Crossroads | Marauders

By vynopsis

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Author's Note + Disclaimer
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Chapter 01: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 02: The Lesson
Chapter 03: Feather White
Chapter 04: Aim for the Stars
Chapter 06: The Slip Up
Chapter 07: Serendipity
Chapter 08: Blood & Potions
Chapter 09: Private Sessions
Chapter 10: A Close Call
Chapter 11: Starry Night
Chapter 12: Lullabies
Chapter 13: The Kitchens
Chapter 14: Confessions
Chapter 15: Mandrake Leaves
Chapter 16: Potter's Deal
Chapter 17: One Side of the Moon
Chapter 18: Other Side of the Moon
Chapter 19: Aderyn's Letter
Chapter 20: Curses
Chapter 21: The Dark Rising
Chapter 22: Lightning Storm
Chapter 23: Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs
Chapter 24: The Wolf's Den
Chapter 25: The Haunting
Chapter 26: Secrets & A Shack
Chapter 27: A Crack in the Armor
Chapter 28: Mirror of Erised
Chapter 29: Heart's Desire
Chapter 30: Bonds that Break I
Chapter 31: Bonds that Break II
Chapter 32: Lions to a Serpent
Chapter 33: The In-Between
Chapter 34: Scrapped Beginnings
Chapter 35: Headmaster's Office
Chapter 36: Iridescent
Chapter 37: A Wolf's Cry
Chapter 38: Latibule
Chapter 39: A Holiday Tryst
Chapter 40: Sun & Moon
Chapter 41: Amortentia
Chapter 42: Collision Course
Chapter 43: Quatervois
Chapter 44: A Star's Rhapsody
Chapter 45: Full of Surprises

Chapter 05: Bonds

11.9K 527 144
By vynopsis

— 𝐌𝐀𝐘 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟐

        You spent most of your first year hanging out with Lily, Severus, and Marlene McKinnon — whom you and Lily met once you were assigned to your designated dorm room. And half the time, you spent it with Remus. You didn't interact much with his friends James, Sirius, and Peter unless they needed your help to pull an awful prank on Severus — which you profusely protested to participate in. You, and the other girls didn't want to get caught up in the crossfire between their childish feud.

        But while you and Lily were scolding Remus and his friends from time to time, Marlene, on the hand, had developed an immense crush on Sirius — which you found hilarious but didn't have the heart to tell her.

        You always found Sirius to be quite infuriating especially when he'd disturb you for the stupidest things while you studied in the common room. James was second on your list, he was cocky; always trying to show off how good he was on the broom, and messing up his hair only because he thought it looked cool — it didn't. Peter practically worshipped his friends, always quiet but foolish; neither participating in James and Sirius' feud with Severus most of the time, but also barely making any effort to put a stop to it.

        But the worst part of being friends with them were the lies. Lying to them every month. Making up reasons why you and Remus had to suddenly leave. There was only so much the two of you could make up excuses before they caught on.

        "Again?" James sighs loudly from across the long table in the Great Hall.

        "It's a family thing." You simply say, avoiding the boys' gaze.

        "Y/N and I have to go." Remus adds, eyeing the food on his plate, clearly unable to do the same.

        As months went by, Sirius was the first to notice. The first to notice you and Remus' exhausted faces, and sometimes along with cuts and bruises riddling along your cheeks and arms despite your great efforts to cover them up.

        And the occasions that you stayed behind, you always looked worried, hardly having any sleep when Remus was gone. Sirius thought that maybe it was because you didn't want to go home with him. Sirius didn't blame you. He knew how it felt. He understood how it felt to live in an unstable household, and desperately wanted to say that it was okay to confide in him.

        "We have to visit his mom." You look at Remus, holding his hand on his lap under the table.

        He nods, his voice hoarse unable to keep lying to them but he had to, "She's ill again."

        "We're your friends, Remus. You don't have to lie to us." Sirius worriedly glanced at the two of you from across the table then fell silent for a moment, "I understand, y'know."

        You and Remus look at each other in surprise, wondering just how much he knew. Both of you didn't want to confirm his suspicions just yet, and silently decided to continue along with your lie.

        "It's true." Remus insists, then looks at Peter and James on either side of Sirius, "I'm sorry, guys."

        One day, after Remus' transformation, news circulated that James had been attacked by the Whomping Willow trying to go near it, and was held up in the Hospital Wing by madam Pomfrey who forbade visitors while he was still recovering.

        "Are you sure I can't punch him in the face?" Sirius asks, motioning his hand towards Remus behind you.

        "Yes." You firmly say, crossing your arms as you stood between the two boys.

        The three of you argued in the Gryffindor common room, Sirius and Remus both trying to convince their brilliant idea of visiting James by injuring themselves. Peter sat apprehensively from the couch, trying but failing to defuse the heated tension between you three.

        "What if I just break his nose a little?" Sirius suggested, "I swear I'll be gentle."

        "Come on, Y/N. How else are we going to see James?" Remus begged, backing up Sirius.

        "I said no." You snapped, turned around to face him with furrowed brows, then at Sirius, "I'm not letting you two tosspots hurt each other, am I clear?"

        "Yes, mum." They sigh in unison.

        Later that day, Peter ran shouting through the halls trying to find you and tell you the news of what happened. You were Remus' childhood friend so naturally Peter came to you first while also not wanting to enter the Hospital Wing alone.

        Once the both of you reached the Hospital Wing, and finally annoyed madam Pomfrey enough to let you in, the two of you entered to see the three boys lying in bed side by side, wide grins on each of their bloodied stupid faces.

        "Lupin and Black did what?" You hear Professor McGonagall by the door.

        She was with Dumbledore while madam Pomfrey recalled the events between Remus and Sirius.

        "I can't believe you two idiots went through with it." You shake your head, trying to suppress a smile as you sit on the edge of Remus' bed.

        "Correction. Geniuses." Sirius said confidently, tapping his temple.

        "I tried to stop them." Peter confessed in your direction, nervously fiddling with the railing at the end of James' bed.

        "Remus actually threw the first punch. Impressed he had it in him." Sirius declared, nodding his head in approval at Remus.

        "Well, you must admire their dedication." You hear Dumbledore point out from across the room, studying the injured boys through his half-moon spectacles.

        "How're you feeling though, James?" You ask him, who was next to Remus' bed.

        "Better now that you're all here." He laughs, smiling up at all of you then winced in pain, "Except maybe for the huge bruise I might have on my back."

        Unbeknownst to Y/N and Remus, the reason James was near the Whomping Willow in the first place was because Sirius had told him and Peter that something wasn't quite right with their best friend, and that he knew you weren't telling the truth. Noticing that the two of you come back to school with fresh scars and bruises only made them even more concerned.

        When James was on his way back up to the castle from visiting Hagrid, he saw you and Remus crawl out from under the tree, unscathed nonetheless. Curiously, when the two of you had gone back inside the school, James took it upon himself to find out what was going on inside the tree under his invisibility cloak. Much to his dumb luck, he was thrown across the threshold and got hurt until Hagrid found him groaning in pain in the grass. 

        "Y/N, I got one." Sirius pipes up at the far end of the beds, grinning through his bruised lip.

        You raise an eyebrow, "Right now?"

        You and Sirius had this ridiculous thing where he'd try out pick up lines on you before putting them to good use on other girls since you were the only one he hardly had any effect on, and didn't find him at all attractive — unlike the rest of the girls in your year.

        "Take me to a Healer. I just broke my face falling for you, Y/L/N." He winks, failing to hide a wince from the pain.

        You snorted, "If you're waiting for me to care, Black. It's gonna take awhile."

        "I'm crushed." He dramatically places his hands to his chest, then nonchalantly looks away, "It was worth a shot."

        "Might work on Marlene though, you know how she has a crush on you." You stated, trying to lift up his spirits for once.

        It was no secret that Marlene liked him. It was quite obvious — well, to everyone. And she didn't hold back her obvious advances towards Sirius. He reveled in her attention but never really took any particular interest in her. He only shrugged at you in response, obviously uninterested to continue the conversation.

        "Yeah, her and half the other girls in our year." James points out, almost disappointed then his eyes grow wide in realisation, "Wait, does this mean we get to skip out on exams? Yes!"

        "No, it does not, Mr. Potter." Professor McGonagall shouted from across the room.

        All of you laughed as you watched James sulk back into his pillow.

        That was the day the four boys' bond grew deeper than ever; realising they could count on one another — no matter what.

Mischief Managed

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