone who's even more mysterious than Vasili.

"What the hell do you want from me?" Mirren bitterly asked. "You've never said anything like that to me before. Just tell me what you want and I'll just do it. Don't disgust me like this again."

Remiah sighed, already knowing it was hard for Mirren to trust him. He didn't blame the student, it was always like this between them. Still, he gave him a warm smile and just shrugged in the end. "I just want you to do whatever you want to do. If you need anything else from me then please don't hesitate to call me... when you've unblocked my number, of course."

"Whatever," the brunet grumbled. "I'll see you later."

On the way out of the office, Remiah quickly called out once more, "Do be sure to give Niven and His Highness the Crown Prince my regards when you see them. I'd tell the twins myself, but it seems they've disappeared."

Mirren didn't respond and simply walked on out, giving small nods to Caesar and Caspar before the guards returned themselves to guarding the office's entrance.

But even though he wanted to ignore that last statement with the prince, he suddenly thought about the Kingston Brothers. Remiah wasn't wrong about Levi and Simeon, the jaguar beastman hasn't seen those two in days. He wouldn't have concerned himself with the twins, but it was odd not to hear anything about them. It was like they really just vanished and left Niven to his own devices with the crown prince.

And it wasn't exactly false, Levi and Simeon were simply hiding. At least, that's what Levi thought as he walked through the hallways of his dorm building.

It's been a while since he's last seen Niven so the male had grown anxious, wondering if he should go and see the blond before he remembered about Simeon sulking all by himself in their dorm room.

Though Levi didn't have to search for too long, he immediately found his twin lazing around on the sofa with a large glass of wine. Levi looked up at the cabinet where he kept his collection of alcohol, frowning when he saw there were two empty bottles.

As he looked around a bit more, there was a messy arrangement of flowers which were scattered around the floor and on the table. It wasn't finished nor did it look like it'd be completed any time soon.

Slowly, he walked over to Simeon with a dark gaze, having to cross his arms as his sibling rolled his head back to look up at Levi.

"Hey... brother..." Simeon slurred over his words. "What's up?"

Simeon was never one for alcohol. He always hated drinking it and never really liked the smell either, but the dark haired student would become like this whenever Roselia came around for Niven.

It just hurt Simeon. A little too well, so his twin would often rummage through Levi's belongings to try and forget about the crown princess by having drink after drink. It would sometimes hurt Levi a little as well, having to force the drinks away from Simeon before the male could completely waste himself.

This time, Simeon took it upon himself to get up with some struggle. The drink slipped through his fingers and almost shattered on the floor if it weren't for Levi immediately catching it with his magic, carefully grabbing it to smell the liquid.

"I'm sorry..." Simeon startled Levi out of his thoughts. His eldest brother watched as Simeon lolled his head down, bringing his hands up to grab at his hair. Simeon muttered again, "I-I'm sorry... I know I promised I wouldn't drink again, but I can't-"

Simeon couldn't finish his sentence. He ended up sniffling before breaking down a little, curling himself up further into a small ball on the sofa. His twin thought to distract himself from the pain by making flower arrangements, but he soon realized it was stupid and eventually gave himself a large headache to deal with instead.

"What are we supposed to do?" Simeon almost pleaded. "She's here... h-how can we compete with Roselia?"

Levi had to drop onto one knee, grabbing Simeon's shoulder with a concerned gaze.

Simeon would always be frustrated with the way those two interacted with each other, always looking so happy while he and Levi stood on the sidelines and watched with hungry gazes, wanting to receive that sort of affection from Niven.

Their little brother was enamored with Roselia, ever since they were first engaged to each other. Even now, Niven's look of pure adoration hasn't diminished in the slightest. It was why the blond hadn't even though of dating in the first place.

Most people assumed Niven wasn't capable of having feelings for anyone since he hardly showed any interest toward men or woman. It was what Mirren and some of his other classmates often thought since Niven couldn't be swayed so easily by the brunet. That wasn't completely true.

He's never held any sort of affection for anyone but Roselia, but since they were always apart from each other and hardly saw one another, it wasn't surprising Niven hadn't had his first date until he fell in "love" with Vasili.

Simeon wiped his tears away with a hateful look, biting down harshly on his lip until he tilted his head up to gaze at Levi's solemn expression.

They hated her. They loathed her existence. Roselia was never horrible to them, but the crown princess acted like they weren't even there since they were forever labeled as the trashes of the Lanphere family. The majority of the royal family often thought Levi and Simeon were alive only to serve Niven and nothing more.

"I love him, but why can't we have him? We're... good enough. Aren't we, brother?" Simeon felt himself choke up after that. He felt the need to ignore the promise of not drinking anymore and itched to reach out for another bottle.

Levi took a moment to take in Simeon's horrible state and felt even more hurt. Finally, he took his brother in his arms carefully into an embrace, allowing Simeon to cling onto him with deep breaths, trying his best not to sob again.

Levi sighed, having to pat Simeon's back. They couldn't compete with Roselia, it just wasn't possible. She was... extremely precious. Not because she was the crown princess of the empire, but because of her gender as well.

In this world, females were dwindling down to small numbers. A tragic event took place several hundred years ago, but no one could understand why their numbers were dropping. They first thought it had something to do with their abilities which affected them, but none could figure out how. Eventually, there were only a few hundred thousand left by the time Roselia was born.

Giving birth to females were rare and sometimes the families would end up having multiple boys without any success of having a girl. It wasn't just the humans having that problem, even beastmen were struggling as well. Since the world had just a small number of women left, it created a massive panic throughout the countries about the survival of every race.

In order to preserve life on this world, a couple hundred men began to change as well, making it so they could also give birth. Many ability-users were able to change the biology of their own bodies, but giving birth was considered harsh and life-threatening so they went through another change after a hundred years. This time, there were plenty of men who could have a safe child birth without the worry about dying in the process.

It was considered extremely common for men to get together with other men, so gender no longer mattered if only women were able to give birth. But it was also hard to get pregnant, so the people and beastmen also had to change their ways again.

They grew to accept polygamy around three hundred years ago. The more men the supposed male and female spouse can have was considered to be easier to have a child.

The empress was proof of that.

Lysander of the Titurean Empire was the only one in the royal family capable of giving birth, so he was in an arranged marriage with several men. Five of them ended up becoming married to him, but only one became emperor. That was because of the emperor being the direct father of the crown prince with the bonus of having Roselia, so only he was allowed to stand by the empress' side as a ruler while the others were royal consorts. Having Roselia would be considered as having the first crown princess in the last two centuries, and everyone rejoiced in knowing that fact.

When the news traveled to the grand duchess about the empress giving birth to a daughter, she was immediately taken with it and informed Uriel Kingston about quickly letting Niven see her. Of course, the man didn't really care about that and already had plans to let Niven be engaged with someone else before he finally allowed his son to meet with Roselia after a few years.

And when the two of them had their play date arranged, the empress and grand duchess were a little surprised at how well they got along. They were inseparable from each other and Niven would often go beg his father to let him see Roselia more.

Uriel was even more surprised to find Niven being the one to initiate having Roselia as his fiancé.

The grand duchess ended up having a small plan with the empress on changing Niven's engagement, wanting her child to become Roselia's main husband one day. Lysander was more than happy to accept, thinking it'd be a good way for the both of their families to unite with one another.

But it made Niven's mother even more ecstatic to know Roselia had no other thoughts on wanting to take in other consorts. She was absolutely resolute in marrying Niven alone and would have small tantrums if anyone were to tell her it just wasn't possible since polygamy was considered an important issue. Still, Roselia made sure to let everyone else know how adamant she was on marrying Niven, so it was hard for the royal family to tell her no.

And when the time came for Niven's tenth birthday, it wasn't difficult for the boy to accept it. In fact, he eagerly nodded his head and went to see Roselia in the same day, completely happy with knowing their small plan on getting engaged to each other worked.

Which brings them over to the present, completely focused on each other with the thoughts of having their wedding in their minds.

"Are you angry, brother?" Simeon asked tiredly. "I really didn't... mean to drink so much-"

"It's okay. You're okay," Levi interrupted as he laid Simeon back down on the sofa. "We're... going to be okay."

He stayed with his twin for a while, watching Simeon wipe the last of his tears away and finally fall asleep. Levi didn't go anywhere after that, knowing he needed to stay since Simeon gripped onto his hand so tightly.

But Levi also felt tired mentally, already knowing how hurt he'd be once he sees those two together. But for now, he'll stay in the dorm room with Simeon, building up the courage to face Niven and Roselia soon.

While the twins were tucked away in the dorm building, Niven was still with his fiancé, holding her rather tightly by the waist as they spoke to several guests who arrived. The blond smiled brightly at those who congratulated them for their upcoming wedding as Roselia turned to look at the male with bright eyes.

Arien stood in the far end of the ball room, holding his glass with a dark gaze. Silas was with him, silently contemplating about the whole thing.

The angel looked over at the beastman with a questioning gaze, but he didn't know what to say.

"I didn't know he had a fiancé if that's what you're thinking," Arien spoke out, startling Silas. The male raised his glass and took a large sip, wanting to numb some of his senses.

His alpha was in a bad mood once it was revealed about Niven marrying Roselia. Arien could hardly stand being in the presence of the crown prince and they were now standing in an isolated place in the room.

It wasn't like Silas didn't understand. He felt extremely uncomfortable as well, finding it hard to believe Niven was engaged all this time and not once had the boy mentioned it.

The angel looked away, settling his eyes on the crown prince who was speaking to his parents. The emperor held onto the empress with a possessive grip, making sure his spouse wouldn't leave his side.

Silas narrowed his eyes down at the family. Because of his background and aristocratic nature, he would often receive letters of invitations to the palace. But due to his death touch, he couldn't ever meet with them. This was the first time he's actually seen the emperor and empress.

He's heard stories about how the emperor managed to sit on the throne since he was the direct father of Crown Prince Alessio, and he was often thought as a possessive man who wouldn't let anyone else stand near his spouse. Even the consorts were rumored to be like him and kept the empress locked up in the palace.

Silas had to sigh. Although Empress Lysander had been engaged to those men for political benefits, they really ended up loving him despite the large gap of social status and competition in the harem.

The dark skinned male was pulled out of his thoughts once Niven walked over to them. Roselia wasn't with him this time and hung back to stay with her family, so the two Wolves were relieved to see Niven.

"I'm sorry about leaving you so suddenly," Niven began. "I just wanted to spend some time with Her Highness. It's been a while since I last saw her. You understand, right?"

"How come you didn't tell us about her?" Silas asked. He didn't mean to, but there was an edge to his tone which made him seem a little snappy.

Niven's smile diminished and was replaced with a frown. "Was there ever a reason for me to bring her up? I didn't realize I had to tell you I had a fiancé."

"It's fine," Arien sighed, still irritated. "It's... whatever."

"Alpha?" Niven sounded lost, wondering why his pack mates were acting like this. It wasn't like he meant to keep Roselia a secret. No one ever asked and he wasn't one to tell personal information.

"My family would like to meet with you, Angel," Silas spoke up. "They... want to thank you for trying to help me with my curse. They've also been wanting to see our new omega member, if that's alright with you."

"Sure, I'll be happy to finally meet them," he responded with a small smile. Silas had never talked about his family before so the blond was a little anxious to see what they were like.

"My tribe members will be arriving soon so make sure to return on time when you meet them, puppy," Arien added in stiffly. "My mother has also been wanting to see my omega. She's been waiting months to meet with you."

"Yes... alpha, I understand-"

"Niven? Dear?" Roselia called out from the side. Niven immediately looked over his shoulder, having to reach out and grab the girl's hand.

Arien's eyes narrowed down at that interaction and he accidentally released a threatening snarl. He quickly covered it up before anyone could notice and had to clear his throat, ignoring Silas' questioning gaze.

The crown princess looked over at the Wolves with a raised eyebrow before whipping her head around to speak to Niven, not even caring to say hello to them.

"Dear, there's something I need to tell you." The princess started to pull on the male's arm.

Niven forced a smile. "I'm in the middle of speaking with my pack mates. Could you wait for just one more minute?"

"No! This is important! It's about our wedding, it can't wait. I'm sure you can speak to your alpha later," Roselia argued back with a strong gaze.

"Well... I'm sure we can-" Niven stopped, having to look back at Arien and wait for the male's permission.

The alpha looked down at the girl with a frightening gaze, unknowingly beginning to threaten her until she huffed and scowled at the man. Roselia wrapped her arms tighter around Niven's waist and sneered, quickly reminding the alpha of their positions and having to force himself to nod at his omega.

Relieved, Niven quickly escorted the girl to another private area where they began speaking. Roselia held onto the boy's hands with a nervous look, slowly discussing about something before her eyes turned hopeful and a little desperate.

"Do forgive my little sister. My family has spoiled her since she was a baby," Crown Prince Alessio chuckled as he neared the group with a smirk.

Silas gave a glare to the male. "It's alright, Your Highness."

"Is it really?" Alessio asked. "You don't look too well, Alpha. Perhaps it's best if we should tone down the drinks, yes?"

"I'm perfectly fine, Your Highness," Arien gritted out with a growl. Silas had to click his tongue, warning the beastman and his rude tone.

The angel didn't like the way the male stared at them, almost as if he was watching some sort of entertainment. As much as Silas didn't like the crown prince, he couldn't afford to get on the male's bad side. Neither of them could.

"You must be so relieved having Niven help you out, Lord D'imperio," Alessio continued with a small chuckle. "I mean, it's rather a sight to see an angel with the aura of death surrounding himself. I wonder what it's like not having to touch anything, almost craving for the warmth of another human being. Must be hard on you."

Silas' jaw ticked, but he offered the prince a fake smile. "I'm forever in our omega's debt. With his help, I may just be able to overcome this curse."

"The curse your brother gave you, right?" Alessio pointed out with a bit of an exaggerated tone. "Oh, do forgive me if I'm stepping over a line, but you must be so relieved not having to see your brother around. I hear he causes mess after mess in this place. It's a shame really, I do quite like him. In fact, he honestly resembles more of an angel considering his quiet nature-"

"What did you just say about my brother?" Silas couldn't help but snap at the prince.

Alessio's hummed, "I said it must be a relief not having to see him. After all, he did give you that curse. I couldn't imagine not having to touch anyone for years. You must really be suffering, aren't you?"

"My brother is perfectly fine with how he is," Silas snarled. "Please watch your words, Your Highness."

Alessio's smirk grew a little wider, but then he quickly maintained a gentle composure and bowed his head a little. "Of course, I apologize."

Silas absolutely loathed the prince now. He couldn't handle anyone talking shit about his brother, even if Agustine and him don't have the best relationship.

Just when he was about to speak up, the prince interrupted once more, "Since things are like this now, I hope you'll stay away from Niven after he gives you what you need. After all, you won't have a reason to constantly touch him anymore. It's highly inappropriate to when he has my little sister as his fiancé."

The angel was taken aback, not expecting Crown Prince Alessio to warn him. But the he furrowed his brows and argued back, "He's my pack mate. I can't just stay away from him-"

"Wasn't that all you need though? Some sort of cure for your curse? From the way I see it, you only want Niven because of the way he cancels out your death touch. He's the only person you can be with for now which is why you're so adamant on being with him," Alessio said with a disapproving gaze. "Once he cures you, what more do you want from him? It's not like you'll need him anymore since that's what you're after in the end."

"I would never use my pack mate for such a thing," Silas hissed as he stepped forward dangerously close to the prince. "It is not your choice to tell any of us what to do, especially me. I'd understand if you were only looking out for your sister's engagement, but don't turn my relationship with Niven into something that isn't. I consider him as a friend-"

"Do you really?" Alessio leaned down, wanting to intimidate the male. "You consider him as a friend? You don't want him for anything else? Then stay the hell away. If you think you're friends then act like it, because it seems to me you and all the other student council members have a thing for my brother-in-law. I suggest you take a step back and learn your place."

"Watch it," Arien gave out a guttural warning. "You do not speak to my Gamma like that."

"Oh, I haven't forgotten about you, Alpha." Alessio backed away from Silas, giving the male a mocking smile. "I heard little rumors going around about how your tribe has been wanting for you to find a mate. From the way you look at Niven, I think you're about to start something you shouldn't."

"It's not so good to listen to rumors, my prince. I'm taking care of Niven because of my position as alpha."

"No, you're taking care of him because you think he's your omega."

Arien glared. "He is."

"No," Alessio stepped forward, raising a hand a shoving it right in the male's chest. "You think he's yours. I'll tell you right now that you should just back away. Do not covet for something you cannot have."

For a moment, Alessio also felt pity for the beastman. Arien's ears dropped down, seemingly depressed at having to be faced with the reality. But this was the only way for the prince to get what he wanted and for Roselia's worries to be settled. He knew once he stepped into the alpha's office, Arien would have already taken a liking to Niven. Whether it not it was because he considers Niven as a close friend or something more, the prince didn't know.

He didn't want to find out either.

"And what if I want him more than her?"

Alessio was stunned by that. He had to pull himself away from the beastman, almost touching Silas who was also a little surprised by Arien's words.

Arien couldn't deny anything at this point. His affections for Niven was found out by Alessio, but Arien himself didn't even see it until the prince pointed it out to him the day before.

He hasn't spent much time with Niven that was true, but he didn't dare to disregard the way he felt about the male, and how angry he became at the sight of Roselia just touching him. Arien was more prone to acting out on animalistic desires, which meant he had claimed Niven as the most suitable partner despite the fact he hasn't even thought about it thoroughly.

Even if Arien and Niven have only been with each other for a couple of months, his instincts already recognized the student as his determined mate.

But even though he finally admitted it to Alessio, the prince merely snorted and spat, "So what? It doesn't change the fact about Niven never looking at you, at any of you. He was always too caught up with Roselia to look at anyone else. Even if you say you like him, do you really know anything about Niven? What he likes or dislikes, his favorite things and his ambitions? If you don't know any of those then can you really allow yourself to like him after all this time you spent together?"

Alessio finally watched in satisfaction as the alpha's murderous glare suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of hurt and uncertainty. He didn't even need to look behind him to know Silas was too dumbfounded and confused about his alpha's feelings for Niven.

Alessio didn't need to explain anymore. He got his point across and he received what he wanted from the both of them.


The group turned to look at Roselia eagerly walking over to them, dragging Niven along. The girl stopped short in front of her brother and couldn't contain her squeal, "He agreed! Niven said yes!"

Arien's left wolf ear twitched. Alessio merely smiled in return, "He did? Congratulations, little sister, I'm happy for the two of you."

"What were you two talking about?" Silas asked with a bit of hesitance.

"Originally, my sister and Niven were to get married when they turn twenty-five," Alessio explained as the blond happily looked down at the princess. "But thanks to Niven agreeing to her request, I believe they just cut down the time by a few years so Roselia will be getting married as soon as she turns twenty."

Twenty. Arien's eyes widened. Niven was seventeen, but the male should be turning eighteen soon. In the next two years, he'll be marrying Roselia.

The alpha took a step back in disbelief just as Silas looked at Niven dead in the eyes, not believing the blond actually went through with such a thing.

Did Niven really love Roselia that much to shorten the time? He wants to marry her in two years?

"I'd like to stay with you, dear brother, but I made Niven promise me to give me a tour around the academy," Roselia chirped. "I hope you don't mind us excusing ourselves."

"Of course not, go and have fun."

Niven turned to his pack mates, his smile still wide and pleasant. "Please excuse me for the time being. I'll be back shortly, my alpha. Don't worry, I'll also make sure to make it back in time to meet your families."

Arien found it extremely difficult to speak, so he opted to nod his head and finally turned away, feeling sick about the whole situation. Silas muttered a small curse under his breath as Niven began to walk away with the princess, who held onto his side rather tightly and cooed at the male.

With a small glance, she looked back at her brother and saw Alessio's knowing smirk. She ended up smiling even wider before her gaze landed on Arien. The beastman caught her eyes and couldn't look away from them, making Roselia victoriously grin in contempt.

She looked away, satisfied with how the alpha and angel looked before giggling to Niven, "I want to invite your pack mates to the wedding. After all, you're rather fond of them."

"Of course. Whatever you want, beloved."

"I just... can't believe you agreed so easily," Roselia sighed. "Can you imagine me walking down the aisle in a wedding dress? Oh, I can't wait. You've really made me so happy. I can't imagine what I'd do without you in my life."

"I just want you to be happy," Niven replied. "Whatever you want, I'll get it for you. The wedding will be perfect just for you."

"We'll finally get what we both wanted from the time we were children!" Roselia held his hand, squeezing it tightly and making the blond laugh. "Oh! By the way, I've been meaning to ask how you've been feeling since you competed in a Ludos tournament. Magic isn't exactly your strongest suit, but I suppose that's because of your first ability."

They passed a few more people, having to nod at the guests before they could finally walk out of the ball room and into the hallways.

Niven thought to himself for a moment, already knowing just how worried Roselia gets about his health.

"I've been getting better at handling Magic, it's all thanks to Silas."

Roselia's smile turned stiff. "The angel? That's good... it's nice to know you have some friends you can lean on. But you have to make sure you're doing overdoing it, okay? Using too much of your ability can make you relapse again! I mean it, Niven."

The boy grinned at her stern expression. "You know me so well."

Roselia scoffed, but then the princess gave him a bit of a knowing look. "Of course I do. After all... you're a very lucky person, aren't you?"

Niven's grin widened, turning into a familiar smirk before he shrugged and led her outside of the building.

Roselia knew him all too well.

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