Our Melodious Love

By Mcfly_Love

27.1K 594 71

Skye Young is the daughter of the Worlds most famous couple. Her dad's an actor, her mum's a singer. Her brot... More

1. Preparation
2. First Sight
3. Dougie's POV- First Sight
4. To the Stage
5. The End to a Perfect Day
6. Front Page News
7. My Story
8. Dougie's Story
9. Karaoke
10. McGirls
11. Zukie
12. My Parents
13. Confessions
14. Mornings
15. Eventful Day
16. His Family
17. Awards Part 1
18. Awards Part 2
19. Chat Show
20. Kiss and Tell
21. Willow's POV
22. Ignored
23. Dougie's POV
24. Willow's POV
25. Tyler's POV
26. We are Family
27. The Announcement
28. Goodbye
29. Willow's POV
30. Captain
31. The Tour
32. The Snow
33. Dougie's Birthday
34. Christmas
35. Sha La La
36. All in the Luck
37. Happy Birthday To Mee
39. Fun and Games
40. The Last Chapter

38. One Year

562 9 3
By Mcfly_Love

If you were wondering that's Skye's car in the picture above. I didn't want to put it on the last chapter because I didn't want to ruin it. I love it so much, I'm really into things like Nashville and stuff so I find it really cool. Also we're going back to the festival so I'm just explaining what Skye and Willow are wearing. I love Vanessa Hudgens' style from festivals so Skye will be wearing the one on the left and Willow will be wearing the one on the right. Anyway sorry I'll let you carry on now
It was now March and the snow had cleared up. The leaves seemed to be growing back on the trees and the sun was showing its face a lot more. It was still cold but not as bad as February. Just a little chilly, but isn't it always in England?
I had my clothes on, a white kimono over the top to keep me warm and I was ready to go. I'd decorated my arms with bangles and my hands with rings, I had feathers and flowers in my hair and long feathery earrings too.
We were returning to the festival for mine and Dougie's one year anniversary. It was on the same day, just a year later and I was so excited. We were all going and it was going to be epic. There was also another great line up this year. The thing that got me the most excited though was, well, I was one of the acts! I had to go up on the stage and sing a few of my songs! I was so nervous but excited. I'd played in front of a small crowd before but never one as big as a festival! I mean there were thousands of people there. By this time I guess loads of people knew who I was, after being a famous actor and actresses daughter and dating Dougie. But I wanted to be known for my music. I didn't want people to think that I'd just lent on other people and have used them for their fame. It was my time to finally get out there. It's where I'd pick up fans and hopefully meet some too. And I'd be sharing it with the people I love. Yeah, it was going to be awesome.
I grabbed my brown fringe bag and sprinted down the stairs. Willow, Tyler, my mum, my dad, Seb, auntie Alex, uncle Daniel, and the McFly boys were all sat in the lounge.
"Ready?" I asked them and giggled. Dougie stood up next to me and grinned. We all went outside and I clicked my keys to the truck. I'd be driving me and Dougie (as it only had two seats) and a few things in the back. He said that he wanted to drive but I wanted too as it'd give me more practise. The others would be going in separate cars. Tyler was driving Willow and the rest of the McFly boys and my dad was driving the parents. A bus was driving all of our instruments there. I started the engine and we went on our way
As we arrived I slowed down at the parking lot and parked up. We hopped out of the truck and grabbed a few pieces from the back. I looked around me and it looked exactly the same as last year. That made me excited and so happy. I looked over at Dougie and all I could think about was how last year I'd met the man that I'd want to be with for my whole life here.
"Cmon" he laughed and he grabbed my hand and ran to the others. A piece of my blonde hair came loose from my bun but I didn't care.
"Who's ready to have fun!" Willow squealed and jumped up and down. My brother kissed her forehead and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. I still couldn't believe them two ended up together. I walked around and looked up at the stage that I'd be performing on.
"You'll do great" Dougie assured me. He could sense my nerves. We carried on walking and we found the wall that we'd sat on a year ago, asking each other questions about ourselves. We sat on it and I rested my head on his shoulder. Ty, Willow and the boys caught up with us and sat down. A few minutes later I heard girls squealing. I turned around and recognised a couple girls.
"No way!" I squealed and so did Willow. We hopped off of the wall and ran over to the girls where we all hugged each other. Everyone turned around to look at us.
"Lola! Cherry!" I squealed. We hugged them again.
"Cherry?" I heard Harry question. They'd all stood up and joined us now. "Yeah. My mum weird" Cherry answered him. "She's called Charly and my dad's called Terry and she mixed their names together and now I sound like a hooker" she shrugged. I laughed, she was still the same. She had black hair that was straight and a slight tan colour to her skin. Her eyes were brown and were outlined in black eyeliner.
Lola had blonde curls. They were beautiful. She had long curls that went up to her waist. She wore a little pink dress, she was very girly and had pale skin. Her blue eyes sparkled. But that was probably because she had silver glitter covering her.
"It's so great to see you again!" I smiled at them.
"Um, sorry to interrupt or sound rude, but who are these people?" Dougie asked me.
I laughed. "When I went to school these two and Willow, well they were my best friends. But then I got home schooled for my last year because people bullied me because I was 'The Famous One'". I made quotation marks with my fingers and started laughing. "Everyone wanted to be my friend and I could only trust these guys" I pointed to them. "And then we all lost contact!" I stared at them.
"Hey, take my new number!" Lola squealed. They were lovely girls and I didn't realise how much I'd missed them. We all exchanged phone numbers and then they said that they had to be off. I waved goodbye to them and swore that we had to catch up soon. After a little while the other McGirls found us. We stayed sat on the wall for a bit until we heard voices calling "Tom, Danny, Harry, Dougie!" We turned around and I saw two guys running towards us. I recognised them. One had blonde curly hair that was a bit long and he wore a shirt that had a geeky logo on it. The other had black hair with ripped jeans and tattoos. They looked completely the opposite to each other but seemed good friends. The boys jumped off the wall to hug the two guys. Where did I know them from?
"James!" , "Matt!" I heard the boys say and now I remembered. James Bourne and Matt Willis. Busted members. I almost didn't know them without the other one who was the third member. I walked up to them and stood next to Dougie.
"Hey I'm James, you must be Skye" the blonde one smiled.
I grinned back at him. I did like Busted too. "Yeah, nice to meet you".
I shook Matts hand too and I looked at the two boys and felt myself going red. I mentally told myself to stop. Fangirling wasn't the answer.
"Okay, so we kind of have a surprise for you" Tom turned towards the rest of us. We all looked at him.
"So we've all been working on something and haven't told you."
Danny said now "So we've been working with James and Matt and we've decided-"
"To do-" Harry said with a pause.
"McBusted!" Dougie cheered. I stared for a few seconds and then a smile broke out on my face.
"Oh my gosh!" I squealed.
"Is it an okay idea?" Dougie asked me as the boys all asked their partners.
"Are you kidding me? This is amazing!"
The boys all breathed out happily.
"We've wrote a few songs together and we're performing them later" Dougie told me.
I hit his arm. "You idiot! How did you keep this from me?" I giggled.
"I had too! They made me" he whined and I laughed at him. I checked the time and said "I need to go!" I ran to the stage with everybody in tow behind me and I went behind the stage to where everybody was.
"Good luck!" They all said to me. I saw the McBusted boys get into the crowd with everybody else. I peeked at the side and saw that their must have been millions of people there. I felt my hands shaking.
"You'll be fine" Willow hugged me and I hugged her back.
I stepped out on stage and heard such loud screams. Even through my ear piece which always made everything muffled I could still hear them.
"Hey guys!" I said to them. I heard screams as a reply. It made me smile.
"How're you all doing?" I asked them and they screamed again.
"I'm going to play a few songs for you today, I hope you don't mind" I said to them and I saw one girl in the front row crying. She was a bit younger than me, maybe fifteen, sixteen.
"Hey, don't cry" I said to her and tears flowed down her face more and her smile grew huge.
I began singing. I was singing Sparks Fly to open the show and got more relaxed as I sang.
After Sparks Fly I sang Dear John this was a song I wrote about Zac but I had to change the name because I thought that it was too obvious.
After a couple of verses and chrorus' I sang "You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry, Never impressed by me acing your tests, All the girls that you've run dry, Have tired lifeless eyes coz you burned them out. But I took your matches before fire could catch me so don't look now. I'm shining like fireworks" at this point fireworks burst into the sky and I sang with all of my power "over your sad empty town" I looked at the crowd screaming and I saw a face. I'd recognise it anywhere, even if he was at the back of the crowd, a long distance away. Zac. I carried on singing. After that I did a few requests and then had to come off stage. He was still there. After that I still had time left on stage and had to fill it in. I looked at Willow. She could see that something was wrong. She pointed to herself.
"Are you sure?" I mimed to her. She nodded and I hugged her. I brought her on stage and the crowd cheer.
"So guys this is my friend Willow. She's really stage fright so be nice to her. She's going to sing you a song". The crowd cheered and I gave her another hug and whispered "Thank You" to her and I went backstage.
How could Zac be here? Why was he watching me? I took my mind off of it and heard Willow's sweet voice sing one of her own songs, The Way I Loved You. She was awesome and began walking around the stage, slowly getting more comfortable. Once she finished the crowd screamed and she grinned widely. She walked off stage and I hugged her. "You killed it" I said to her and she laughed.
"What's happened?" She asked me.
"Zac's in the crowd"
Her eyes burned into mine. She gave me a squeeze, kept her arm around my shoulders and we walked off stage.
"You were both amazing" Dougie said to us. I hugged him and saw somebody behind him.
"What's wrong?" Dougie asked, seeing my face and he turned around. I'd told Dougie about Zac and he knew who he was because Zac was also famous.
"Hey Skye" he smiled.
I stared at him.
"Can I talk to you?"
"No." I tried to make my voice sound strong and determined but it came out weak and puny.
I looked into his brown eyes. "Fine" I sighed.
"Skye!" Willow warned me.
"I'll be okay" I assured her. I saw her look at me and then walk off with the others.
"What do you want?" I asked him.
"I just wanted to see how you are and if you're doing okay" he said to me.
"I'm fine" I crossed my arms.
"Look I'm just trying to be nice" he said to me.
"Oh yeah, you're always nice aren't you Zac? You were nice to Veronica when I saw you making out!" I said to him angrily. Revenge was sweet.
"I'm sorry! It was two years ago! I should have never done that. That was the biggest mistake I've ever made. I should have never-"
"Baby!" I heard a voice say. I knew that voice. Veronica appeared out of nowhere. Her brown hair was swept into a messy bun, her heavy makeup was plastered on her face and her 'vintage' dress barely showed through all of the skin it was revealing. I pulled a face. She draped her arms around his neck and ran her hand through his black hair. I saw his jaw tighten and he wiped his forehead.
"Oh hi Skye" she smiled maliciously at me. "You look-" she looked me up and down and turned her attention back to Zac. "I'm going to get some ice cream, do you want some?" Her ever present frown was still etched on her face and it looked as troubling as always. She tried to look like Victoria Beckham but really couldn't pull it off.
"Whatever" he huffed.
She strutted off and I began walking.
"Skye!" Zac called after me.
I turned to face him.
"It's fine Zac, I have a good life, you should go sort yours out" I said to him, and carried on walking but then stopped.
"Oh," I said and faced him. I saw his face lift. I put on my best Veronica voice "Enjoy your ice cream!" I carried on walking and searched for my friends.
Finally I found them playing Truth or Dare sat on the grass.
"Hey guys" I said to them, standing next to Dougie. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I sat in his lap.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"I'm really good" a huge smile appeared on my face. I was so happy that I'd spoken to Zac and showed him what he was missing.
"Good" Dougie muttered and he put his chin on my shoulder.
The sky was becoming orange now and Tom checked his watch. "We have to get going guys! We're performing now!" We ran to their stage and I watched them all put their guitars on. James and Matt hung backstage with us, waiting to surprise everybody and it was going to be epic.
McFly sang Five Colours and Star Girl and then introduced the new members of 'McBusted' I smiled as I saw the crowd start hyperventilating, crying, screaming and grinning like Cheshire Cats as James and Matt appeared on the stage.
"And we've wrote a few songs for you guys," James spoke. "They're called Air Guitar and Get Over It" I watched the guys all play together and we cheered for them. They all worked well together and everyone's voice complimented each other's. I watched Dougie jumping around and smiled. He looked so happy and I was grateful that I was his girlfriend.
Eventually it was time to go home. We were all packed up and met the adults. We said goodbye to James and Matt and then we went on our way back home. When I'd dropped Dougie off at the band house I went home. There I went straight to my room and wrote a song called Better Than Revenge.
The songs that Skye sing like Sparks Fly, Dear John and (you can hear these on YouTube) Better Than Revenge are all by Taylor Swift. The Way I Loved You that Willow sang is by Selena Gomez. Also please watch Dear John Speak Now World Tour Taylor Swift on YouTube. It's amazing and how I expected the song to be when I described it. Please comment your opinions in the comments!!! I love hearing what you think. I hope you enjoyed it x

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