Till the end of time (SpiderW...

By Jasontoddswife1441

78.6K 1.4K 103

This is book 1/7 After 7 years of working in Hydra. Wanda Maximoff has finally escaped with her bother Pietro... More

Wanda Maximoff
Peter Parker
The beginning of something
The Party
The party: part 2
The race
The Date
The Morning After
The stake out
I love you
Catch up time
Hydra Base
Make it up to you
Get along
Walk in the park
Lunch with Ned and Peter
Make out
Mistakes will happen
On our way to fight
Choosing a side
Airport Battle
Raft Prision
Authors note! 

Meeting May

1.3K 31 1
By Jasontoddswife1441

Wanda's POV
We got back to the compound and I quickly hopped into my shower, Peter went to his own room to shower. My hair was still braided so I didn't have to do my hair. That was a bonus. I went through my closet and found a blue dress. I put on black wedges, I had to redo my make up but I still had it subtle. I grabbed my black leather jacket and my purse. When I left my room, Peter was just leaving his.
"Hey." I said smiling, He was wearing jeans and plain black shirt, with white shoes.
"Hey you look pretty."
"Thanks." I blushed.
He grabbed my hand, Everyone was in their rooms besides Pietro.
"Hey bro. What you doing?" I asked. He was staring at us and actually smiling. I never actually ever asked Peter about the conversation.
"Just on my way to watch Tv. What are you two doing?"
"I'm going to go meet Peters Aunt." I smiled
"Oh cool."
I let go of Peter's hand and hugged Pietro.
"Have fun." Pietro said
"Thanks." I smiled. I grabbed Peter's hand and we left the compound. We were on our way through the garage.
"Kids." We both turned around.
"Happy?" Peter said
"Hey, Where you guys going?" Happy asked
"We're going to my Aunts." Peter said
"Do you guys need a ride?"
"That would be lovely, Thanks Happy." I smiled. Me and Happy were actually kind of friends. He would always drive me places and I would buy him coffee. We got into the car and Happy dropped us off.
"Thank you." Me and Peter said in unison. Causing us both to smile.
"You guys are cute, Now have fun. Text me if you need a ride back." Happy said smiling. We walked up the stairs. My nerves started setting in now.
"Peter." I sighed
"What's up?" He looked concerned
"What if she doesn't like me."
"She will love you, Trust me." He kissed my forehead. He opened the door.
"May I'm home." He yelled
May came from around the corner. She was wearing a yellow shirt and blue jeans. Her hair was past her shoulders and she had some glasses on.
"Hey!" She exclaimed
Peter ran out and hugged out, I smiled at his cuteness. I could see how much he cared for her.
"May this Wanda." He moved to the side so she could see me.
"Hi." She smiled.
"Hi." I smiled. She wrapped me in a hug, I hesitated hugging her back. But than I wrapped my hands around her. She pulled away and looked at me.
"Wow you are very Pretty." I blushed. She turned to Peter. "She's our of your league." I tried holding back my laughter. Peter chuckled and May laughed.
"Come sit." She gestured her hand to the table. Me and Peter sat next down to each other May sat on the other side of the table. She made Chicken, Salad, Potatoes, Corn and plenty of food.
"Wow this looks amazing." I smiled.
"Thank you, Peter your girlfriend is so sweet." Peter face flushed.
"Yeah, Shes pretty great." He turned to me and smiled. I felt some butterflies in my stomach. I filled up my plate and began eating.
"So how did you two meet?" May asked
"Well since I'm an intern for Stark. One day i was in the halls and I met Wanda." He smiled
"Oh that's so cute, So are you an intern to?" She turned to me. I felt my heart drop. I didn't want to lie to her.
"Um... ya I'm kind of an intern." I smiled
"Oh, That's fun." I think she noticed how uncomfortable I got.
"So how is Tony Stark" She said in a sarcastic voice. We both turned to each other and giggled.
"Yeah, He's Tony Stark." Peter chuckled.
We finished our meal and I grabbed the dishes.
"Wanda You don't have to do that. I can take care of those." May said
"I can take of them as well." I grinned and picked up all the dishes.

Wanda went to the sink and began washing the dishes. I had to go the bathroom so I left. I came back and saw them laughing up a storm.
"What's so funny?" I asked, I leaned against the door frame. Wanda turned to me and her face was red.
"May told me that when you were young, You pretended the floor was lava." She was laughing so much. I was now remembering this and the memory.
"And...that you face planted on the floor, and gave you self a black eye from your elbow." She had to hold the counter so she wouldn't fall over. May was loosing her shit to. I just felt embarrassed but I laughed.
"I'm so...sorry Peter. I shouldn't laugh. It's not that funny."
"It is funny." I laughed. I came up to her and hugged her from behind. May smiled at us.
"Let's go sit down." We moved to the couch. May whipped out an album and Wanda flipped through the pages.
"Aww Peter you are so cute." Wanda smiled
"Ya I was cute child." I grinned. We talked the whole evening.
"Hey it's getting Pretty late and you have school tomorrow Mr." May said. I shrugged.
"Ya, We should probably head back." I said
We stood up and Wanda hugged May.
"Thank you for the food and a wonderful evening." Wanda said
"Your welcome, Come over any time." May smiled. I texted Happy and hugged May.
"Bye Peter, Be safe. Love you." May smiled
"Love you to May." Me and Wanda left the apartment and were walking down the stairs.
"Your Aunt is so sweet, Do you think she liked me?" Wanda asked, She looked concerned
I looked at her in disbelief.
"Wanda she loved you. She is usually quite shy and she opened up quick with you." I smiled
"Ya, She will definitely want you to come back."
"Okay." She smiled. Happy picked us up.
"Thanks again Happy." I said. Wanda gave him a warm smile.
When we got back into the compound it was quiet.
"Is everyone asleep already?"
"I guess." I shrugged, We got down our hallway.
"Have a goodnight Peter." Wanda said. I grabbed her neck and pulled her into a kiss.
"Goodnight babe, I love you." I said
"I love you to Parker." She kissed my cheek and walked into her room. I slipped on some basketball shorts and got into bed. Me and Wanda sent each other memes or funny videos for like an hour. She told me to go to bed. I smiled and plugged my phone in for the night. I set my alarm and fell asleep.

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