BTS Sickfics

By moonchild_hobi

1.1M 21.5K 16.3K

please check the latest chapter for request status :) some of these stories may be triggering, and will be gr... More

Hoseok Has A Seizure
Jimin has an Asthma Attack
Yoongi Faints
Taehyung Breaks His Arm
Jungkook's Night Terrors
Namjoon Gets Knocked Down (Pt 1)
Seokjin Drowns
Jimin has a Diabetic Emergency
Taehyung Gets Shot
Hoseok Drowns
The Car Crash (+A/N)
Seokjin's OCD
Jungkook Goes Missing
Namjoon Gets Knocked Down (Pt 2)
Hoseok's Epilepsy: The Diagnosis
Namjoon is Overworked
Yoongi's Anaphylactic Reaction
Taehyung and Jungkook's Fight
Jimin's Head Injury
Yoongi Has Heat Exhaustion
Seokjin Breaks His Leg (+A/N)
Hoseok's Epilepsy: It's Not the Same
Taehyung Has Chest Pain
Yoongi, What's Wrong With Jungkook?
Namjoon Has Appendicitis
Jimin Faints at the Awards Show
Yoongi's Nightmares
Seokjin: Back in Time
Hoseok's Epilepsy: Jimin?
Taehyung Falls
Jungkook and Hoseok Get Poisoned
Namjoon's Motion Sickness
Jimin's Dislocated Shoulder
Yoongi Gets Stabbed
Seokjin Has the Flu
Hoseok's Roller Coaster Accident
Taehyung's Depression
Jungkook's Spinal Injury
The House Fire
Namjoon's Psoriasis
Jimin's Asthma (Pt 2)
Yoongi and Hoseok Get Seasick
Seokjin Has a Heart Attack
Hoseok's Epilepsy: I Can't Cope Anymore
Taehyung Hurts Jimin
Jungkook's Tooth Pain
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Namjoon's Concussion
Jimin's Memory Loss
Yoongi: I Wish I Could Be Sick
Seokjin's Nevis Swing Accident
Hoseok's Epilepsy: Hoping For Better Days (+A/N)
Taehyung's COPD
Jungkook's Asthma
House Sickness
Namjoon: Sleepwalking
Jimin: Sepsis
Yoongi Gets Electrocuted
Seokjin: Back in Time 2
Hoseok's ADHD
Taehyung Breaks His Leg at the Concert
Jungkook's Allergic Reaction
The Elevator Incident
Namjoon's Heart Block
Jimin: Kidnapped
Yoongi: Self Harm
Seokjin's Peritonitis
Hoseok's PTSD
Taehyung's Alcohol Poisoning
Jungkook: Broken Rib
Namjoon's Abuse
Jimin: Wisdom Teeth
Yoongi's Eye Injury
Seokjin: Ignored Sickness
Hoseok's Epilepsy: Fever (+A/N)
Taehyung: Schizophrenia
Jungkook: Panic Attack
Namjoon: Faking Illness
Jimin: Snapping Hip Syndrome
Yoongi: Thyroid Storm
Seokjin: Delirious
Hoseok: Kidney Stone
Taehyung: Alone With a Head Injury (+A/N)
Jungkook: Falling Euphoria
The Abandoned Building
Namjoon: Freezing
Jimin: Encephalitis
Yoongi: Nosebleed
Seokjin: Broken Collar Bone
Hoseok: Overworked
Taehyung: Migraine (+A/N)
Jungkook's Spinal Injury: The Recovery
Namjoon: Lost Voice
Jimin: Coughing Blood (+A/N)
Yoongi and Jimin: A Bad Day
Seokjin: Kidney Infection
Hoseok: Thalassaemia
Taehyung: Idol VS Stage Floor
Namjoon: Spiked
Seokjin: Autophobia
Jimin: Poisoning
Yoongi: Energy Drinks Are No Fun
Taehyung: Loss
Hoseok's Epilepsy: Burnt Out
Jungkook: Tourette Syndrome
Namjoon: Meningitis (+A/N)
BTS: Basic First Aid
Seokjin: Snake Bite (+Surprise!)
Jimin: CRPS
Taehyung: Accused
Hoseok: The Stem Cell Transplant (Thalassaemia Pt.2)
Jungkook: Cystic Fibrosis (+A/N)
Namjoon: Exit Stage Floor
The Aeroplane Crash
Seokjin: Shock
Jimin: Broken Jaw
Yoongi: Salmonellosis (+A/N)
Taehyung: Haemophilia (+A/N)
Hoseok: Hearing Loss
Jungkook: E. Coli
Namjoon: Overdose
Seokjin: Stalker
Jimin: Scarlet Fever
Yoongi: Trapped Balls
Taehyung: Lupus
Hoseok: Dengue Virus
Jungkook: Cardiac Tamponade
Namjoon: Struck by Lightning
Hyung Line: Run BTS
Seokjin: Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Jimin: Stroke
Yoongi: Shoulder Surgery Aftermath
Taehyung: Capnocytophaga Infection
Hoseok: Narcolepsy
Jungkook: Long QT Syndrome
Namjoon: Sleeping Pills

Yoongi: The Bear Trap

4.6K 136 100
By moonchild_hobi

Hey! I have a new book out! it's semi sickfic, semi little!bts. id be really grateful if you checked it out! its called Six of a Kind, and I'm really proud of it!

im not desperate or anything hehe read it. read it now. i dare u. read it.

Request by amee_1729 :)


Yoongi's POV -

My idea of fun is not 'camping.' Why would I want to go out, into the dark, away from civilization, from everything I love, and sleep essentially in what is a bag? I have my own bed, that I bought, that I would like to sleep in.

Unfortunately, the other BTS members do not agree with my points of view. They like camping. They think it's fun, and they like to 'bond' with me. Hoseok and Seokjin can get a little funny about bugs, but when they set up the mosquito net, they calm down. Jungkook likes going just so he can get drunk.

So, when we get three days off and are told to 'spend some time together', the others instantly start talking about some camping trip in the woods about 20 miles outside of Seoul. I'm the only one who turns around and says no.

And, just like usual, the others just talk over me, and disregard my own ideas. I think the only person who actually heard me is Hoseok, who looks at me with a small sympathetic smile, but doesn't build up on what I had to say. They continue to chat about what we could do in the woods to bond.

"I know there's a fishing lake there, so we could go fishing and try and make our own fish," Seokjin suggests. He turns to look at me, smiling gently. "Yoongi and I would like that."

I like fishing, but I shake my head. "I don't really like killing them, though. I'd prefer to catch them and just let it go. I only take the ones that actually mean anything. Plus, I don't know how to gut or fish, or would know if it was poisonous."

Seokjin smiles again, his cheeks puffing up and making his eyes crinkle. "I know how to do that stuff, Yoongi. You don't need to worry about that."

Namjoon shakes his head, though, and places his hand on my shoulder. "I don't like eating seafood, hyung. You know I don't. I just can't bear killing something when it comes from the water! It doesn't feel natural."

Seokjin sighs, and doesn't look so amiable this time. The others look at him, waiting for what he has to argue.

"Well, how about this? I can catch fish for all of us, and if you don't want any, then we can bring some ramen and tteokbokki, so at least you won't starve to death."

"Can we have alcohol?" Jungkook interrupts.

Seokjin sighs, seeming to elongate his answer. I can see that he's getting a little annoyed that no one is agreeing with everything he says. He doesn't like debating all that much, and likes things to be straightforward. "Fine. You're paying for it, though."

Jungkook shrugs. "Kay."

Seokjin turns back to Namjoon and I. "So does that work for you guys? If you don'r want the fish, we can just have junk food, and then it'll feel more fun for you."

Namjoon nods his head slowly, considering. "Yeah ... I suppose that would work."

I nod too, but then shake my head, looking at Seokjin increduously. "That might work just fine for you guys, and I like the idea of having a day off the diet, but you forgot the most important point!"


"I don't want to go camping!"

Jimin sighs loudly, and punches my arm hard. "Hyung, come on! You can't ruin all of our fun just because you want to be grumpy!"

I scoff at him. "Go if you want to, but I think I'll just stay here. You know I don't like camping."

"You can't stay behind!" Taehyung whines, giving me a dirty look. "That's not fair! We always do what you want to do, but you never do what we want!"

"That's not true!" I shoot back, giving Taehyung just as dirty a look. Hoseok stands between us quickly, pushing us away like we were about to fight.

"Stop it. If we can't all agree on one thing to do together, then we shouldn't do it. This is supposed to be a bonding exercise, afterall."

Seokjin huffs, turning his back on me. "I think we had a pretty good thing going then. It's not my fault someone is ruining it for us!"

We start to walk away from one another, feeling angry and annoyed. I know all of the boys feel angry with me, but I don't care. At least it looks like I'm not going camping.



The boys ended up tricking me into going. They woke me up early in the morning, and helped me pack loads of random clothing. When I asked them were we were going for our bonding trip, they just said it was a surprise, and something that I would like. I shouldn't have fallen for it, but I did.

They took me out to the woods, and before I could realise what I had been tricked into doing, it was too late for us to turn back. I wasn't the one driving, so I couldn't just take charge and force the boys to turn back. I was well and truly tricked into going camping.

However, I have a new idea in my head. I have plans on how to get us to go back home, without being so spiteful the boys would know it was me playing tricks on them.

I watch them set up, refusing to join in. None of the boys turn to look at me, not wanting my melancholy expression to dampen their own moods. I just don't understand how they could like camping. The leaves keep sticking to my shoes, and I slip when I walk. It smells too muddy out here, and there's a cold nip in the wind. I want to go home.

Hoseok is the first to finally sit next to me, and I can finally put my plan into play. "How are you holding up, hyung? It's not so bad now that we're here. It's a bit of a walk to the lake, but I don't think Seokjin will mind. All he's been doing is talk about fishing."

"I hate it."

Hoseok sighs, giving me a little push. I nearly slip off the log I'm sitting on. "Cheer up, hyung! You'll only spoil it for yourself by sitting here and glaring at the dirt."

"You know there's bears in these woods, don't you, Hobi?" I say suddenly, turning to look at him. I watch his eyes go a little rounder, and he searches my face to see if I'm joking or not. "I saw bear traps on the walk here. So we're gonna have to be super careful."

"Well, if there's traps, then they can't get to us, right? Right?"

I stand up, and walk away from Hobi, and head to Jungkook, who's lugging down case after case of beer. He walks straight past me, but it's fine. I'll get to him later.

I turn to Seokjin, who's unpacking his fishing things. Surely he knows he has no chance of catching something for all seven of us in one sitting, right? And I know he can't prepare that many fish quickly. However, he stays determined.

Before I can talk to him, Namjoon catches my shoulder. I turn around, looking at his determined face. I can see by his set jaw that he's not going to take any of my moaning. "If you want something to do, go and help Jimin collect some dry wood for the fire."

I open my mouth to refuse, but Jimin slots his thin arm into my elbow, and starts to pull me along. When Jimin wants to do something, there's no stopping him. His jaw is just as set as Namjoon's.

He doesn't speak until we're far away from the others, and can't hear them calling to each other anymore. "I know you don't want to be here, hyung, but please stop looking so sour. We all want to have fun, and catch up and have some banter, 'cause we don't get that often enough with the schedule. I know you hate camping, and I'm not the biggest on it, either, but it's not going to kill you."

He bends down, and starts scooping some thick fallen branches into his arms. The deeper we go into the trees, the drier the ground gets, and the branches are dryer. With a sigh, I scoop some up into my own arms, being careful of my sore shoulder.

Jimin looks at me. "Aren't you going to say anything?"


He gives an exasperated sigh. "Hyung! Come on, now! You are so annoying! Can't you just lighten up and at least have a beer with Jungkook, or something? I heard you picking Hoseok on bears just to wind him up, and-"

Something glittering under the leaves makes me freeze, but Jimin doesn't see it. He keeps walking, facing me as he continues to berate me. He steps directly towards the bear trap.

"Jimin stop!" I yell, dropping all the wood I had collected to grab his arm. I manage to yank him away just in time, but make him drop his wood, too. A couple of the branches fall onto the trap, and the metal jaws instantly snap together, crushing the bark instantly. Jimin stares at it with wide eyes, still half bent over from picking up the wood that just got destroyed.

"Hyung," he whispers, then curls up against me, resting his chin on my shoulder. I hold him for a few minutes, until his shaking calms down a little, before bending down to pick up as many of the branches I can manage. Jimin does the same, a little pale, and we quickly make our way back to the others, being very careful in where we step.

At the campsite, Jimin stays quiet about the whole ordeal, but Taehyung takes one look at his pale, drawn face, and instantly shoots me a glare. He wraps his arm around Jimin's shoulders, thinking I must have snubbed him whilst we were alone. I don't move to change his mind.

I look around the camp. Jungkook has brought all three crates down, and is already lounging in a deckchair, sipping a bottle idly, looking into the distance. Seokjin has got all of his fishing stuff ready, and is perring at a map. Hoseok and Namjoon set up the tent together, effortlessly slotting the poles together. Namjoon picks up the mallet to hit the pegs into place, and aims directly at his finger. Hoseok snatches it away from him quickly, and hammers the pegs in himself.

I sit back down on my log, rest my head into my hands, and sulk.


It's dark by the time the firelight starts to die down. Jungkook is now very drunk, lounging in his chair and singing silly songs as Namjoon makes fake guitar riff songs. I found that Jimin had packed my guitar for me to play if I cheered up, but I refused to. I think Namjoon might be a little drunk by now, too.

Seokjin went off a while ago with Taehyung to fish, but they haven't returned yet. I have no idea what time they'll be back, or if they'll actually catch anything. It's not really the season for fishing.

It leaves me with Hoseok, who is curled up by the dying flames, reading a book. As the light flickers, he looks up, sighing. "We need more wood."

"Go and get some, then."

He glares at me. "You go, hyung, since you don't seem to be doing anything."


Hoseok stands up, seemingly angry. Jimin is scary when he's angry, but Hoseok can be a lot worse. No matter what Jimin is doing, he looks somewhat sweet and cute, but Hoseok has a way of furrowing his brows, and straightening his mouth into a straight line, that's somehow very scary. I might be older, but Hoseok honestly scares me.

He grips my arms, and pulls me to my feet. "Come on. Let's go. Now."

I don't argue with him. I decide to drag my feet the whole way, and look like I completely can't be bothered. It seems to wind him up more, but he doesn't say anything more. We get further into the woods, Hoseok pointing a torch just ahead of us. He waits until the twigs snap dryly underneath our feet, before stooping down, and picking some up.

"At least smile once, hyung. You're making me feel sick with your sour expression."


He snaps suddenly. "For fuck's sake, Yoongi! You really are annoying! The others just want to have fun! Can you just pack it in, already?"

"No. Jimin already had this conversation with me. I'm not interested."

Hoseok gives me a little push. The wet leaves on my shoes make me slip, and my feet stumble on the leaves. I know I won't fall, but I stagger backwards a little. A little too much.

My foot presses onto something heavy, and then a metallic thud followed by a sickening snap fills the air. I look down to the bear trap buried deep into my ankle, my face impassive. "Oh."

"Hyung," Hoseok whispers, his face paling. "Oh my God. Hyung. Yoongi!"

I look down at my ripped jeans, at the blood dripping out where the teeth are buried into my skin. My whole leg is a little numb, but the pain is starting to bite through.

"Hyung, talk to me!" Hoseok screams, trying to get me to sit. I let him help me, shivering hard as the pain gets worse and worse, and soon my body is trembling as I scream, my leg cramping and throbbing badly. Hot blood flows into my shoes, and my body starts to set into shock. "How do I get it off?! Yoongi, help! How do I get it off you?!"

"I don't know!" I sob back. As far as I know, the traps aren't actually supposed to hurt me, I'm sure! This must be some sort of poacher's trap."

Hoseok keeps scrabbling at the trap, being careful of the very sharp teeth that are biting into my ankle. I can't feel my foot anymore. I even stop crying as Hoseok frantically fiddles around with it.

"I think I've got it," he says eventually, and starts pressing on parts on the side of the trap. I feel the jaws loosen, and the teeth slide uncomfortably out of my flesh. I give an odd cough, and then instantly throw up onto my lap, giving a soft sob. Hoseok whimpers too, but he keeps pressing until my foot is just about free. "Move your foot!"

I slowly slide my legs out of the clamp, my skin scraping a little as Hoseok struggles to keep it open. My shoe gets caught but I don't care. I yank hard, and my shoe slides off as Hoseok lets go, and the teeth snap together again. It's slick with blood, and I can't reach through to get my shoe at all - not that I will be able to walk with my ankle in tatters, anyway.

"It's pissing blood," Hoseok says kindly, trying to look in the dark, but the torch doesn't light it up enough. Eventually, he rips off his jacket, and tightly binds my ankle. He helps me stand up, and we hop back to the camp. The movement seems to wear off the shock, and I start to cry again, my body shaking with worry.

"You're okay, hyung, you're okay," Hoseok soothes, making me sit on one of the chairs. Jungkook and Namjoon sit up a little, squinting with what the sputtering fire is still giving for light.

"What's happened?" Namjoon slurs a little, as Hoseok points the torch again. He gives a loud gag as he sees the two deep puncture marks on each side of my ankle, and my torn, bloodstained jean leg. It looks like a mess, and my foot merely twitches a little from damage. I can't feel it.

"Get him to the car," Jungkook slurs, getting himself wobbily to his feet. There's no way either him or Namjoon could drive, so Hoseok grabs the keys.

"What's the matter?!" Jimin shouts, crawling out of the tent, his hair still sticking up from sleeping. "Why the shouting?!"

"Yoongi stepped in a bear trap!" Hoseok cries, and then he suddenly bursts into tears, trying to drag me towards the car. I sob with him, clinging tight, shaking with fear.

Jimin grabs my other side, and helps pretty much carry me the long way to the car park. I hear Jungkook saying something about staying behind to wait for Seokjin and Taehyung, but I'm not paying attention. I just sob, and let Jimin and Hoseok carry my weight between them.

Hoseok is usually a careful driver, but as soon as I'm settled into the back with Jimin, he puts his foot down, and we go flying through the lanes. It's easier in the dark, since we can see the headlights of other cars coming from ages away, and make time for Hoseok to slow down and find somewhere to pull over and let them get past. As soon as we get onto the main road, he goes even faster, using the car's infotainment screen to take us to the nearest hospital.

Hoseok parks fast, and helps Jimin drag me towards the door. My leg is slowly becoming more and more numb, and the nausea is coming back. Before I step through the doors, I lean over, and vomit again.

"Help!" Jimin shouts as I get dragged in. A nurse takes one look at my ankle, and pushes me onto a stretcher. More run over, and my ankle gets propped up, and Hoseok starts to recount how I got caught in some trap. One that was designed to hurt, and not to trap.

As we go through a set of doors, Jimin and Hoseok are stopped, and I'm left on my own as I'm taken to the trauma ward. My foot is numbed, and stitches are put into each deep cut. My foot is manipulated, which makes me scream despite the sedation, to try and get the blood flow back, but that doesn't work.

I get quickly rushed off for a scan on my foot, all the while I get a blood transfusion to try and top up what I lost the whole way to the hospital. I sob on my own in the little room, wishing Hoseok or Jimin was there to hold my hand. I'm scared.

I already know the ankle is broken, so when the doctor breaks the news, I don't blink, but I find myself crying again. I don't want more surgery. The one on my shoulder was enough. I hate going under, and I hate how my throat hurts afterwards. I have no choice.

Only Jimin is allowed back into the room, before I get put under. He instantly scoops up my hand, tears gathering in his eyes. "Good luck, hyung! You'll be just fine!"

"I don't want to!" I whine back, starting to shake again. Jimin shushes me gently.

"Oh, hyung ... you have to, or you'll lose your ankle!"

I sob again. "I know!"

He holds my hands tighter, shushing and humming gently to me. The anaesthesiologist slips the mask over my mouth, and I shiver again, looking at Jimin desperately.

"Come on Yoongi, ten, nine, eight ..."


"I don't want to!" I shout as I suddenly come around, looking around me. Hoseok grips my hand hard, slowly pushing me down onto the bed.

"Easy, hyung, it's all over. You don't have to do it again ..."

I swallow the nasty feeling in my throat. "D-Done?"

"All done."

"Done?" I repeat.

Hoseok smiles, squeezing my hand. "All done, Yoongi. Your leg is going to be okay. There's a rod in there to help the bones heal, and the circulation has been repaired. You're gonna be okay."

"Bear traps aren't supposed to hurt," I whisper, feeling all out of sorts.

"That doesn't matter, Yoongi. What matters is that you're going to be okay."

He gives my forehead a gentle kiss, stroking my hair. I feel my eyes flutter shut, still feeling the after effects of being put under. My leg is all heavy, and my throat hurts.

"Sleep well, hyung."


generic "requests closed" that gets ignored

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